small frame pug and black widow.

Started by buffalo, March-04-15 09:03

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I was wondering if there's any chance of a pug or black widow in lr only. I'm sure you can get this in the mag frame. But is there any chance of a pug, black widow, blaster, earl, or sheriff built on the lr frame and grips size?
I'm not complaining about the size of my bw or 1 1/8 mag frame. Would like to see a little brother for cc. problem is I like the looks of the pug and bw better.


I don't think we'll see it....NAA won't tool up for a different frame for a LR size Pug to sell a handful of them.

The truth is people want them for carry and "magnum" sells more guns.

I suppose if you wanted to spend the $$$$ a REALLY good pistolsmith could weld a LR size grip frame onto a PUG or BW , add a LR mainspring and make it look like it was made that way. LR recoil isnt exactly brutal so a nice weld would hold up since its only the grip frame.

The LR Mini sells to people who want the easier to carry size of it. Your best bet is to have a set of Pug sights installed on a LR.