Some new carry methods

Started by Pugmeister, January-05-15 16:01

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When I got my Pug last summer I bought a pocket holster for it from RKBA holsters. It's a very nice rig that works great, but I kept thinking that sometimes I'd like to carry it on my belt at times especially walking, hiking and working in the yard.

As you can see by my avatar I'm a flintknapper, but about a month ago I decided to get into leather working. The chief financial officer wasn't to impressed when I told her I wanted to buy some leather craft tools but she got over it.

The black pouch with the Pug is 3 1/2" X 5 1/2" and was wet formed for the Pug only.

The larger brown one is 4" X 6" and was wet formed with a block so it can be used left side or right and will accept any of the revolvers up to 1 5/8" inch barrel or 5 1/8" overall.

Primarily made for belt use but could also be attached to a pack.

Let me know what you think of the concept and the pieces.
I've got thick skin so don't be shy.

I'm having problems with the pictures and had to resize them so I hope this works!
I wish I knew how to arrange these pics and could add a caption.



Good start, and I like the idea, but you end up with the same thing as using a cell phone case, which is the gun butt shows from the side.
I have thought about trying to make one where the front piece of leather goes up to the top flap, and then is notched out in front so when the flap is up
you can pull the gun out, and when the flap is snapped down you can't see the gun. Would take some wet forming.
Keep us posted as you go..


  Had to do just that add a piece of leather to cover the boot grip . 8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


The first one is 3" wide and it's a lot easier to see the butt of the gun.

But on second and third, (the 3.5" and 4") I left the flap larger and the extra width really helps hide the butt. Someone would have to bend over to even get a partial look at it and then most people wouldn't know what it is anyway.

But I'll see what I can come up with, to do as you mentioned and try to cover the butt from view.
I may be able to wet form a small 90 degree piece and rivet or sew it to the flap at the rear of the flap similar to the pic that OV-1D just



  Yup , for the gun to be legally concealed it must never be able to be seen from any angle even if a officer has to stand on his or her head . That was my trouble trying to find a piece of leather pliable enough to bend properly and still retain it's shape when closing . Mine I know looks rough still but everytime I try to trim it it will not close and cover at the same time so I left it alone . Good luck with yours . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


After careful consideration in the R&D dept., before I add anything to the pouch, I'm going to wet form the upper portion of the pouch flap front and back.  (I'm referring to the larger 4" brown pouch.)
I'm hoping that by forming the upper portion along with the lower part, that you would need a proctologist to tell what's inside.

The only variable is that the sidewinder grip is 5/32" thicker than the pug, but I'll try it and see what happens.
The pouch flap has relaxed a bunch already by being snapped closed with gun inside. (I took the pictures right after attaching the female snap to the flap, and not letting it set.)

I'll see what happens.

Thanks for your input.


"Poo Poo" on carrying concealed legally. It is bad enough one has to get a permit to carry in the first place let alone be bullied into, "It must be concealed or we will get you."

PS: I understand what you are stating OV; I am just poo pooing the idea. Permits, if we have to have them and we should not, should be simply to carry whether concealed or not. That way there is no way for the "Sneaksters" to legally bust you up for practicing your 2nd amendment rights.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


There are many open carry states as well.  There would probably be a market for something along these lines.

Having something unique about it would probably encourage buyers to get one.


  Actually Freedom Arms made a great belt attached conceal holster for these mini's .  8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Look at Sneaky Pete holsters. The same concept with the gun being totally concealed.


I agree with you Rogue. I also think it would be a stretch that a member of law enforcement is actually going to bend over and try to look under the flap of this pouch but OV has a point.

Sneaky Pete doesn't offer anything for our revolvers Jim, but I guess you could buy their smallest and make a form to orient the gun.

I like the design of the holster OV-1D just posted but I don't see it on their site.
I wonder if they'd mind if I borrowed some of the features of that one.  ;)


Hey OV-1D,
I think you should go into the leather craft business.  That pocket idea with the pull-out catty is .... What can I say.... I want one.  And yes, you are absolutely right about the grip issue.  So now I'm going to The Kid to see if he will put me somewhere in his long line for a custom modified OV-1D design.  That is unless you want to do it for me 😍.????  See, now you've cause me to sin.  Like I need another holster....Ha!
"Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision." - Winston Churchill
Sig P238, 380; NAA Pug, Mini, & Black Widow, .22 Mag/LR all Combo(s), NAA Sidewider .22 Mag;  Colt 1908, .25 ACP



I would respectfully suggest stitching a small/flat magnet into the flap where the snap's are currently located, with a small/flat metal plate on the outer face of the holster, as an easy-opening closure. (the same as some cell phone belt holders)

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


  Auburn I'd like to take credit for this great piece of leather but I can't ," Johnson Custom Leather " is the maker that I picked up on E-Bay I believe . Good luck . All I did is add that cover leather piece . ;) ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Hey OV when  did  you  buy the  Johnson  custom holster? I  used  to  be in touch  with  Mr  Johnson many  years ago but  he  fell  into  poor  health  and  I  lost  track  of  him. I was afraid  that  he  had  passed  away. I still  have a few of  his  holsters.


 Scbuxton I'd swear I found this piece, by the maker if it's the same guy , on E-Bay and I conversed with him about some other mods but I took him as a younger guy but who knows . I'll see if I have any contact info around and will relay that to you . Should have some thing on him .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .