Finally filed front sights down on BW so I could hit something

Started by sharpblade, July-01-11 10:07

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Spent a couple hours filing my sight down so I could hit.  Works much better now, shoot right under the target and you get a hit.  Before I had to raise the front sight bout half way above the rear sight and that pretty much covered the target you were shooting at.



"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

Hmm. Looks like a decent job from the side. Can you post a sight picture?


I can't get a very good one.  This is the best I can do.


cedarview kid

Well, if you can hit your POA, I think that'll do fine! Nicely done.


If you change ammo you will change the point of aim again. The easier way is to change ammo in the beginning.

   In most cases changing to a heavier bullet will print higher & a lighter bullet will print lower.


Sharpblade - Good work. I keep meaning to file down the front sight on my mini  

   magnum to just a stub, since I really just sight down the barrel anyway.


Nice job, hard to make that first pass with the file though.


   A while back I did the same to my Saginaw M1 Carbine.  Took the whole afternoon.


My b/w rear sight doesn't have a set screw in it and it moves sometimes. Did you drill it or did it come that way.


nice work sharpblade. looks good with the white.


   gunslinger, I don't mean to answer for sharpblade(especially since I don't know all the details) but I remember hearing awhile back that NAA offered the setscrew option. Maybe it was just on guns that had been returned to the factory, I can't remember.

   The front sight on one of my BW's was drifting some so I got it sighted in I put a little superglue on both edges. Don't know how long it will hold but it seems to be doing fine since.




   If you change ammo you will change the point of aim again. The easier way is to change ammo in the beginning.

   In most cases changing to a heavier bullet will print higher & a lighter bullet will print lower.


   Do you own a Mini?  


   They notoriously shoot low.  Very low.  Mine is about 12 inches low at 7 yards.  Ain't no way an ammo change is going to fix that.  Fortunately I know what sit picture I need to take to hit exactly where I want to.  Filing my site would leave little left and destroy the attractiveness of the gun for me.


   Op awesome job cutting that down, it looks like it cam out of the factory that way.


Wildtim, I am aware that using different weight bullets will change the point of impact but this one was so far off I couldn't find any 22's that would shoot dead on. Like you, I shoot at 7 yards mostly and found after filing the sight down that remington yellowjackets(33 grains) shoot dead on at that distance.  36 Grain federal bulk pack ammo shot bout an inch higher and 40 grain remingtons shot just a little higher than that but I had rather aim just a little under the target than over it when I am shooting.  NAA sent me the new rear sight with the set screw after I called and complained bout the rear sight moving around every time I shot.  That was very nice of them by the way.