Me and Earl went shootin'

Started by grayelky, April-01-12 16:04

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Seeker... I have some SILVER dimes I ran through some machines along the Ok. toll road on the way to the Tulsa gun show. Machines were made for pennys but some of the dimes turned out.

   If anybody runs pennys through those machines it works best to use pre 1982 pennys as they were made out of copper. Later pennys are not copper, but you might want to check with chopprs, I might be wrong and stupid>>>. Been there.../


Anyone here evet put a coin on the RR tracks?


Where I grew up it was tradtion to hit a nickel with a .22 out about 20 paces...I think a lot of Americans that grew up with guns have similar traditions.  In Sniper school you have to hit the sniper challenge coin as initiation from like a mile or so...I don't think anyone would enforce anything on someone who is taking target practice at a few nickels.  If the world enforced nit picky things like that then we would all be broke and have no coins to shoot  The coin on the railroad tracks is a perequisite for manhood so for those who have not done it as a boy you need to get on the ball although its not as exciting as an adult.
- satchel

"Semper Paratus"


I think I'll run right down to the state park here & put them under citizens arrest for having a "Coin Defacing Machine"   !!!

   ~G    Sheeeesh .. sure is windy in here !
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


growing up in winton/atwater  CA (I left at 9yr old) I remember putting pennys on the track,and sometimes fruit, I bet you could'nt get near enough to the tracks these days
Satyameva Jayate


Sometimes when I have been screwing around on rail road right of ways on a lic. dirt bike and I am taking a break, I will put a coin on the track. Makes me feel like a kid again. Never have gone back and picked one up.


Have you folks not figured out anything yet about Chopprs? It is not about the coins, and if it is illegal to deface them or even if it is a bad idea. Stop and think back over all the threads he has been involved in: It is about having someone to argue with, and to create havoc.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Zachery what I was thinkin Elky.   I was sittin here reading a nice thread about some great shots you made with your little revolver ... then ... just like almost every other thread ... sunofabitch ... here comes the C&L Clown Show to turn it to crap !   It IS funny to see a big blowhard knowitall pounding on his chest ... then calmly get it handed to him on a plate.  It does "Get Old" though.

   BTW ... I see Sandy picked off the scab ... but seems to have left the infection.   Interesting

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Every thread thats turned to crap, and theres a lot of them involve chopprs. Lot of new members didn't last long, and a lot more don't post much for fear that they will have to endure chopprs BS.

   Its become an ever day thing. He thinks its his play pen at other members expense. I made up my mind sometime back to leave, but have put it off. I keep hoping things will change. He took the fun out of it for a lot of members...

   Infection....thats good../


I guess one should know the meaning of the IMPORTANT words ... if you are gonna copy/paste laws ... like you are a big shit.

   Maybe he thought "fraudulently" ... was referring to "Freud" as in the other post about him always being worried about others' Junk" ???

   Funny stuff right here ... you can't get this quality stuff on TV any longer !

   Elky ... I am truely sorry about continueing this wreckage of your thread ... but I guess wrecked is wrecked.

   Hang in there with us Coin.  All Children test the limits of just how far they can go.  You run into Keyboard Commandos all over the webernet.  He's probably a pretty nice guy when he's not hiding behind a keyboard.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


This really is great. I couldn't buy entertainment like this...and just think, you goofballs are taking all of this time and effort just to pay all this attention to little ole me.....don't stop, please. I am cracking up, I haven't seen a bunch of grown men act like this in a long time....C&L Clown show, Sandy's infections, the best one is no one is a man unless he has put a coin on a railroad track.....that is really good. Now that I have sincerely suceeded in bringing all of you down to the childish level that you accuse me of where do we go from here.....back to name calling?

   Between the mess of testosterone that this thread has turned into and the wonderful creation by your hero 22man I wouldn't be surprised if Sandy closes the sandbox, I mean forum altogether. Very mature gentlemen, very mature.....


do you want the forum shut down?  if it happens it will almost certainly be bacause of you. you get a lot of attention here, i thought you liked that?  calling the rest of us immature is by far the funniest thing said in this entire thread.


Widow, three months and fifty posts on a forum and you are now the spokesman? LOL

    "I" am the one that simply quoted the law. I am NOT the one that said it does not apply to me with a hundred reasons why. If you chaps wish to burn your country's currency well by all means have at it. I assuredly could care less as I was taught to have respect for my country. Apparently all of you think that is radically humorous, intersting....

   You all look like a buch of children in a sandbox when the local bully went home. Calling him names behind his back and saying how you will punch his nose next time he shows up. I have not, as I said, seen grown men act in this manner in quite some time. It really is amusing.....please continue.


aren't you the one acting like the children in the sandbox since you're talking garbage from the safety of your keyboard.  i don't find myself the spokesman of the forum, just an educated person who doesn't understand why you are doing what you are doing if you actually want the forum to stay around.  my two cents, man.  oh, and if shooting a nickel makes you a hater of your country then i don't wanna be a part of that country.  everyone here loves america, chops.  all this over a nickel- absolutely hillarious.  go aheaed and get the last word.  i'm done making you happy.


.....agreed, hilarious!


Heres a couple of cut up coin parts which should be worth about a million years in the pen. This will probably give patriotic chopprs a stroke.../

   USA forever..




Actually no, as I said several times I could care less what you do. It only shows everyone you are ever so childishly hell bent on proving something. Perhaps that you are greater than I, by having hundreds of destroyed coins.....

   Well I do not have a pile like that Chico so you win the cut up coin pile competition....feel better now?



   You ain't even in the runnin.../

   Will take a lot of ammo to catch up to this.

   To whom it may concern, some of this went to charity to help buy coats for poor kids. Do you suppose the judge will take that into concidation?


Chopprs.  If you could care less, it don't show.


...yeah, you got me. I am ever so jealous.....




   I meant no kid is complete unless he places a coin on the railroad tracks as many American kids do.  Ironically growing up poor that was the exact thing me and my buddies did quite often.  Your no less of a man for not doing it but it is or was common for kids to do that kind of thing.  


- satchel

"Semper Paratus"



   Why would you leave this forum? Don't you enjoy reading about the NAA products? If there is someone that bothers you, just don't read those posts. Simple. As far as not posting much due to fear of Chopprs, why fear him? All he can do is type stuff. Don't read it, and don't respond to it, and he has so much less to to type about.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



   Love the NAA products. Have a bunch. As far as me., I can take care of myself. As for choppers, he isnt much of a challange but it gets old. He wouldnt know respect if it bit him in the ass. Today was a good example. My post was to inform people on here what I knew to be true. Sent him off the edge like somebody kicked him in the balls. He says I hate him. I don't. I hate the way he treats other people with no respect for their feelings with his fifth grade mentality.

   As far as skipping his posts, thats hard to do. He is like stink in a small room. Its every where..

   Right now I am on hold.

   The neat part of this post is waiting to see how bad chopprs slobbers all over himself calling me stupid and an idiot. I can see it already.


The truth is that you hate yourself/what you have become and feel it is too late to do anything about it!...easy to see.


   Grayelky is a wise old coot!


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Hate myself????

   To late????

   Easy to see!


   Snowballs in July time!!!


   Grayelky...He needs friends.



   Waiting for Louie to tell me again  

   that I am a troll. Maybe later.

   I can wait.../


....ahem, hate to pop yer bubble but you are the one that called him a troll Choppy!


   Coinchop said:

   "Was there something wrong with my original post that deserved the answer that came from the forum resident troll?"


   Go back and read it.....


Chopprs...You ain't poppin nothing,

   Forum resident troll refered to you

   and your response to my post.


   Louie butted in because he knew you were a little short in some respects, and could use the help.../


Ooookay you called "ME" a troll.

   The resident TROLL has almost seven thousand posts. LOL, that is funny!


   Louie did not call you a troll.

   You just said that he did and he did not.

   The name calling game got your head spinning? Who is calling who what? Der-der der!


   You know you really are making yourself look foolish. You tell other people not to call names and then you do exactly that. Then you accuse someone of something that you yourself did and they did not...simply foolish my man!


   Senility kickin' in....?




   Quote from Coinchop:  

   "Waiting for Louie to tell me again  

   that I am a troll. Maybe later.  

   I can wait.../"


Back up to louies post # 2901.


   Your just not much of a challange and dealing with you is like going out to shoot with a box of duds. You want to play pig in the mud and your really not worth putting a lot of effort into.

   I am going out shooting  cowpies. They may be crap, but at least they aren't such a waste of skin.

   You know I told you a while back you could do better, and I think you are when it comes to being foul mouthed. Must have decieded you liked it here???

   Have a nice day, even if it takes some effort.../


Louies post #2901 is as follows:


   "And another one moves from COMPLAINING about the bully; to BEING the bully....  

   Ironic, isn't it?"



   I am missing the part where he called you a troll....where is it Coinchop? Where did Louie call you a troll?


   You are blabbering and making no sense. Simply acting arrogant and demeaning and calling me more names will not change the fact that what you just said is nonsense.


   I am waiting for you to show me where Louie called you a far all you have done is to call me more names and talk about playing with poop...


i wish i had a place to go shoot the cow poop around here
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Hey guys, I am new to this forum and am thankful for all the useful information that it contains.  I have already had dealings with a couple of you and know there are stand-up guys here.  It is not my place to interject here, but this forum would be more useful and enjoyable to everyone if personal issues were dealt with elsewhere.  It is a sign of strength to let attacks bounce off without diving into the mud hole with your adversary.  

   Sorry for sticking my nose where it may not belong - Just thought that an observation from a newbie might help.


Jackson..The first time you get called stupid or an idiot, you will understand,,,Go back a few threads...


   chopprs ..I know your slow, but keep trying...


   Heyjoe..Targets from the fence line to out of range. Grass is getting tall, but till farmers move their cattle into the grass I still  find some old ones to shoot at. Also shoot small rocks off the road, and cans in the ditches. If all else fails I can stick a coin on a post. They work well. If you were here I would take you along. You would love it.

   I mostly shoot 22s but I got my new S&W 60-15 in 357 yesterday in the Pro-Series. Trying to get out there this morning, just havn't made it yet.

   I aways take my Black Widow or my Earl when I go.

   Shooting off a rest you would be amazed at the shots than can be made with them.../

   Or the misses!!!!


You are still acting like a bully Coinchop.

   You have become what you accuse others of.


   Maybe you are just a mean old man?  Mad at the world?  


   You don't teach others by becoming what you say they are.


   read your own posts.  Are you sure that is who you want to be?



"Deeds; Not Words"