Getting Better With Pug

Started by ruprecht, April-07-12 09:04

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When I bought my first NAA Pug several weeks ago I took it to the range and was barely able to keep all the shots on the target, much less in any recognizable grouping.  I've now put somewhere between 300-350 rounds downrange at 5, 7.5, 10 yds and can actually keep them all within a 8-10" grouping.  Well, at 5 yds anyway.  Past that and I still need a lot of work.  Such a fun little gun though.


It is very surprising what these little revolvers are capable of. Keep up the practice, and you will soon be able to hit targets yo would not imagine possible right now!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I'm in the same boat.  Got my NAA last weekend.  Guess I'm a week behind you, hope to see the same imprvoments.


When Im steady , My Pug will do 2 1/2" - 3" at 7 yards. My BW will do 2" at 7.


One thing that has helped me shoot more accurately with the PUG is a tighter grip. Our NAA guns are so tiny and light, accuracy will always be secondary to just hitting the target or bad guy. But after experimenting for about two months after I got the PUG, I learned that a firmer grip improves target accuracy, whether I am sitting, standing, moving, etc.


Mr. God,

   I am glad to see you practicing like you do, setting, standing, or running.

   Too many people just stand there holding the little revolver in two hands and shoot it at a target that is in the same place every shot.

   Defense shooting is not going to be that way every time one needs to defend themselves.

   It is going to be higher, lower, sideways, moving, or in a crowd.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )