New Topics...

Started by kennyb, July-05-11 08:07

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Valued Message Board Users - Based on your suggestions and in an effort to keep our board well organized and to alleviate thread drift we have added some new topics/categories.  "Politics" and "Off-Topic" have been added.  In "Politics" you can post the latest news, information, rants and praises about the current political climate.  In "Off-Topic" feel free to use that topic for anything unrelated to Politics or NAA Product information and questions (IE jokes, etc).  In the meantime we are always looking for new ways to better organize and make information easily accessible to our valued members.  If you have any more questions, comments or concerns, you can always email me at: [email protected] or you can call me at: 800.821.5783, ext. 212.






PS. I would invite all of our veteran users to provide an example of using and getting the ball rolling in these new categories!


   Thanks again,




THANKS!!!  an excellent idea!


"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid


I like this.  I do believe, however, that since we are limiting the NAA Products category to NAA firearms, we should have another category for Other Firearms.  That's how other company-focused fora do it.


I hope religious topics are not relegated to the back seat of the bus, so to speak, and are included in the same section as politics.  Religion & Politics has a nice ring to it and is much more inclusive.  Thank you very much.

cedarview kid

I think that's a fair assumption, Tranq.


Thank you Dar.


i seem to be in the minority on this but one of the best things about this board to me was its unified layout. Fragmenting posts to different sections will just weaken the unique dialog we often attained here. Its too bad that some of the guys who didnt like some of what was being posted from time to time instead of just skipping over those threads had to whine, wail and knash teeth,  until the administrator changed the board.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


This didn't work for CJ and I doubt it will work now. We will all wind up on the main board again.....but thanx for trying Kenny!

cedarview kid

I partially agree with you guys, Joe and Chops. It's less convenient to navigate to different pages. I still think it makes sense, though (from someone has almost NEVER visited the Stories section over the years since it was created, LOL). We shall see, I suppose.


I will say that the way things were going, it was not the best way to promote interest in NAA firearms  for the newbie or interested. When you first visit and you see the top topics are things like: threaddrift, is this the stupidest thing ever said?.

   You get the idea, leave the main page to NAA and related issues. If you wanna talk religion and politics, you have your place. My $0.02.


Jupiter, visit some other forums. Many are strict about conversation but there are literally tons of them that the only thing that the posts have in common is the posters use the product. This is really not that unique.


Ken --> I applaud the effort. Let's give it a try.  I agree with whoever said that it'd be nice to have a section for "Other Firearms," though.


Mndoug wrote:  

   Ken --> I applaud the effort. Let's give it a try. I agree with whoever said that it'd be nice to have a section for "Other Firearms," though.



   I second that. It would be nice not having 'Politics' shoved in my face, an escape from it is nice option of choice.


   As for having sub-forums, everyone surfs through threads, right. Having a neat reference scheme for interests is what I will call "order" not "chaos", much more user friendly by grouping. A newcomer will find it much easier to explore and find information without having to sort through an enormous amount of irrelevant posts. Plus this forum is open to the public for reading, some most likely will not join into discussion because it may seem to be a select group controlling discussions because of the random nature of threads.


   The big issue I see is the work needed to sort through and move threads to the corresponding sub-forum. LOL 'Kennyb' did you see that one coming?


   Enough of my hoopla, the forum has been outstanding, the management has and is doing a superior job.


well done kenny

   I will do my best to keep my naaproducts posts and threads limited to naaproducts.

   Tom, I think the off-topic section would work for "other firearms".


Chopprs had a very good point.  This entire board is here at the invitation  of NAA.  We should all stick to their rules, period.


   The best way I see to do that is thru the board administrators.


   Any posts not in the proper topic should be deleted at once by the administrators with the tag, NOT CORRECT TOPIC


   As this would be a big job for the administrators, forum members could notify administrators when a thread is out of topic. It would not take many deletions for even the hardheads to get the idea.


   This is the only way it will work.




   I will say that I visit many other forums everyday, this one is surely different than the rest.

cedarview kid

Well, Jupiter, as the Saturn car company used to say (and this comes from an owner of 5 different Saturns, three of which I still own and drive): Different is Good. (Well, that's paraphrasing.)


   (Jupiter, Saturn, get it? LOL.)


Wife and mom both drive saturn SUV's. Good play on words Naacollector! Could have gotten outta hand though. Uranus eventually would have come up...


I am pretty new to this site still but I do like the NAA part just for the NAA gun posts. Thats why I visit this forum, for the gun info.


great now we will be ratting on each other about threads in the wrong section
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


It would be nice to come here with a cup of coffee and see a thread with a question about sights on a Black Widow with 25 posts and not have it drift to Obama after 5.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

Wow, there's a new category called "Other Guns (Non-NAA)" available. Talk about fast service!


this looks good,should be interesting.




   "Coinchop and Red14" made me do it...


   Make a request more visible.

   Request = Have All Sub-Forums collate posts by the most recent response to the top of the page.


   Only the "NAA Products" sub-forum does this.


   "Coinchop and Red14" prove the need in this thread -


   Give the above link time to finish loading, it will bring you to the bottom of that page, where the current discussion is.




cedarview kid

I keep seeing that there are new posts in the Stories section, but I can't find them. I guess I know why!


Yea I emailed NAA about that as well and I am hoping that they can/will fix it soon.




   Sorry about this! Thanks for all the feedback on the sorting issue.  I know its a setting inside the moderator/administrator tools.  Our IT person was out all week so I am trying to discover it myself. Hopefully we will have it corrected by monday.




Kenny Thanks!


All - I believe I found it and got it corrected.  I posted a test post in the Politics and Religion section on a thread that has been inactive since 7/8 and it resorted the topic to newest up at the top.  Please let me know your feedback.




Kenny Looks like it worked YEAH!


Thanks for your efforts Kenny. Trying to track down new posts was making me loose interest in the new categories.  I like it when the most recently posted threads migrate to the me lazy


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Thank You Kennyb, works great, Being Lazy is much easier now!!!