Do you carry a NAA Mini for Self Defense?

Started by Dinadan, November-21-14 15:11

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Do you carry a NAA Mini for Self Defense?

I never carry a Mini for self defense.
5 (9.1%)
I sometimes carry a Mini as a back up gun.
6 (10.9%)
I sometimes carry a Mini as my primary self defense gun.
25 (45.5%)
I normally carry a Mini as my primary self defense gun.
15 (27.3%)
I normally carry two or more Minis as my primary and backup self defense guns.
4 (7.3%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Voting closed: December-05-14 15:12


This question has come up before. However, it has been a while and members have come and gone. I just wondered what the folks on this forum are doing these days. I chose option five, since I usually carry two Minis. Sometimes it is just one or none, but I try to take two.


I carry a Glock 42 in the front pants pocket and a .22 Mag in an ankle holster. I'm too old to fight, too slow to run,and this sort of equalizes things.
Don't take life to seriously---you'll never live through it.


Wasp is my primary . . . I prefer the magnum cylinder for this reason.  I am sure that down the road I'll own several more (and larger) guns that I may prefer to carry.  (And probably another mini or two...who am I kidding?)  I practice when I can and am realistic about the capabilities of this gun. :)
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." --Churchill


Quote from: Goldsmithy on November-21-14 15:11
I carry a Glock 42 in the front pants pocket and a .22 Mag in an ankle holster. I'm too old to fight, too slow to run,and this sort of equalizes things.
I carry my primary Mini in my front pants pocket and my BUG Mini in my boot, so we are fairly close our carry. One reason I like the ankle/boot carry is that it is real hard to draw a gun from my front pocket when I am sitting.


It is according to the weather.
I always have 2 minis in warm weather.
In cold/coat weather the minis are backups to larger caliber handguns.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I carry a S & W 640 Pro IWB and my Pug as a back up in a Ragsdale holster in my pocket. The only time I carry just the Pug only is when I run out with my dog in the morning and evening for her walks. I'll just drop it in my pocket in the holster loaded with Hornaday Critical Defense. 45 Gr.


Widow with Hornady Critical


TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I will carry when I receive my new Shorty.   If I find another one, I will carry two on occasion.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


During the week doing my normal routine of work, etc I carry a BW in kydex IWB holster. Weekends I usually carry a Walther P99 Compact, Walther PPS, or CZ P-01.

I don't carry a BUG.
.22 LR 1-1/8
.22 M Blackjack
.22 M Pug D
.22 M Pug T
.22 M BlackWidow


Almost always have two or more guns on me. I usually carry either a Custom Glock 35 or 23 in 9mm, custom 1911 in .45 acp or an HK P7-13 in 9mm as my main. I then have a host of BUG's; Pug in back pocket, Baby Browning or Beretta 950 6.35mm, Beretta 21a or Walther TPH .22LR, or a Bersa Thunder or Stainless Colt Mustang .380 all of which I will carry on my belt.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


RogueTS1 - One heck of a load out for that belt! I live in such a warm climate that the bigger guns are hard to conceal under my light cloths. The past couple of weeks I have been able to carry my SP101 a bit. Because I normally carry Minis, when I have a .357 in my vest I keep feeling like it makes a conspicuous bulge. Of course no one pays attention. 


I carry my Black Widow in my left front pocket as primary while walking the dogs, riding my bike or going to the gym. I often carry it as a backup to my LCRx or Kahr CW9 also.


I am amazed that every time this comes up there is such a large percentage of folks feeling a need to carry for self defense but unwilling to recognize the inadequacy of the .22 for said purpose.
I never carry less than a .380 but most often a 9mm. But then, I consider myself a realist. Each to their own.


Quote from: cfsharry on November-22-14 22:11
I am amazed that every time this comes up there is such a large percentage of folks feeling a need to carry for self defense but unwilling to recognize the inadequacy of the .22 for said purpose.
I never carry less than a .380 but most often a 9mm. But then, I consider myself a realist. Each to their own.
I understand what you are saying about the inadequacy of .22 LR or Mag.

I would say that there is realism about ballistics. That realism leads to larger and more powerful guns. So .32 is better than .22, but .357 is better than .32, then .44 is better than .357.

There is also a realism about self knowledge. I realize that I am not going to drop a .357 in my pocket on most days. There are a few months a year here on the Gulf Coast where I dress heavy enough for waistband carry or carry in a concealment vest, which is my favorite. I have checked out the Ruger LCR and I decided that even it would not do for hot weather. I do not like autos, but I have seen some .380 pistols that might carry okay in my front pants pocket, however, I plan to stick to revolvers.


I carry every day frount right pocket. Lately it's been the sidewinder


I understand what you are saying relative to climate, dress and the need for tiny.  Living in WI I do not have the same issue. 
My real point is the intellectual divergence that allows for feeling the need for self protection but then feeling secure while carrying a gun so terribly unsuitable for the task. If dress requires the smallest possible gun, OK to a Mini. If dress allows for a somewhat larger carry piece and a Mini is the sole carry, then I wonder just how much that individual has really thought the concept through.


Quote from: Dinadan on November-22-14 18:11
RogueTS1 - One heck of a load out for that belt! I live in such a warm climate that the bigger guns are hard to conceal under my light cloths. The past couple of weeks I have been able to carry my SP101 a bit. Because I normally carry Minis, when I have a .357 in my vest I keep feeling like it makes a conspicuous bulge. Of course no one pays attention.

I hope you realize that I am only carrying one of each of those. One Primary and one BUG. Sometimes I will also throw the Pug into a back pocket for a total of three.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  I'm with Harry on this for sure shooting a perk either stoned on PCP , Meth , coke , weed(not probable) , drunk on alcohol they most likely not even know they were shot , even multiple times , only a lethal shot to the head (brain) , heart , neck (mass area) is going to be effective . Nothing short of cutting this as*holes head off is going to stop them . So large caliber bullets with the most expansion  are your best bet , at least the punch of the bullet will make effect . Also in order to shoot someone they better have already made very aggressive contact with you in some form or manner (within touching ones self at least ) , so sighting , lasers and scopes are not an issue for use with this confrontation . That's how close you'll have to be to walk away legally (with witnesses) , honest . Most likely you'll have blood on you , yours or his , his if you shoot . This is the realistic way it will probably be . Home invasion is a whole other issue where everything said does not apply but out in public everybody is innocent until . Just from what I've read over the years it's better to mind your own business if you want to stay out of the place with three hots and a cot .  :-X 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: RogueTS1 on November-23-14 12:11
I hope you realize that I am only carrying one of each of those. One Primary and one BUG. Sometimes I will also throw the Pug into a back pocket for a total of three.
RogueTS1 - I figured that: just kidding around! Though it would be a darned cool gun belt to keep hanging by the door for when you go out.
Quote from: OV-1D on November-23-14 13:11
  I'm with Harry on this for sure shooting a perk either stoned on PCP , Meth , coke , weed(not probable) , drunk on alcohol they most likely not even know they were shot , even multiple times , only a lethal shot to the head (brain) , heart , neck (mass area) is going to be effective . Nothing short of cutting this as*holes head off is going to stop them . SNIP
OV-ID - I have spent a good deal of time thinking about that kind of scenario. My conclusion is that I will just take my chances. Back when I was in the Navy I actually saw an incident where a young man (we were all mighty young) took some kind of substance and went "crazy". The kind of belligerent crazy where it took about a dozen guys to control the man, and he would still somehow burst out of the heap bellowing in incoherent rage. Boy am I glad I did not do drugs!! If I run into someone like that who is bent on killing me, then I will probably be a goner. But that kind of thing is really rare.
Quote from: cfsharry on November-23-14 10:11
I understand what you are saying relative to climate, dress and the need for tiny.  Living in WI I do not have the same issue. 
My real point is the intellectual divergence that allows for feeling the need for self protection but then feeling secure while carrying a gun so terribly unsuitable for the task. If dress requires the smallest possible gun, OK to a Mini. If dress allows for a somewhat larger carry piece and a Mini is the sole carry, then I wonder just how much that individual has really thought the concept through.
You make a good point. I do have a concealment fanny pack that works good with my SP101. I used it a bit, but I realized that I was immediately identifying anyone with a similar as carrying, which made me uncomfortable about it.


  The younger generation is becoming more and more unstable even without drugs or alcohol Why all I can put it on is they are unconnected , lonely , violence feed maniacs that have no rules or life . Our culture is screwed if we don't start to say NO MORE destruction of our minds but most important our childs minds .  We need GOD more than ever before in history yet he's being more and more pushed away .   >:( >:( >:( :'( :'( :'(
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


This is a second to what OV wrote.  If the world were more what it should be regular carry would not be needed.  Here in Charlotte a year or so ago a man was out running and was assaulted and killed -- apparently just because he was out there


I carry a collapsible baton in my pocket
or on my belt, it takes up the same space
as a small Mag-Light, but once extended
gives you about the same swing that a
baseball bat offers in a smaller metal
package.....and I carry my Black Widow
as a backup to that with some extra ammo.

A collapsible baton is pretty much the same
as having a tire iron at your disposal. It can
in many cases even up a fight without the
use of a gun period.

And Boom......There it was!!!!


I have recently purchased a couple of the firefighter holsters that will fit a PUG or other NAA.

I may carry that as a back up or extra car gun.

Otherwise either a Colt New Agent (w/Crimson Laser) or Bill Wilson Carry is my usual carry with an extra mag.

I know I would not want to be shot with anything but the .45 JHPs give me comfort as a carry option.


  Happiness is a warm 45 , kinda makes a day complete . :)  Love my 22's but just for plinking around and looking at . :) 
Addition : Heck I'd carry a deck cannon with shrapnel in it if I could get away with it .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I don't know if you've checked your states' laws on what kinds of weapons are legal to carry - or not. I know in California, where I live (I know, I know . . .) carrying a baton is a felony unless one is an active duty peace officer. Same with that bayonet-thingy discussed in another thread in this section. Carrying a concealed firearm without authority is only a misdemeanor. Go figure . . .

Laws in other states vary to some degree but I've found that most states have similar laws. Best to check it out first.

Anyway, as one who has actually used a baton many times in street fights, I can tell you they are often ineffective unless one knows how to use it. My best success came with a side-handled "Monadnok" baton I used against a DUI suspect who outweighed me by 100 pounds. Those collapsible batons? I sure wouldn't count on them. Rather than strike, I've found the most effective way to use a baton is to jab, block, and then maybe strike. A collapsible baton may not allow jabs. Just some thoughts . . . sopsax


1 1/8" mini in .22lr everyday In front pocket
NAA Riverboat Gambler Owner.


It is kind of strange that concealed carry license applies only to handguns, at least in some states. I have a boot knife that I really like to carry in my left boot along with a LR in my right boot. An LEO on this forum pointed out that in his state (Texas) the knife would be illegal. That made me look up and read my state (Alabama) law on the subject. My conclusion was that it would probably require a judge to sort it out, I could not really tell what the law said. So I have stopped carrying boot knives unless I am out in the country.

I think that batons would be the same as knives: the law does not say that you cannot carry, but it does not make it clear that you can carry, either.


Yeah, very strange indeed.  WI law allows only a handgun for concealed carry, at least that is how I understand our law. 


The law must specifically disallow something in order for it to be illegal. It must be in black and white for one to be charged with a crime.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I agree, Rogue. California has what is known as the Dangerous Weapons Control Law (recently re-numbered in the Penal Code). California is also a "codified" state where all laws must be spelled out - no so-called "common law" stuff. Many states have similar laws and procedures.

In CA's DWCL, they spell out weapons that are prohibited - dirks, daggers, billie clubs, saps, metal knuckles, etc. Interestingly, there are no exceptions for honorably retired peace officers and no licensing procedures for the general public. Possession of firearms is included in that chapter, but there are exceptions for honorably retired peace officers and procedures for licensing.

I suppose that if someone felt the need for a blunt weapon, a standard baseball bat, golf club, or cane may suffice and NOT come under the DWCL, at least in CA. sopsax


Quote from: RogueTS1 on November-24-14 16:11
The law must specifically disallow something in order for it to be illegal. It must be in black and white for one to be charged with a crime.
Quite right. But there are so very many laws on the books. Some are antiquated but never repealed. I know that there was an old law against carrying some knives in my state. I could not see where the concealed carry law specifically negated that law. I really do not think that many LEOs in my area would arrest a man with a CCW for having a knife, but you just never know. 


Part of the problem would be IF you had to use something like a knife or other weapon prohibited by law. You may not be arrested and charged if simply stopped by an officer (say, a traffic offense where somehow the situation escalates), but after someone goes down by your weapon, THEN is when all the aspects of the case will be considered by 1) the handling law enforcement agency, and 2) the prosecutor.

I always urge folks who are thinking they may need to engage in self-defense to make sure everything they employ is legal. True, the old saw about I'd rather be tried by 12, etc., etc. sounds tough in talking over a jack-on-the-rocks, but the aftermath of some incident can really screw up your life. Yes, death or serious injury can, too. You must weigh the options, I think. sopsax


I believe the Florida Concealed Weapons Permit allows ANY weapon that is legal to own, to be carried if properly concealed.  Stick a shotgun down your pants leg and hobble down the street?  You're good to go in the Gunshine State.


Quote from: bleak_window on November-25-14 06:11
I believe the Florida Concealed Weapons Permit allows ANY weapon that is legal to own, to be carried if properly concealed.  Stick a shotgun down your pants leg and hobble down the street?  You're good to go in the Gunshine State.

Yes, that's true, also you can use the old 'no, I'm just happy to see you' line.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''