Better loader for BP Companion---And BP Lube

Started by OLD and GRUMPY, June-21-15 17:06

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Nobody seams to like the NAA loading tool that comes with our Companions. Mine has now fallen apart and the punch is lost.That tool was the only weak part of the kit.

I made up a new loader that is not perfect but for a first try is 90% better.I got a aluminum .22 cleaning jag.Ground the tip flat and square to the shaft .Then with a dremel I used a 1/8" ball shaped cutter to cup out the face to fit the NAA bullet.Then I glued it into a small file handle. Place the cylinder on a flat surface and just press down. The NAA bullets slip in easy with just a little pop.They line up MUCH better and do not deform.The #4 buck will be much harder to seat,have not tried it yet.Take care to not slip and stab your hand!

FYI. I found out that oil+sulfur+heat=Asphalt! Gun oil and Black Powder can "pave" your bore and chambers. Gun smiths have found in muzzle loaders a ring of this stuff that can keep a ball from seating properly.Use oil for storage but wipe it all out before loading and use a natural BP lube at the range.

PS- Happy Fathers Day.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


I had thought about replacing the nub on the loading tool with a better shaped brass nub.  Sounds like your idea would work just as well.  I have wondered if anyonejust uses a ball starter as used with a muzzleloading rifle; a palm-sized round wood ball with a nub on the side that can be pushed easily with the hand.  I still intend to fashon a press.  I've notlooked, but someone must have made some for sale as it would just be a miniature version of the ones sold for .44 Colts.