Standard Rubber grips or Slip-On?

Started by finloq, March-11-15 10:03

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IWB and Pocket carry.
Is there any difference in size?

"Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


I am leaning towards the standard as I like how they look.
I have small hands so I am not looking for larger diameter grips.
"Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Personal experience... the slip-on grip has a little more squishyness than the rubber grips.

Used both and really didn't like either. Been using the oversized wood grips for the past few years and have a set of CV ordered to see how they work.


Good question. I'm not sure but I would think the slip on would have to be just a little larger.
I have the slip-on on my Pug that it came with and really like it, but I have large hands also.


I prefer the slip on grips on my Pug :)


I also have small hands and I love the slip-on grips! They are slightly larger than the standard rubber grips but really feel nice. Mine feel very solid with no squishy feel at all.

I have the .22 magnum and they really aid in holding the gun securely when firing. Can't say enough good things about them! Just IMHO.