Started by chopprs, September-04-11 06:09

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I have several I bought through Bond Arms and they are first rate.  This was why I was a bit surprised at Joe's stuff when he first brought it out after saying he had been making them.


   Oh well, they will work it out.
"Deeds; Not Words"


It's pretty simple.He's just riding on my coat tail that's all!!!! Looking at his stuff compared to mine.Joe give it up boy you aint got a chance in !!! He know's what he done was wrong and stealing a man's tools is wrong as .Tool's are how me and my people make our honest living Joe Shannon not stealing tools like you do!!!


Bill, you will make a more favorable impression with the members of this forum if you calm down and stop yelling at us. We didnt do you any harm. its between you and Joe. calmly explaining the circumstances, since it is you who brought it up here, is advised.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Competition that grows out of yourself is a compliment. I've also been complimented and years later I'm thankful for the learning experience. Wisdom comes from adversity.  


   Perhaps a contract with future employees and marking your tools are things to consider.  


   Avoiding ex parte situations before they happen is best.


Call the Police Bill. I have never taken anything from you. Do you know what slander is. You better look it up.


Sorry you guys are having to read this crap. It shows how inmature some people can be. I will pray for you Bill. You are one pathetic person.


Louie, are trying to say I did something wrong. Show me one of his holsters with rattlesnake for the mini. If he has one, I have not seen it. I can't believe someone can so easily make a claim like this. One more remark from Bill and I'm getting a laywer. I bet the Gov. and law inforcement would love to know what I know about Bill.


Wow!  What cable channel is this on ?!?!


   This is shaping up to be better than Sr. and Jr. on Orange County Choppers !


   (Where do I find the 'popcorn' smiley ???)
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001




   NO I am not.  Only you and Bill know, and it does not belong on this forum either way.


   Obviously you know him, so it is not a mistaken identity matter.


   Now you are following his lead and making comments on an open forum that does neither of you any good.


   BOTH of you need to take it somewhere else.  This is not from the perspective of moderator, as I am not.  It is from the perspective of a poster here, and someone you just called out by name.



   Take it elsewhere and there would be nothing to comment about.  He should not have brought it here in the first place.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Sorry Cooper. This ain't right. I have bought all my tools off of e bay and if needed I can prove it. He's is hurting himself with this claim. Sorry Louie, your comment led me to believe I was doing something wrong. I'm done here. This is as bad a facebook.


There is not a patent on rattlesnake holsters.  Many holster makers make them.  There is no limit on the use of knowledge and experience gained from an employer, unless there was a non-compete agreement.


   I don't have enough knowledge to know if you did anything wrong.  None of us here know that.


   With your acknowledgement that you are the Joe he is talking about, the comparison of similar work becomes meaningless.


   I am out on this issue as well.


   Best of luck to the both of you at resolving your dispute.


"Deeds; Not Words"


WOW, I guess I have one of Bills cross draw holsters that I bought form Bond Arms for my Snake Slayer. Quality work.  I'v been thinking of getting a cross draw for my BW from Joe. Work it out boys.


I wan't to take this to court.  Bring it on Bill


Bill dose great work, I just wasn't expecting him to attack me like that. Wow


Joe, just ignore him. You have done us right with your work and his attitude is not welcome here.  

   I agree with you. If he thinks that you habe stolen from him he should call the Police. If not then shut the f*&k up and go away........either way, it does not belong here and showing up with a first post like that is the unkewlest of unkewl!






Thank you Chopprs. I am not that kind of person. It is sad that someone can come on here and damage everything I have done.


.....I don't see the dents man......


you are not damaged with anyone but Bill and it appears that has been going on.  Don't worry about it.


   Look on the bright side, your issue got Whitehorse and Chopprs agreeing and I am waiting to hear "hug hug, kiss kiss" from them next.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Your always the victim aren't you Joe.You wouldn't know anything about fraud or food stamp fraud,domestic violence or a assault should I need to go on ex-con?My tools are clearly marked and I can prove without a shadow of a doubt that you have possession tools that belong to my company and very holster you have stamped bares my mark and you didn't even know it!!!




   how often do you have those "HAPPY/GAY" thoughts ?




OMG.....Whiteskirt meet Leather_fag.

   Leather_fag met Whiteskirt......and the two idiots hold each others hot dogs as they walk off into the sunset....

   Get a life Leather douche. Take your dirty laundry somewhere else. We are RRREEAAALLYYY not interested!


Darn- if I had had some advance warning I could have sold tickets to this soap opera – heck where else does someone get a chance to brag about his mini ..........., come out of the closet with a bang, discuss shoe box leather, see the start of a mini war (no pun intended) between two artisans (and like so many of the soap operas we probably will miss this ending and just hear about it through the grape vine).


I just want you to see what I have to offer. Contact me at my new email, [email protected] for something different. You have a link to my ebay thanks to chopprs. I have plenty of holsters listed there. Enjoy the holiday weekend and God Bless.


Thanks!  I am actually looking for a weird type of holster right now, you musta read my mind.  Was looking for more or less a mini crossdraw.  Do you make one?


Sorry if this is a dumb question.  I have looked around a bit and not found one.  Was just wondering if one is made that is even owb but almost full sideways, you know like a sideways cell case?  It is hard to explain, but I was hoping it would make sense to you guys. If you know of something like this for minis, please let me know.  Thanks!


Strangely enough, I do believe I understand what you are asking about. Is this close:

   Take a LEFT handed, inside waist band holster, and clip it to a belt loop on the LEFT side, and the holster would now hang with the barrel parallel to the ground. Granted, it would be loose, but, I think that is what you are asking for. No doubt, Patriotjoe could so that for you. It would just be a matter of attaching the belt loop cross ways instead of sideways, so to speak.


   The bad news is, you have succumbed to the Start New Tread trap on this forum. You were reading a post, saw the link, clicked on it, and posted your thread. I think you would get a better response if it were posted either in the thread, or, go back to the "TOPICS" page, go alllllll the way to the bottom, and find a Start New Tread link there. That link will get you better viewing. Of course, this is not your first posting, and if you did exactly what you intended to do, please accept my apologies, and I'll slide out of here and leave you be!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I believe it is called a, "Driving Holster". Made for easy on/off and comfort while sitting in a car.

   Louie had ased about one a while ago...


Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Madhat made one for me early in his career I'm working through my smartphone right now and I don't have it on it's memory card, but if you do a search on the board for my threads "Doc" in the content you'll see it listed. It's left handed and made for my Earl but the concept works well for what you are talking about.


