Black Widow Question

Started by bellky57, August-12-15 07:08

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I currently own a BW 22Mag that is my EDC Pocket revolver (and has been for years).  My question is...I am thinking about getting another BW-22Mag and put a folding holster grip on it.   Does anyone have this configuration?

Or maybe I should wait on a 2.5 inch sidewinder  8) 



You will get a lot of good opinions on that question from members on this forum that have many different types of grips on their Black Widows.   My personal opinion of the folding grip is that it just adds an extra step if drawing in a panic situation, and could even cause you to fumble the gun. I put one on my Black Widow, didn't really like it, took it back off, and put on stag look boot grips. My next NAA is going to be the 22 magnum 2- 1/2 inch Sidewinder.  As another member described it, the combination of the swing out cylinder and 2- 1/2 inch  barrel placed it in the dead center of the Goldilocks Zone!


Why would you buy an identical BW just to add the folding grip?  Just put it on your current BW. 


I don't care for the folding grip, but then, I seem to be in the minority on that subject.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I  bought a mini with a folding grip. I like it to shoot, but I don't like it on the gun. Took it off.


I'll go along with boone and grayelky.
I don't like the folding grips....
This is my opinion for my use only.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Quote from: grayelky on August-12-15 20:08
I don't care for the folding grip, but then, I seem to be in the minority on that subject.

  I don't think so Gray there are a lot of us that think these things are quite a joke really not alone them being plastic . Whats the real use of them is my question .  ??? ??? ???
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: OV-1D on August-13-15 13:08
Quote from: grayelky on August-12-15 20:08
I don't care for the folding grip, but then, I seem to be in the minority on that subject.

  I don't think so Gray there are a lot of us that think these things are quite a joke really not alone them being plastic . Whats the real use of them is my question .  ??? ??? ???

took mine off too! its in a gun junk drawer...



before I bought my .22mag,  I had seen the folding holster/grips at a gun show.  I really did not care for them.
I do see its purpose,  however it was not for me.
I have ordered a BW grip since then.
"God and Guns"
"Lets Go Brandon"


I use the folding grip on my 1 5/8" mini. I think it makes the perfect CCW. I carry it clipped in the back pocket of my jeans. When it is open the grip gives you much more control then the stock birds head grip. No it will never make for a quick draw option but it is not designed for that purpose. I painted the back strap black so when it is folded and in my pocket there is no SS showing. Works for me!!!!


I LOVE my folding grips on my BW.  Tucks perfectly IWB right rear hip and no holster bulk/hang-up.  Rides clear for driving and invisible with an untucked T-shirt or hoodie.  If I'm not wearing my shorty on a neck holster I'm wearing the BW/folder/IWB when on a road trip. 


I'm not a huge fan of the bolding grip myself, but two guys at one of my favorite local gun dealers swear by them. At least one of them carries a magnum one every single day.

You just have to try it to see what you think.


I think folding grips to be a terrible idea. Have asked several time for a video made to demo how quickly such a pistol can be put into action. Think a gun drawn from a holster can be put into action quicker than the floppy wobblers. Each to his own however.


With the gun in the pocket, as you start to draw the gun and position your hand on the grip, you can begin its path to unfolding. As the grip clears the pocket, began dragging the gun towards your rear, thus extending the grip into the locked position. You will be using the rear portion of your pocket to catch the cylinder pin/barrel. By this time, you will have a firing position on the grip, and the gun will have cleared your pocket. You can begin cocking the hammer and have the gun ready to fire as you bring it on target. It takes much longer to try and explain than it does to do it. I can have a folding grip mini on target almost as quickly as I can my pocket carry mini. I just don't care for the way it has to sit in my pocket.

I think painting the back of the frame black is a real good idea.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

To Old To Run


I like the way you painted it black also, smart thinking there. I took the clip off the side of mine and let it rest in the bottom of my pocket, that works for me.


That is the way that I draw mine too, very clear explanation there. again just the way I do it. others ways will work also.

Kentucky Kevin

I have four(4) floppy wobblers & carry one in each front pocket, hanging like a knife & am able to QUICKLY draw both at the same time and deploy with a VERY high level(50% on golf balls @10-20 feet) of accuracy.
I use my middle finer on the clip(outside of pants) & thumb on opposite side(inside of pants), pushing the barrel against my leg & pulling the grip open.
Very fast/smooth. Last time out "playing golf", I was shooting "Gunfighter style"(cocking & shooting one in each hand), wow what a blast.
I carried these for two years with shirt tucked @ work, only being spotted once by a friend who I had talked about the guns to.
They are discreet & quickly accessed, perfect practice makes perfect.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I do not care for the floppy wobblers either but I do not think that quickness of draw is high up on the list when it comes to pocket carry. I would think that pulling anything out of one's pocket is going to be somewhat of a chore no matter what the variance. When we start speaking of fast access some sort of belt carry comes to my mind.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I think more people pocket carry a Minnie than belt Carry.  And we are not talking quick draw but rather what is easier to put a Minnie into play.  I appreciate the how to instruction but would really like to see a video of the folding grip being deployed.  From Missouri ya know.



That's one.
Nice rig by the way.

Kentucky Kevin

I had my son video me with my Android to show ya'll how fast and smooth the holster grip is, but have been unable to upload the video.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Looking forward to the video.  Might make a believer out of me yet.


I was referring to another handgun when I mentioned belt carry............... Like say a 1911 or a G19. I am not a fan of Mini belt carry. To me they are pocket carry only. If I am going to the effort of strapping on one of my holsters it may as well be for one of my more substantial weapons.

Video would be interesting to watch.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


For  both my Pug and my Black Widow  I have belt holsters by Madhat  that are perfect for carry with an untucked shirt  under a jacket. 
Work so well I forget their there. Quick to draw. No snaps,or hammer loops to deal with.
For a lot of people , its different deals, for different days..

Kentucky Kevin

Here another try, nope, it's mp4. How do I convert to a loadable format???
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

found a converter, what format for a video???
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I'm no expert on video format but I usually just upload to YouTube and put a link.

Kentucky Kevin

My son tried to get me to do that, I'll try, thanks

It worked, thank you.
This is not the video, it is a Ranger from Gun blast review from years back.
But the concept worked.
I'll have him film and help post to you tube & then put them here.
Thanks & God bless you.
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Too old, I got the idea for the black paint from someone on the forum a while back. Thought it was a good one and used it!!!![


Kentucky I would also love to see the video!!!!