New to NAA .22Mag

Started by Footballica, April-28-15 13:04

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Hey all. I am new to the NAA world and was looking for some info. I shot my .22 Mag for the first time today and I noticed that a lot of the rounds were tumbling when they hit the target. I have the 1 5/8" Barrel and was using hornday ammo. Just wanting to see if this is something common with these small guns or not.   Also, I have the grip holster and am having trouble finding an effective draw with it, any suggestions welcome.


Welcome to the forum.
I have just a LR with no tumbling problems.  Others have experienced tumbling and a lot of discussions about such can be found on this site.
Being an old dog I have no use for folding grips believing instead that solid grips and a good pocket holster will better serve you in the long run.
Just my opinion.


Footballica - welcome! Tumbling is not uncommon with NAA Minis, LR or Magnum. I have several Minis and some rounds do tumble out of some of them. I believe that some folks have sent their guns back to the factory to have the barrel recrowned or changed out. I have not done that since I do think the problem is that severe with my guns. Probably some ammo will tumble worse than others: if you can find another brand of ammo you may want to give it a try.

Regarding the grips, I have never used the grip holster, so no suggestion there except to try a set of birds head or boot grips with a pocket holster. I keep the standard birds head grips on most of my Magnum Minis.


I read through the forums a bit and found that this is a bit of a common issue. I'm going to give NAA a call and see what their thoughts are. I put 30ish rounds down range today and every single one was keyholed, one was the size of a quarter. I would be shocked if it is an ammo problem. I was using hornday critical defense ammo, not saying it can't be, just unlikely.


Check the crown. A number of members have found their gun's crown not square.  That would be first place to look.


It would be interesting to see what penetration and shock these tumbling rounds produce.

It may be a better close range round if it makes a quarter-sized hole!


Not! NOT.
If tumbling bullets were a good thing, barrels would be designed to create tumbling.
It reduces accuracy, it reduces penetration and does not make cute little holes on paper targets.
No tumbling bullets allowed!


  Somebody has to have this tumbling issue on YouTube , does anyone know how to pull such a thing up on the old computer . I'm dumber than a pile of rocks on this thing . ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Sure like the idea of bigger holes maybe not as deep but bigger is always better for incapacitating a bad guy .  ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


That is just plain wrong.  A bigger but shallower wound is less incapacitating than a deeper wound.
If you've done much hunting you know that the bullet must reach the vitals to insure a quick kill.  A shallow wound will not bring the game down. 


 Hey Harry let me make one thing clear as long as supermarkets stay open hunting is the very last hobby I'll start to take up . Second a animals body in comparison to us ill kept humans is altogether a different impact material except for heavy clothing making a small difference . Now a close up head , neck , upper torso ,groin , inner thigh shot to some dumbas* with a 22 ,tumbling or not , is going to stop dead a threat but again bigger is better . So I'll hunt for that perfect ribeye , that's already ready for me to devour , at the local meat section of my grocery store and pop the dumbas* in the parking lot that wants to take it from me without asking .  :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


My 1 5/8 wasp, will keyhole with any brand where the bullet is over 40 grains.  FYI


Bigger wound ain't better if it don't go deep enough to complete the job it was intended to do.
If floppy bullets were any good, you would be able to buy them by the box.
Maybe it's just me, but when I shoot something I want to see a nice bullet hole, not a splat mark...


I am just curious with a small round at defensive distance...say within 3 to 7 feet...whether the damage is similar when you consider a short barrel in the equation.  I know enough oddball rounds are available for purchase.  Perhaps this will be the next crazy ass idea where the "defects" will be worth more that the quality rounds.