How do you carry your mini?

Started by EDELWEISS, June-20-15 17:06

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top dog

After viewing all of the above posts,it make it very clear to me that you folks do carry your NAA minis.

That is what they were designed for,to be carried and not left back in the safe because they were too big to carry daily.

The mini on your person is sure a heck of a lot better than the 1911 Master Blaster or lots of shots 9mm left back at home.

                                                                                                                       Top Dog


I carry mine in wrb pocket holster


Quote from: Franki3f7 on July-19-15 07:07
I carry mine in wrb pocket holster

wrb? Is that a brand name or a type of holster? I've never seen that one before,


It's the brand name paid $19 and it holds 5 extra rounds

top dog

That holster looks great. About the knife,what brand??

                                                                    Top Dog

PaPa K

Many of my jeans and casual docker pants have the cell phone pocket on the outside of the right thigh. My Pug in a leather pocket holster fits perfect and only the very wisp of the rear of the rubber grip shows down inside, no one has ever noticed it or asked about it as it looks like the end of a folding knife. Also have a cross draw "driving" holster that works well under a loose shirt and very east to get to.


Esee candiru in a kydex sheath made by me


To all who carry theirs in a pocket without a holster, I pose a question. How many times have YOU done a weapons check and found the hammer resting on a loaded round? When examining my 22mag I noticed that a very tiny movement of the hammer would dislodge the hammer cylinder "safety".  This no doubt leads to the cylinder being able to rotate to a loaded round. This is not good!
I found mine in this hazardous condition on too may occasions. I purchased a folding grip holster thinking that the problem would go away. Well it didn't. Just the gun jostling around in my watch pocket would repeat the same condition.
The cure is to use a holster that covers the hammer completely, like a Ragsdale pocket holster or similar designs that secure the hammer. 

I like my new Ragsdale peace of mind.



I really like my Ragsdale wallet holster but I'd also like to try one of these tuck able IWB holsters from RKBA concealment.


I carried my BW loose in my pocket for the best part of 10 years and never found the hammer resting on a live round. I now carry my PUG in a Ragsdale pocket holster but the reason is mostly to keep the little revolver aligned so that it's easier to grab the grip when I draw it.

Having said that, I wear cargo pants with fairly loose pockets and I don't carry any other items in the same pocket.


Love the Milt Sparks pocket holster!


Quote from: MacAttack on July-26-15 08:07
To all who carry theirs in a pocket without a holster, I pose a question. How many times have YOU done a weapons check and found the hammer resting on a loaded round? When examining my 22mag I noticed that a very tiny movement of the hammer would dislodge the hammer cylinder "safety".  This no doubt leads to the cylinder being able to rotate to a loaded round. This is not good!
I found mine in this hazardous condition on too may occasions. I purchased a folding grip holster thinking that the problem would go away. Well it didn't. Just the gun jostling around in my watch pocket would repeat the same condition.
The cure is to use a holster that covers the hammer completely, like a Ragsdale pocket holster or similar designs that secure the hammer. 

I like my new Ragsdale peace of mind.

I am no gun expert but, I have owned a couple of these little gems and I think your hammer maybe too loose.  If it were mine I'd see a gunsmith or send it to N.A.A.   Just food for thought, don't just take my word for it, ask other gun-people about it.
''I'm a humble man, indeed, I have a lot to be humble for.''


22mag 1 5/8" bbl: holster grip inside waistband on my strong side, ~ 3:30-4:00.  5rds on safety notch. I carry it when running or cycling. Pretty much when I have to wear athletic shorts. Rest of the time I'm carrying my BG380.