A few more if you please, Talo Buntline x2 and..

Started by chaosrob, June-28-15 14:06

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Can you tell me how many of these were made and current value?
Talo Buntline-22 LR
Talo Buntline-22 mag
Doe consecutive numbers add to the collecting interest in these?
Two Consecutively numbers 22 convertibles

TIA for all the help guys



It appears that 750 of each Buntline were made : http://www.taloinc.com/north-american-firearms/buntline

Consecutive numbers add some interest to serious collectors.

I don't know about the Magnum Buntline value - but I bought a LR Buntline for $300 from a forum member a few months ago.

I am a buyer for your Magnum Buntline if you want to sell!  Let me know what you want for it.

Send me a PM if you like.

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


 To a very serious collector $ 1000.00 as a set of course wouldn't be unheard of . Keep them till the market money opens up again ; caution if that ever happens . Your one lucky guy to have found those . ;)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Thank you, I have had these for a little while and was geared towards a collection but the Colt Pre Wars are getting really expensive.   I will probably throw them as a pair on GB and start them at 1k for the pair.

Thanks for the help