2 Holster Questions

Started by Fardog, October-21-14 08:10

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Can I reverse the clip on the plastic holster on the. 22 LR gun ?

Also at a gun show this weekend a vendor Selling holsters for NAA TYPE GUNS said that the plastic holsters often break. I wondered first off if it breaks does NAA replace it for free? 

Also, do you think it is true that it breaks a lot? :-[

Thanks 😀


Yes, the belt clip may be placed on either side of the grips.  I have three holster grips and have not managed to break one yet. I carry a black widow most of the time and have sat on it,  leaned hard against it, snagged it, tugged it and dropped it over the years and it's no worse for wear. It is stable as a grip when I get to shoot it.

Kentucky Kevin

I Love God, my family, wisdom and almost love my 4 pairs of holster grips
Jesus loves YOU all of you
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