??? a new caliber possibility for NAA revolver?

Started by loss211, September-05-15 12:09

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Newbie here. Has this idea been posted? I could not find it>>> How about a new larger frame NAA revolver in 30 carbine or the 327 family?


The idea has been beaten to death. Most have suggested some variety of .32.
NAA made a Rube Goldberg factory sample they called the Earl. That went nowhere & they applied the Earl name to another revolver.


The point of NAA is small. But because someone brought it up again. I would like a  Super Companion chambered for .31 cap and ball. A truly small pocket cap and ball , smaller than the Colt or Remington pockets from the 1840s and 50s. It could be a 4 shot cylinder to keep it compact. On the bigger side when I was in the navy there was a twin 40mm mount in a training building. The head guy said I could have it if I could break it down and get it out. Should have done it.
Death before Decaf !!!!!