Me and Earl went shootin'

Started by grayelky, April-01-12 16:04

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First, a picture of Earl (he is on top).



   Then, from 16-18 feet away, the target(s) were wedged behind a small vine growing up the side of a tree:

   This was the first shot:


   Look closely, and you will see lead in the nickle from the .22 mag bullet.


   Then the the second shot:



   Then, my luck ran out. It was the middle of the next cylinder before I hit the quarter:


   (No, you are not missing anything. You will just have to take my word for it, as we never did find the quarter!)


   We were using CCI/Speer Gold Dots SBPD ammo, and Hornady Critical Defense.


   We also shot the above 2 loads and a Hornady 30 grain V-Max from an AMT .22 mag w/ 4" barrel.  

   The you tube link is a video of the muzzle flash. The third shot is the 30 grain V-Max:">


   The hands belong to me. The "short one" in the background is my older son. My younger one is doing the video. And for those who may be curious, I never did hit a coin with the AMT.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

chopprs could not find any other targets other than defacing American currency?


Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


.....yeah, I am sorry but I don't think that is kewl at all to see bullet holes through, "In God We Trust"....sorry man.


Good shooting, Grayelky. I never use dimes or pennies for targets - not  

   that I cannot hit them, of course, just would not want to deface currency


What do you think of the V-max?   Better than critical defense?


Nice shoot'n

   So. . . Are you saying you can shoot worth a plugged nickel?

   Seeing "Liberty" on the nickel made me think of Liberty Valance and the man who shot him.



   I have shot very little V-Max. I got the AMT in trade at the shop, and decided to keep it. The trader also included a couple of boxes of the V-Max, as the AMT shoots it very reliably. (They are well known for being ammo picky.) In the video, there is quite a bit of difference in the muzzle flash of the V-Max versus the other 2. That is one of the reasons I like the other 2 for for carrying in my minis. For what little testing I have done, I find the Hornady has slightly less muzzle flash, and it seems to do slightly better on 2 liter soft drink bottles filled with water. If I have both handy, I carry the Hornady, but the Speer is a very close 2nd.



   I posted this, not so much as a "Hey, look what I can do" rather more of a "See what the Earl is capable of".



   If you look very close, you will see on the dime "In God We Trust" is very visible. A close look at the nickel will also see I missed the phrase completely, with a slight lead splatter on the "G". And you thought it was luck.  
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I guess I have a bit more respect for some things than you do. That's ok, if that is what you are into but not only is it a Federal Offense but I think it is disrespectful to our Country.

   I guess we all have our sore spots.....


chopprs, like you've never shot a coin before.  give me a break.  the reason it's illegal is they cost more to make than their face value.  that's a crime.  accuracy is never a crime.  also, pretty sure not every american is cool with god on their money.  like i've said before i won't argue religion and politics because no one knows who is right until they are dead.  for the record i shoot foreign coins for trophy shots.  no rule against it as far as i know.  and chops, i'm effin' with you cuz you accused me of being whitehorse.  let me be the first to say "no banning chopprs"


Actualy I never have shot a coin, Not ever, not once. If you need a break, please take one!

   About religion, a wise man I know once put it like this:

   If I am wrong, I am worm food. If you are wrong there sure will be hell to pay!  

   Smart guy!


i've always appreciated that quote actually, and find myself asking if i'm wrong i'm screwed.  you won't beat me, chops.  oh and i voted for obama.  won't again, but chew on that gangsta


Quite the class act you are.....


managed not to tell someone to stab themselves, so i reckon you're right.  i wanna shoot with you, east coast perhaps?  no accuracy challenge, just think we'd have fun and put the d vs. r thing outta the picture.  liberals own and shoot guns.  liberal politicians don't shoot guns and are a-holes, but we do shoot!  if you can shoot a firearm you are welcome at my range anytime.



Liberals that have guns are lying to themselves if they think that those they support want them to keep their guns.

   Liberalists support liberal Politicians. This is how Socialism gets started.  

   Sorry, I don't hang with Socialists. I am a Conservative Christian, a Capitalist and a red blooded American boy!

   I do not burn, spit on or let my flag touch the ground and I do not deface the property of this country......sorry buddy!


And, a PISS poor speller, in the evening... Nicely done, Mr Beam...


   And yes, you are most certainly a sorry buddy.


Its NOT illegal to deface a coin. The coin in your possesion is your coin. What is illegal is to deface a coin and then try to spend it. That came about because years ago people would trim a little off the edge of coins especially gold coins and build up a nice little supply of gold. Some of the coins got somewhat smaller as they went from hand to hand.

   I have cut up hundreds of coins and then some and there is no law against it...

   When people queston me breaking the law by defacing money, I sometimes ask them to not tell anybody.../

   A lot of silver coins are bought and melted down for the silver. A few years ago huge amounts of silver dollors were bought and melted down. Took out a lot of them.


I see no problem at all with a bullet hole through "In god We Trust". IMO that is cutting the BS right out of the coins value.

   On the other hand, thats 10 cents poorer you have made yourself in todays economy with gas prices rising which causes everything else to rise as a result, but a dime does make a great small target to challenge ones self with. I am guilty of it myself.


There ain't much free entertainment in this world anymore. A 22 shell is about 3 cents. Whats a dime??????



Coinchump said:  

   "Its NOT illegal to deface a coin. The coin in your possesion is your coin. What is illegal is to deface a coin and then try to spend it. That came about because years ago people would trim a little off the edge of coins especially gold coins and build up a nice little supply of gold. Some of the coins got somewhat smaller as they went from hand to hand.  

   I have cut up hundreds of coins and then some and there is no law against it...  

   When people queston me breaking the law by defacing money, I sometimes ask them to not tell anybody.../  

   A lot of silver coins are bought and melted down for the silver. A few years ago huge amounts of silver dollors were bought and melted down. Took out a lot of them."





   You guys are a bunch of real DOPES!!!

   I guess Coichump is due for quite a stretch in jail!

   Wanna make up any more laws.....CHUMP!


   United States Code

   TITLE 18


   CHAPTER 17  

   § 331. Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins



   Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes,

   falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the mints of

   the United States, or any foreign coins which are by law made current

   or are in actual use or circulation as money within the United States;

   or whoever fraudulently possesses, passes, utters, publishes, or

   sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or brings into

   the United States, any such coin, knowing the same to be altered,

   defaced, mutilated, impaired, diminished, falsified, scaled, or

   lightened? Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than

   five years, or both.?


   United States Code  




   § 333. Mutilation of national bank obligations  


   ?Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or

   unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill,

   draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking

   association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System,

   with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence

   of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or

   imprisoned not more than six months, or both.



   And that is just for defacing you get five years per offense. For melting them down you get TEN YEARS for each offense. Let me see, "hundreds of coins" got like five hundred to a thousand years to spend in jail..... Chumpy-Chump?????


   Here it is for everyone to see. THIS is why Coinchump HATES me. Because he says stupid crap and then when he gets corrected he needs a tissue.

   "Mommy that mean ole Chopprs keeps bringin' me to school. He is a MEANIE!"

   LOL, what an idiot.....


OK Gray, stupid question time.

   Did you do any video on the Earl & Wasp?

   Good one of the muzzle flash on the AMT.

   I love pictures. Moving pictures are better.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



   Allways ask. I am a firm believer in "The only stupid question is the one you don't know the answer to, and are afraid to ask." There are an unlimited number of stupid comments, though.


   This was the only usable video.


   Did not shoot the Wasp that day. That just happened to be the only picture I could find of Earl.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



   I don't hate you. I just can't stand to much windbag in one day.

   What I said is true. You need to do a little more research before you slobber all over yourself trying to make the world belive that you are smarter than me and everybody else on here. You have proven over and over that is a crock.

   Do you really belive that all the companys that buy silver and coins and melt them down would do that at the risk of going to jail? Same goes for all the coin cutters in this country. Coin cutters are on ebay and every where else. Doesen't it register on your pea brain that if it was illegal they would all be in jail?

   If I ever find out that cutting MY coins is illegal I will march right down to the Police station and turn myself in.

   Now I would suggest that you spend the rest of the day doing some more research on it instead  of wasting the day walking around banging your head into walls.

   Have a nice day,DUMMY!....

chopprs really are a self inflated arrogant windbag. So very arrogant that you personally deem the law of the United States of America does not apply to you and somehow you are above it. All those beneath you are subject to the law but all important YOU are not. What an arrogant ass you are to even think that the LAW does not apply to you!  

   So very LAME is your attempt to divert my direct quote from the U.S. code as to not applying to you and make an attempt to plause the possiblility that "I" am in fact an idiot for even thinking that any law may apply to your arrogant and self proclaimed really have topped yourself here!






Windbag, where have I heard that recently? Was that an orignal? HA HA HA

   Not long ago you were an expert on being a machinest, and got rid  of what looked like a couple of itelligent posters. Now I know you would like me gone, and sometime that will happen. In the meantime I enjoy watching people like you with low self-esteem  try to prove to themselves by beating on other people that you are not as dumb as you act.

   It would have been a lot better if you had posted your post and just told me you though I was wrong, instead of puking all over yourself, instead trying to get to me.

   Now before you turn into a permanent turd, if it ain't to late, go look for some court rulings that would pertain .../

   To try and keep this simple so you can understand it, do you really belive there are thousands of people like me out there that cut up money and melt down coins, and shoot coins, that are not in jail because they can't catch us?

   One more thing, and I know its really hard for you to understand, calling people STUPID don't prove your right.../

   Chopprs, you need to quit worrying about other people bring smarter than you, as most are, so get used to it.


And another one moves from COMPLAINING about the bully; to BEING the bully....









   Ironic, isn't it?
"Deeds; Not Words"


Coinchop, though you may believe in your own little arrogant world that you actually created the term "Windbag" you are hereby informed that you are not the originator!

   Secondly, I am sure now "datcho Momma" didn't tell you that two wrongs don't make a right. The law is what the law is and just because you have found some litigation that you believe has overcome the law it is STILL the law. This only enforces my opinion of your unending arrogance!

   Thirdly, I do not feel a need to prove anything to you as I am quite sure that you will NEVER accept anything that I say, even with overwhelming proof, I simply make the statement that your assesment that defacing currency is legal as incorrect for other readers that may not feel as hell bent and life determined to some way, somehow....GET ME!  

   Actually, I find you rather amusing. Such peeps as you are interesting and make me wonder how your ego ever got to be so immensely inflated!


   Here is an idea for you, why don't feel good about yourself and start another "Chopprs is a Meanie" thread like 22man did. I think that may be good therapy for your condition....BTW, have you smashed your keyboard yet? LOL!


And another complaining about the bully,  being the bully, with another complainer buttin in to save his poor little friend.../

   Did poor little chopprs ask you for help? Lord knows he needs it.

   Was there something wrong with my original post that deserved the answer that came from the forum resident troll?

   Whats your stake in this, or wouldn't we want to know?

   Loui... go back and read my post and tell me what I said that was out of line.

   I know chopprs came to see you, so maybe you saw first hand, that he need all the help you can give him. If he needs help, let us know. Maybe we should feel sorry for him. You do, so maybe theres something we don't know, and would feel bad if we did.

   You seem to have become the great protector, and maybe we should be proud of you. Helping the handicaped is a good thing.


   To get this settled, I am thinking about going down to the Police station and turning myself in. They can always use a good laugh.



Chopprs....You brought up inflated, you of all people. HA HA HA HA!  

   That the best you have?

   I feel sorry for people that were born with less, so out of consideration for your condition, I am not laughing. I don't know if there is hope, but I will stay tuned.../


Again, I don't have a dog in this race, but Google


   "is it illegal to deface coins" and you come up with all kinds of answers.




       t Illegal to Melt U.S. Coins? - Coinflation">

       Jun 26, 2006 � But, go to the U.S. Mint web site and search for "illegal". You'll get this result: 1. Is it illegal to damage or deface coins? Section 331 of Title 18 of ...

       Defacing Coins - Collectors Society Message Boards � ... � Glossary of Numismatic Terms

       Jun 10, 2006 � "Is it illegal to deface coins (e.g. by elongating them, artificially toning them, putting a hole in them, etc)?" According to U.S.code Title 18, ...

       Google Answers: Defacing US currency?

       Nov 9, 2004 � But what I don't quite get is if it is unconditionally illegal to deface coins, how does some company manage to get away with such blatant ...

       Is it Illegal to destroy a penny? - Yahoo! Answers


   � ... � Politics & Government � Law & Ethics

       Oct 17, 2008 � But on the other hand, I remember that science classes put pennies in acid, and pennies .... yeah its illegal to deface currency and mess with it.

       Would it be illegal to make a ring from a U.S. coin and sell it ...‎ - Mar 9, 2011

       Defacing legal tender and penny squishing?‎ - May 3, 2010

       Is putting holes in pennies illegal?‎ - Apr 17, 2010

       Is it illegal to deface Canadian currency?‎ - Oct 10, 2006


       More results from �

       Is it illegal to damage or deface coins?

       FAQ / Is it illegal to damage or deface coins? Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code provides criminal penalties for anyone who �fraudulently alters, ...

       Is it illegal to deface something with the Queen's image on it ..."> � ... � General Forums � General Discussions

       15 posts - 14 authors - Sep 20, 2007

       We receive e-mails from people asking whether it is illegal to deface coins. We are never quite sure why they need to know, or what they are ...

       Defacing the queen .. is it illegal? - Forum"> � ... � It's the Law � Law: England & Wales

       Jun 11, 2008 � So i picked it up n someone had cut through a 2p coin.... ... Yup - defacing it is illegal (if I recall correctly) which means that technically these ...

       Vandalism and Property Damage - Is it illegal to melt/deface pennies?">,com...275/.../view,items/

       Jul 23, 2010 � The code governing this issue is as follows: Title 18 United States Code, Section 331. Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, ...

       Is it illegal to deface a coin � ... � Coins and Paper Money � British Coins

       Is it illegal to deface a coin? In: British Coins [Edit categories]. Answer: Improve. Depends where you are. In most countries, it is totally illegal to deface currency.

       bending coins... illegal? : Support & Tips - Page 3">

       Jul 24, 2007 � if defacing the Queen's head IS illegal, as i think, then wouldnt the engineers that crate folding/bent coins be arrested? for either defacing the ...

       Support & Tips‎ - Feb 13, 2006

       Support & Tips - Page 2‎ - Feb 13, 2006


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       The only award winning coin dealer in Indianapolis. (317) 545-7650


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   Searches related to is it illegal to deface coins


.......I think someone needs a tissue!




I have no idea if it's legal or not, ( I;ve never really thought about it since I would'nt do it)  

    but if its illegal, what about all those penny crusher's at place's like Epcot, or Gatorland ,, where you put 51 cents in the machine and get a flattened penny with a gator or some disney photo..
Satyameva Jayate


. Is it illegal to damage or deface coins?


   Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code provides criminal penalties for anyone who fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the Mints of the United States. This statute means that you may be violating the law if you change the appearance of the coin and fraudulently represent it to be other than the altered coin that it is. As a matter of policy, the Mint does not promote coloring, plating or altering U.S. coinage: however, there are no sanctions against such activity absent fraudulent intent.  


   Absent fraudulant intent...../

   Thanks Bud. I looked that up before I cut any coins. I didn't look it up and post it because I like to see Chopprs fumble in his know it all.

   Chopprs. If I needed tissues it would have been to wipe the tears away from laughing at you.

   Have a nice day. Oh its to late . Maybe the rest of the day???