Zombie stopping pootential of NAA mini revolvers

Started by kalel01a, March-17-12 19:03

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A buddy of mine and I have started the PoBoySpecial Channel on Youtube testing various ammo and their effectiveness through skulls (for Zombie stopping of course).  Take a look at the videos and let me know what you think.




   If you give us feedback, we will see what we can test for you!


I don't know, I just can't get into all this zombie thing.

   I know there are guns marked for zombie killing and ammo marked for the same.

   But I just can't get into it.

   Next generation stuff I guess.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


"Juvenile", "Stupid" and "Begging for a jail term" is what comes to my mind....


Uncle lee,


   That's a good point.  My personal driver for this project is to get a better understanding of the effectiveness of different ammunition through different materials.  It's a fascination of mine.


   Besides the intrinsic beauty of the North American Arms firearms (and they are some of the most beautiful, well-made firearms being produced today), what do YOU have questions about?  What interests you, regarding firearms?


Choppers wrote:

   "Juvenile", "Stupid" and "Begging for a jail term" is what comes to my mind....


   I get the "Juvenile" and "Stupid" comments... considering Zombies DON'T exist, there's some truth there (as well as a nice, healthy dose of opinion), however the "Begging for a jail term" statement... what's that about?


No disrespect to you personally intended. We have discussed this here before. The "Zombie" ammo would be a very good weapon for a prosecuting attorney if you were forced to shoot someone and had "ZOMBIE KILLING" ammo in your gun. Killing someone is not a game and the jury would be easily swayed to see you as a juvenile viewing the whole thing as just not serious. You would go to jail!



   "Killing someone is not a game and the jury would be easily swayed to see you as a juvenile viewing the whole thing as just not serious. You would go to jail!"  Well said and received.


   I am fortunate enough to live in a part of the USA where there's more talk (legislatively) regarding the rights of citizens to protect themselves, than the rights of bad guys to live to perpetrate again.  So, my thought process is  based on that viewpoint.  Probably a little narrow.


   The ammunition we are testing, and plan to test, is not dedicated Zombie stoppers.  It's the same ammo you would have to choose from if you walked into Wal Mart... plentiful and inexpensive (relatively so).  


   Hopefully we aren't treating this as such a game that it would encourage irresponsible behavior.  If you have suggestions for improving what we are doing, I'm all ears.  


   Thanks for the clarification... I was scratching my head about your last post.


Kale what he is saying is that you would do yourself and everyone else a service by reporting the results of your testing and leaving the zombie stopping thing out of the soliciting or reporting. Chopprs is right. Have you ever been questioned by a grand jury? Have you ever been to a criminal trial? Believe me if you God forbid ever had to shoot someone in self defense, to save your life, the last thing you would want any mention of is zombie killing rounds or zombie ammo even coming into the thought process of those juries.  

   I am a 2nd amendment supporter, gun owner, concealed carrier and I find the whole zombie ammo thing to be juvenile and quite frankly embarassing. I wouldnt prevent others from carrying what they want in ammunition but i think they are doing no favors to themselves and responsible gun owners as a whole with the zombie thing.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


+ 1 what heyjoe said and how he said it


I have been a juror in a murder case & the prosecutor did mention & show pictures several times of the .45 auto hollow point ammunition that

   was used.

   He did fail to properly brief one detective before he questioned him. When he asked why someone would use hollow point ammunition the detective said "to prevent over penetration & danger to innocent bystanders." I could hardly keep from laughing out loud.


Firstly let me say Kale, welcome to the forum as this is your first thread/post.  


   I agree with Heyjoe also, and have expressed my thoughts on the the whole Zombie killing thing, particularly the Hornady ammo before. I tend to think the whole Zombie thing tends to make us look like a lot of juvenile "Bubba" types.  


   Having said that, I don't want to rain completely on Kale's parade and am always interested in seeing results of real world ammo testing. My advice would be, if you've not already gathered that from some of the responses here, is to package what you are doing slightly differently, if you want your work to be appreciated


   Theysay, I love that response from the Detective, I could almost hear the wind being knocked out of the prosecuting attorney as I read it.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Kale, gotcha!


   "BUT" imagine a prosecuting attorney showing this to a jury as a display of the ammo you used in your gun to shoot a bad guy.....you would be instantly HUNG!




Chops ... are you kiddin me ?  Is that real ammo .. for sale on store shelves ?

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO



   As childish and ridiculous as it seems, they have resorted to the "Video Game" theme to sell REAL bullets that kill REAL people!!!!!!

   I find it DISGUSTING!




Hornaday Z-max is the same ammo hornady makes, just changed the color of the polymer insert to yellow instead of red. New packaging, done.


   Apparently, the Zombies are represented by a bio-hazard symbol and neon yellow...


   nowhere near as ridiculous as the mossberg tactical lever action zombie killer in 30-30.


Yep .. I'd say Childish hits the nail on the head !   Merging of the "Make-Believe World" that most of these kids live in .. with the "Real-World"  can't have a good outcome !   I would think Hornady would have better sense than trying to attract a new customer base with this crap.  Wait till Hornady lands their ass in court alongside the teenybopper shooter.

   Is Hornady the only goobers doing this ?

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


I thought it was a prank or a joke when I first saw it.........
"Deeds; Not Words"


>>>> But please note, Hornady Zombie Max ammunition is not a toy. It is intended only to be used on zombies, also known as the living dead, undead, etc. No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Zombie Max ammunition.


   Again, we repeat, Zombie Max ammunition is for use on zombies only - that's not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say zombies, we mean zombies.



   Well .. it looks like they anticipated being dragged into court with some teenybopper & have already "Lawyerproofed" themselves !  

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


I have sold a decent amount of this ammo, and can rarely find it in stock at any of my distributors.


   I realize I do live somewhat of a sheltered life, and do not get into court like I used to. How can one batch of ammo be more deadly than another, just because it has a name on it? It is already unlawful to sell to anyone under the age of 21 if it is handgun ammo, and 18 if it is rifle ammo. Where is the catering to children? Older teens and young adults, sure. I suspect it is a good marketing ploy.


   In the pictures it does seem to be yellow. In the boxes I have sold, it is a fairly bright green, very similar to the word "Zombie" on the box.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   It is not more deadly, I think the expressed concern is that the purchase of it may indicate immaturity of the buyer, and may be construed by an attorney in a civil case following a shooting to show immaturity and a desire to go out and shoot someone by the purchase of such a childishly named product.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I don't think Hornady has lawyer-proofed itself. Imagine this being used at the next school shooting. You would have civil litigation attorneys drooling like werewolves and sharpening their fangs in anticipation if the assailants used this ammo.


   It would be interesting if one of their competitors re-branded and marketed some ammo as "Last Resort Against Violent Criminal Acts" defense ammunition.  


   The police couldn't be everywhere and failed to stop them.

   The counseling sessions sentence by a liberal judge didn't stop them.  

   Their over-worked probation officer didn't stop them.  

   Your gated community didn't stop them.

   Your verbal warnings for them to leave didn't stop them.

   Regrettably, you were forced to use your licensed handgun to stop them.


   You still have to face the land sharks hired by the currently sober and "grieving" relatives of your terminally rehabilitated assailants, but your family and friends thank God that you are still alive to do so.


   When every other option failed to deter - Last Resort Ammo saved you.  



The minds of children are taking over the use of firearms and it is coming straight out of video games.

   A person can be 40 and still not be mature.


   It is far worse than I ever thought.

   Check out this AR.

   There is also a Ruger LCP marked Zombie Slayer.







God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


....I tried to get this going last time. I am glad you guys are finally seeing this. It is truly out of control stupid and gone beyond ridiculous. Fourty year old guys are buying Zombie Slayers and loading them with Zombie bullets and thinking it is a funny video game. When someone comes in their house and gets shot with this cartoon who is going to start asking the right questions?

   I also am SINCERELY ASTOUNDED that Hornady, formerly a repectable ammunition manufacturer, would resort to such a low to simply market and idea for profit. You will notice that none of the other ammunition manufacturers are immediately jumping on the band wagon as they likely realize what a horrible mistake it is. The right circumstances WILL come along and they will immediately be out of business!



.....if you jump from the nearest bridge will we all cheer?


I no longer respect Hornady for launching this absurd marketing. Remember the "Cop Killer" bullet debacle. No such thing ever existed, but the media and even Congress got involved and tried to use it to limit ammo sales.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Agreed. This brings something to mind. Didn't the Democratic Machine buy into some major ammo manufacturers lately?

   I wonder if this is part of the plan to discredit the whole gun thing. If Congress gets into this it will be a mess! They don't even have to imagine it like they did with the "Cop Killer" bullets, it is RIGHT THERE!!!




   you're sounding more and more like our "Politically Correct Moderator"  


   Next you'll want cap guns banned on Ebay.  


   What about Hornady renaming their ammo . . .  


   " 2nd AMENDMENT AMMO " . . . with American flags on the box ?


If you are involved in a shooting it will be a prosecuting attorney who decides if they are going to charge you or not.  You will then be tried by a jury of your "peers" at least one of whom will probably think that anyone but the police and military should not own guns in the first place.  


   Your weapon will be presented to the jury - one of the reasons I prefer revolvers over high capacity semi-autos.  It is also one of the reasons I think "combat" guns for self defense is probably not a great idea.  I would much rather have my SP101 and double barreled shotgun sitting on the evidence table than my Glock and an AR15.  


   If you were using "suped up" ammo - be it the specialty zombie killer or the load you put together on your own press it may very well be brought into question - including the marketting campaign behind it.  


   I would prefer not to sit in jail while my lawyer presents second ammendment and other challenges to a wrongful conviction.  If I face a jury I would much rather do it with the jury looking at "grandfather" type firearms than modern military equipment.  I do not need a prosecutor saying "he was just waiting for someone to kill"
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


And then, there is the civil suit.............


   Even if you are not charged and completely cleared from any criminal charges.......


   There is a much lower level of proof required in civil suits (Preponderance of guilt for civil, to the exclusion of any reasonable doubt, for criminal) and it is much easier to win against you.  This is why OJ Simpson won in criminal court but lost in the civil wrongful death case.
"Deeds; Not Words"




   Brietbart just rolled over in his grave. Americans are better than that. Just turn on the light and watch the roaches scatter. Never let the cockroaches control the narrative or our Constitution. Who is protecting the freedom of speech and the freedom of the self defense ?  


   What did Davy Crockett name his freedom fighter ? Does that offend you Choppers ?


There is no advantage to using the type of firearm that a jury is going to balk at.  Why do it?
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I couldn't care less what ammo you chose to use and by definition am not offended by it.  I just hope you understand the repercussions that might be involved.  It is highly unlikely that any prosecuting attorney or defense attorney would allow me to be seated on a jury for a trial involving the use of lethal force.  As such the question if it offends me is not relevant.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


Not really an issue for you whitehorse, since you are not a gun owner........... don't know why you are even interested..................
"Deeds; Not Words"