Out of Box Problems with New Mini Magnum

Started by hanks424, October-19-14 15:10

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Brand new one week old mini magnum 1 1/8" barrel bought from a dealer. Gun fires and cycles OK, but keyholes with CCI 40 gr. Maxi-Mag ammo at 10 feet.

I also noticed that the hammer blade looks beat up, and there are marks on the cylinder. I've only fired about 40 rounds through this gun, and never have dry-fired it. (click on pictures to enlarge).

Since there are no FTF's, I don't understand how the cylinder could get marked up. Does the trigger look normal? Again, I never dry fired it.

Comments are welcome. I'll be contacting NAA customer service.
50+ years shooting - wish I saved my brass.


I think you mean the "Hammer" blade looks beat up .... not the "Trigger" blade ....
I could be wrong ...

Also .... YES !   ... Looks like Someone has dry fired the crap out of your new toy.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Glenn- Yes, hammer blade makes more sense! Changed it.
I still don't see if some idiot even dry fired with the cylinder in place could have beat up the hammer & made 'out-of-registration' hits on the cylinder. Strange.
50+ years shooting - wish I saved my brass.


Did you buy this online or at your LGS???


Looks to me like somebody prior to you has dry fired it more than a few times.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I have seen a cylinder and hammer blade that have had a lot of dry fire activity. This one does not look bad. It does not necessarily look new, as I would expect it to look. My question would be, "Was it in the display case, or was it brought from storage?" My bet is it was in the display case.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


  I seem to remember a thread we had about the question of dry firing a weapon and some swore this could not happen and never harm the gun , well here ya go . Even allot FFL dealers have no clue about taking care of a gun , I had one that was using pliers to try and take out a Freedom Arms cylinder pin because he didn't realize it pushed and turned then pull , had to send for another it was so bad . They give those licenses out to allot that shouldn't have them ............ Go show the bozo you bought that from then send it in to NAA for revamping . Beware buying a gun that isn't tie wrapped so someone can't operate it on the show floor , being in a box is meaningless , and even then look it over with a fine toothed comb or your asking for trouble , after they get your money it will you caused that kinda talk . Sorry for your mishap , good luck . Shady bunch like this last poster , hahahahahaha , just kidding Gray . Hohohohoho . :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

Javier C.

If this is a well trusted dealer, someone with whom you've satisfactorily dealt before, take it back to him and ask what the marks are all about.  If he is not well known to you, then put him on your "caution" list when you buy firearms in the future. 

Did the dealer tell you it was a "factory fresh" revolver, or was it a "demo" gun for customers to handle and play with while deciding whether to buy one?  If the dealer says it is "factory fresh" and you accept his word, then contact NAA and explain the situation.  I've bought two "brand new" Mini-Magnums, and never saw so much battering and marking on the cylinder, nor on the hammer.

Whatever you choose, what you have is not standard for a factory new NAA Mini revolver of any caliber.


Thanks to all who responded. This forum is a great asset.
My mini is taking a trip back to Utah. As many have stated, NAA customer service is one of the best.
I'll chime in after the gun is returned.
50+ years shooting - wish I saved my brass.


The ATF does not care what you know about firearms. All they care about is if you meet the qualifications to get the license, and then follow the rules to keep it. You probably would not like shopping at my store. I am not large enough to have stock for the back and separate stock for display purposes.

According to NAA, if the cylinder is removed, there is no harm to dry fire any NAA mini. If there is no cylinder in the gun, how can the cylinder get damaged? How can the tip of the hammer get damaged if there is nothing there to strike?
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


grayelky  -- I have been around the block several times, but have only owned this gun for 7 days. As I mentioned, I NEVER dry-fired this gun. The gun came from backroom stock (not a demo) of a high-volume dealer.  Someone obviously has messed with it.
Take a close look at the hammer -- there are marks mid-blade -- how did these occur?
Further, the strike marks on the cylinder occur mid-round. How is this even possible unless the gun is totally out of time (it isn't).
No one has answered this question. Totally baffled.
50+ years shooting - wish I saved my brass.


  Hey Gray glad you got a sense of humor thanks . Some of the best dealers that USE TO BE here were also excellent smiths also , above and beyond best but I say USE TO BE because theres a big lot outfit (" Lotus Gunworks " out of Kentucky I believe) that are clueless about anything except pulling a trigger or removing a slide that moved in lately and is trying to buy out these guys but sorry to say they retired and closed shops instead of giving in . Priced them out of the business (volume buying pays off) to the unknown type crowds of people that really shouldn't operate a firearm much less own one. Such a shame , one of my buddies his shop looked like a hoarders museum ( 2500 square feet under roof and 50 years worth of buying and trading from flintlocks to custom knives and everything in between , DAM ) that was such a great place to wander around and wish , hardly was any walk space , fabulous . Buddy I miss you like I would my wife if your on here . :) :) :) 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .