Hickok reviewed the 22 mag

Started by ptrck85, July-24-15 07:07

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Saw his review of the 22 mag pop up on his Facebook page when I was coming into work. Haven't had a chance to watch yet. Here it is on youtube.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." --Churchill


An honest review from a guy who knows guns.  Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Well made, collectable, cute but not the gun to carry if the need arises for a gun.
I have owned a .22LR 1 5/8 mini for quite a while but more as a curio than a practical weapon.
The lightest caliber I carry is .380 but usually have a 9mm.
Up until this year I carried selectively but have gone to full time carry after a family of five were out for a walk on a bike path in a nearby small town. A crazy shot all five with all but the mother dieing.

Kentucky Kevin

I disagree, and shot golf balls regularly at 10-15 feet, with a strong 50%++ hit, aim small, miss small.
Son says he can help me make a video
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Stationary golf balls and a moving bad guy/girl are a lot different.
Roll the golf ball and hit it while it is still moving....
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I like Hickok45's vids, but to me he seems a little overly concerned about how safe the NAA is to carry. I mean, the hammer is down in a safety notch and the trigger is covered with either a folding grip or a pocket holster.. To have an accidental discharge, you'd have to somehow manage to accidentally cock the hammer, which requires a good bit of force, accidentally get past the holster which is blocking the trigger, and then accidentally depress the trigger which also requires a reasonable amount of force. Not very likely IMHO. He'd probably be more likely to have one with an auto carried condition 1.

Also, while I agree with him that a 22 rimfire isn't a good choice as a primary EDC gun.. He says you wouldn't catch him carrying a NAA mini.. He would carry the P380 over the NAA since its only slightly larger. I could make the same argument about carrying my 9mm Glock 43 over the P380 since it's only slightly larger. Then someone else could argue that they could carry a subcompact .45 that's only slightly larger than my G43. Basically, it comes down to this.. A gun in your pocket, ANY GUN, is better than a .45 sitting in your glove box. Depending on how you're dressed, size and weight can be very important and every little bit helps. I do carry a larger firearm most of the time, but there are times when I wouldn't be carrying at all if I didn't have something as small and lightweight as my little NAA Pug. While their may be plenty of small autos on the market, none of them are quite as compact and practically un-noticeable in the pocket as the NAA minis IMHO. They definitely fill a niche role in my carry rotation.


Hickoks did a nice review. Regarding safety, I understand his concern. With the folding grip handle my concen with carring in the hammer in the safety notch is that it does not take much movement of the hammer, for the cylinder to inadvertently rotate to a live round. I believe that the safest way to carry with the grip handle is to carry it over an empty chamber. This is absolutely the safest way to carry when out of a quality holster.
With that said, I carry my 22lr mini with a full cylinder, in the safety cylinder notch, as long as it's in my Hunter pocket leather holster. The molded leather will not allow the cylinder to move if the hammer is bumped.
These are great guns but do deserve respect. Love the NAA revolvers....


I did not notice an over concern about safety.  He did say the standard grips for him were unusable as he has large hands.  I have medium sized mitts and the gun does take a bit of shooting to get it shooting half way respectable. 
Overall an honest review.


I found it entertaining.
As are all his reviews.

I like his out takes also.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

To Old To Run

I've seen a lot of his videos and really enjoy his style.  He doesn't bad mouth NAA too bad,  not like some others I've seen, at least he says you're almost armed and they're well made.
With all that being said I still believe the NAA Mini is the best for me and will continue to use it for c/c.  It's always in my pocket, all day, everyday, and that's got to be a plus somehow, I believe.


He needs to learn about half cock when loading?


I enjoy his reviews for the man is likable and displays good common sense.

I always have my Pug in my pocket or in a kydex holster around my neck on a cord when riding my bike-the pedal kind.

I can hit a 1" circle at 50' slow fire and a 3" circle rapid.

That being said, I also carry a more substantial caliber, usually a 45 even when the Pug is in my pocket.
The offset notches in the cylinder make the gun reasonably safe and I carry cocked and locked with the same assurance of safety.

The bottom like; Nothing is proof from a fool".


Quote from: blue_heron on July-26-15 03:07
I enjoy his reviews for the man is likable and displays good common sense.

I always have my Pug in my pocket or in a kydex holster around my neck on a cord when riding my bike-the pedal kind.

I can hit a 1" circle at 50' slow fire and a 3" circle rapid.

That being said, I also carry a more substantial caliber, usually a 45 even when the Pug is in my pocket.
The offset notches in the cylinder make the gun reasonably safe and I carry cocked and locked with the same assurance of safety.

The bottom like; Nothing is proof from a fool".

I think you mean 1 foot?


He is likable but certainly put forth the idea that these guns are quality made toys?  And his inexperience with them was obvious.  Just because you own a gun for twenty years doesn't mean you know about it.  He didn't even use half cock to load it just fumbled through it all.  It's pretty clear he didn't take this too seriously.  I am sure he knows the manual of arms for a 45 1911 in his sleep. 

"Almost Armed" was a bit of an insult guys.  The value of these weapons is that you will carry them, when in many instances you will not carry or cannot carry a larger weapon.  Though I am retired now my work environment is a perfect example. 


Quote from: 45flint on July-26-15 03:07
He is likable but certainly put forth the idea that these guns are quality made toys?  And his inexperience with them was obvious.  Just because you own a gun for twenty years doesn't mean you know about it.  He didn't even use half cock to load it just fumbled through it all.  It's pretty clear he didn't take this too seriously.  I am sure he knows the manual of arms for a 45 1911 in his sleep. 

"Almost Armed" was a bit of an insult guys.  The value of these weapons is that you will carry them, when in many instances you will not carry or cannot carry a larger weapon.  Though I am retired now my work environment is a perfect example.


I like him and his videos, but its still just an opinion. You know what is said about opinions.. we all have them and ... ;)



  If nothing else he's a hell of a shot . ;) 
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: 45flint on July-26-15 03:07
He is likable but certainly put forth the idea that these guns are quality made toys?  And his inexperience with them was obvious.  Just because you own a gun for twenty years doesn't mean you know about it.  He didn't even use half cock to load it just fumbled through it all.  It's pretty clear he didn't take this too seriously.  I am sure he knows the manual of arms for a 45 1911 in his sleep. 

"Almost Armed" was a bit of an insult guys.  The value of these weapons is that you will carry them, when in many instances you will not carry or cannot carry a larger weapon.  Though I am retired now my work environment is a perfect example.

I have "Bigger Guns"
Under the edge of my mattress
In a holster fastened under my desk
In a holster fastened up under my truck seat

My NAA "22Short" in a Kydex Neck Holster is THE ONLY GUN that I've carried EVERY DAY ... ALL DAY LONG ... and I don't even know it's hanging there.

NO .... it's not the correct choice for a "Shoot-Out"  ... but .... it's comfortable .... IT'S WITH ME EVERY DAY ... it's not easily detectable ... it's always closer to reach than the big gun that's at home ... and it's way better than sticking my finger in the ear of a bad guy in an up-close hostage or car-jacking scenario.
In 59 years , I've never "NEEDED" a gun ... & most times .. I was lucky .. cause the Big Gun/any gun  wasn't with me.   Hopefully I won't "NEED" one in the next 59 years ... but IF I do ... the Bad Guy just may get a "Ear Full" if I get the chance.

Dad & I used to dispatch full grown hogs for butcher with a 22 short ... so I know the effect & I'm comfortable with carrying it.    Hi-Cock-Half-Cock  can bumble-fumble with the cute little toy & make fun of it all he wants .... it's satisfies my needs.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Would have been far cooler if he would have asked Buds for a Sidewinder.  But again he is not taking the Naa revolver seriously, so it didn't matter.  Fumble fumble.


He certainly did not take the weapon seriously - except his over-concern about safe carry.

In fact, the only real positive he mentioned was that they are well made - and that seemed to be grudgingly mentioned.

I'm a fan of his reviews, but I don't think he did this one seriously at all. I will say, however, that he is a REALLY good shot with it.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


As stated above, I think it was a good and honest review. 
Some here believe they are adequately armed carrying only a Mini, he is of a different opinion.  With the experience and gun savvy he has, to belittle his opinion because it is negative in regards to a gun you happen to be infatuated with is, in my opinion, a mistake.


You're right - but all I'm saying is that he seemed too concerned about the safety factor. It's obviously just not his cup of tea - and that's fine. i certainly respect his gun knowledge.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."


Quote from: cfsharry on July-26-15 13:07
As stated above, I think it was a good and honest review. 
Some here believe they are adequately armed carrying only a Mini, he is of a different opinion.  With the experience and gun savvy he has, to belittle his opinion because it is negative in regards to a gun you happen to be infatuated with is, in my opinion, a mistake.

I have no problem with his assessment of the conceal carry qualities of a NAA revolver, but it was not his assessment I have issues with it was his fumbling dismissive review with a gun that at this point doesn't even represent the best NAA has to offer.  Not that He even knows that.  He has a twenty year old gun and dismissively says that you can go and look on their website to see their offerings?   The Sidewinder  would demonstate more normal loading, the indexing on the cylinder is a large safety advantage as well.  But to know this he would have to know the products he is reviewing.  If he did a similar review of a 1911 he would be laughed off Utube.  I have seen his review of the 1911 and it was very well done, he was in his element.


Quote from: cfsharry on July-26-15 13:07
As stated above, I think it was a good and honest review. 
Some here believe they are adequately armed carrying only a Mini, he is of a different opinion.  With the experience and gun savvy he has, to belittle his opinion because it is negative in regards to a gun you happen to be infatuated with is, in my opinion, a mistake.

I didn't mean to belittle his opinion Harry ...  but it's just that .. an opinion.  I do belittle his bumbling fumbling lack of knowledge of the gun that he is supposed to be presenting a "Professional Review" of.
MY opinion ..  is ... the shorty or it & my magnum with folder grip is all I'm willing to carry EVERY DAY.  The day may come when I need my .44 or my 6mm surgical rifle ... & I may regret my choice then ... but I doubt it.  My choice will STILL give me something to stick in the bad guys ear besides my finger.   I am also not pompous enough to make tele-tubbies videos of every opinion I have in life & pass it off as "Expert" advice. 
Again ... I seriously doubt that I will "NEED" any gun in my next 59 years.
Just my Opinion.
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


No Flint 45, I didn't mean 1 foot and I should have explained better. I posted minutes before leaving for work this morning. Retirement is just around the corner and I have 775 days to collect my maximum pension. 

My Pug has the standard rubber grips and the big night sights

On a Hoppe's 9 Police Silhouette 38x24 Paper Targets B-27B, as this is the target I qualify on yearly, and holding at 12 o'clock on the seven ring, my Pug will put all the shots in a 1" group in the ten ring area with slow aimed fire using a two hand hold.

It will group three 3" rapid fire using the same hold as fast as I can safely shoot it. Rapid fire with any single action is subjective and especially with these small revolvers.  I shot 22 bullseye with a S&W 41, a Hi-Standard Victor or Colt Woodsman Match 3rd Model for years and I'm using the terms loosely.

I was pointing out that the mechanical accuracy of this small gun is amazing.


I understand fully what is being said here and agree fully he might have practiced a bit more before filming so as to not have bumbled so much. His message was his opinion, no more no less. 
This is merely a guess on my part but would not be surprised that the mini purchased by the average person suddenly feeling the need for a defensive carry piece finds itself relegated to a desk drawer after a couple of range sessions.  It is a difficult gun to shot well, is a bear to reload and the simplicity of running a small semiauto in a larger caliber will lead to a more comfortable solution for filling a defensive need.
Glenn, on another note, what is your 6mm rifle? Sound an accurate piece. Scoped?


"It is a difficult gun to shot well, is a bear to reload and the simplicity of running a small semiauto in a larger caliber will lead to a more comfortable solution for filling a defensive need."
Quote above

I question that a small semiauto is a better solution, a lot can go wrong.  I think a revolver is the simplest and most reliable safe carry gun.  The stub nose S&W being a great example, I own one. The NAA is a smaller version that the video showed could be fired pretty accurately given good grips.  You don't have to have folders to improve this.  Reloading is immaterial to a defensive situation.  But the sidewinder cured this really.  If you need accuracy out to 15 feet you will probably be serving time for manslaughter or make sure none in the area has a cell phone camera.  The larger caliber is no question your best argument, but I find handling a large caliber in a small auto package which is all the rage, can be a bear as well. (maybe larger grips would help?)  lol


I have watched many of Hickok video and yes he is very knowledgeable and entertaining. How ever I carry the same mini with the same grip and I am 20 times as proficient with it as he is. And no, he definitely is a better shot with it then I am. That being said, I think he should have taken some time and learned how to handle the mini better before doing a review of it. I don't think he was fair to the gun or NAA.
One more thing so that I don't miss anyone getting pissed at me. These mini revolvers are deadly weapons no matter the caliber. AND THEY CAN and do KILL. They are not the toys some make them out to be....


I didn't say it was a better solution, just that a lot more people new to guns will find the tiny five shooter difficult.  Also agree that the reload is not important, (usually), in a defensive situation.  But it is an issue that will affect a person's decision on what to carry.
My personal opinion on the reliability issue, revolver vs semi auto, is that it is almost a non issue. I don't know how many thousands of rounds I have put down range with semi autos, .22 through .45, but know it is enough to feel totally comfortable carrying one without qualm. 
No one has said the .22 could not kill.  I have, over the years, taken a lot of small game with .22s. For larger critters, especially ones intending to do me harm, it is inadequate. 
As a last ditch weapon a Mini is better than a rock, no arguement. 
The bottom line is; there is a reason police and military do not carry .22s as sidearms.


I probably agree reliability may be close to the same but putting it into action quickly under stress I think is easier with a revolver, especially for those who can't practice very much.


That is the real problem with all the new people buying guns to carry.  Range time.  Many people that I know who are new to handguns and have gotten their carry permit simply are not taking the time to become proficient with their weapon. If you are going to carry, whether it be a revolver or a semi auto,  you've got to practice. Then practice some more.


The main reason I wouldn't consider the NAA for my primary EDC has more to do with the type of ammo it uses than the caliber or the gun itself. In my experience, rimfire just isn't very reliable. Sometimes it goes bang, sometimes it doesn't. But there's plenty of times when I just throw on some shorts and flip-flops to make a quick trip to the store. It's these times that I wouldn't be carrying a firearm at all if I didn't have something as small and lightweight as my NAA.


I hear people say that they use naa's for times when they would not have a gun on them because of type of dress or whatever. It seems to me that if you are willing to trust your life to them some of the time, why not all of the time?  As has been said many times, if you know that you are going to need a firearm you would carry a long gun. I think the caliber debate is just that, a debate. It is all a matter of opinion.   There is a good artical about stopping power at this link.  http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/


Quote from: 38sp on July-27-15 15:07
I hear people say that they use naa's for times when they would not have a gun on them because of type of dress or whatever. It seems to me that if you are willing to trust your life to them some of the time, why not all of the time? 

Its mostly just a matter of convenience. Sometimes you just don't feel like strapping on your belt, holster and 1911 just to make a quick run to the local grocery store which is in what I consider a very low risk area. In the unlikely event that I need to defend myself, having the NAA in my pocket is still better than throwing rocks. Other areas I travel to daily are known to have much higher crime rates. The likelihood of me actually having to defend myself in these places is probably trippled, so I carry a larger firearm. Sure, I could get confronted by a bad guy anywhere, but some places are just more likely than others. Still, even in the lower risk areas I believe its better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it.


 The real deal stories are certainly hard to read about and I pray to GOD that he will never put myself or loved ones in any scenario that causes me to pull my weapon and that would be my Kimber 45 UltraLite 99% of the time simply because I aim to kill but I rather not have to . 22's are for in the eye , up the nose , in the ear up close and very personal for a good quick death shot , oh one more place the base of the skull upward . All calibers will work just some more messy than others and its best to hold the perks head with the other hand . Just an opinion of course . 8)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Quote from: cfsharry on July-26-15 22:07
I understand fully what is being said here and agree fully he might have practiced a bit more before filming so as to not have bumbled so much. His message was his opinion, no more no less. 
This is merely a guess on my part but would not be surprised that the mini purchased by the average person suddenly feeling the need for a defensive carry piece finds itself relegated to a desk drawer after a couple of range sessions.  It is a difficult gun to shot well, is a bear to reload and the simplicity of running a small semiauto in a larger caliber will lead to a more comfortable solution for filling a defensive need.
Glenn, on another note, what is your 6mm rifle? Sound an accurate piece. Scoped?

Harry ... it's an old 788 that I fiddled with some.   Full action glass bedded .. free floated ... 100 gr Sierra Spitzer Boattail load worked up.  6-18 power scope ... Harris Bi-pod.   Groundhog heads at 400 yrds.   Dimes at a hundred all day long.
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Yeah it is a matter of opinion and the opinion of folks that know, (read... FBI, every police department in America, the military and anyone who has actually killed critters with guns), is that a .22 caliber handgun is not optimal when the doo doo hits the fan.
Sweet!  Did you do the stock carving and bedding yourself?  100 gr. has got to be moving right along and must shoot really flat.  Here in WI we don't get too many 400 yd shots at anything but can appreciate a gun and the shooter who can connect on a chuck at that distance.
Now I know that there are at least two on this forum that I don't want mad at me.  Boone with a handgun and Glenn with a rifle.  And maybe OV cause he could talk me to death.