3 shot 380/22lr combo revolver

Started by trotterlg, April-07-12 15:04

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THAT is CERTAINLY interesting!


   thanks for posting that.


"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

Ah, shoot, I've been looking for one of those. I even have a GunBroker search for that item. Ah well. Kind of high price for this one. Hard to find, tho.


   EDIT: Oh, wow, there's a bunch of them available now. I'm going to have to get one. I have the 10-shot Leinad revolver and the 6-shot internal cylinder revolver. Been wanting one of these for a long time. Thanks for the pointer.


I hate one day auctions.


   It looks like someone picked them up and started to make them again.


   It seems like those were around way before Leinad.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

Yeah, I think they're actually Cobray, not Leinad. Cobray went out of business and the owner then created Leinad. I believe his last name is Daniel, so he reversed the spelling of his name for the company name.


   I've been looking for one of these for a long time so I'm willing to pay a good price for a new one. I've seen some used ones for cheaper, and some even missing one of the cylinders, so I'm happy to get a nice specimen to add to my Leinad revolver collection (much smaller than my NAA collection).


   I'd LOVE to see a 3-shot .380 or even .32 revolver from NAA.


NAA have you ever shot one, they just look so cheaply made?  Scares me.  I do love it for its novelty, but I can kind of get that with NAA with a quality weapon.   Steve


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

cedarview kid

I have not shot one of these dual revolvers, but I also have other firearms made by this company and they are solidly built, but yet, they do look crude. They are solid steal, tho, not some sort of pot metal or other alloy.


   They are quite safe to shoot. I also have a 10-shot .22LR pepperbox revolver and a 6-shot internal cylinder revolver. They are both quite interesting firearms. I like shooting the 6-shot and I like SHOWING OFF the 10-shot, but that one isn't so fun to shoot. It's just weird--and I like weird.


   I also have a 5-shot .45LC/.410 pepperbox revolver.


   Quality is not really high, but they are not junk. Well, some people might say they are, but I've had quite a few Leinads/Cobrays and I'm pleased with them--enough to want another one.


   BTW, if you get a chance to get the 6-shot internal cylinder, I recommend them. They can be bought for less than $100 on eBay. They are quite cool and work well. The 10-shot is more of a novelty firearm, as it has 10 different barrels and 10 different sights, so it's hard to be reliable with it--and the manual cylinder rotation is clunky.


   That's my opinion anyway. I wouldn't worry about safety with them, but they are NOT high quality firearms. They are not junk, tho. I really like them.


   NAA's they are NOT, tho.


The trigger pull is worse than the Cop derringer 357. The novelty factor is kewl.

cedarview kid

Wow, you have a COP? I'm jealous.


Has anyone here shot the Leinad/Cobray D or DD derringer? They look like fun, and the single-shot D is very cheap.


Naa Collector,  


   I have a COP .357 that I would consider parting with if you're interested.


I have a .45cal. BP Dbl Bbl. smooth bore Leniad pistol. They are made of "real steel" and quite safe. Thats the good news. the bad news is, they are also clunky, and hard/awkward to operate, (safety-Bbl release- Bbl selector-etc.)


   Can't say for sure about the one shown. (.380/.22)But it looks like it is similar. Probably effective enough, but no work of art.
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain

cedarview kid

Good description, Therevjay. The double barrels have a manual barrel selector on the hammer and the revolvers I have are manually rotated. Very clunky, indeed--but part of the appeal for me. They're more like a mechanical car from the 50's or 60's, as opposed to the computer-operated ones of today.


   However, it looks like the cylinders on this .380/.22 are NOT manually operated. Can't wait to try it out.


   I have a black-powder 45 Leinad as well, but I haven't shot it.


   How much for the COP, Shadow? I gave up trying to get one when the price went up.


Naa Collector,


   There are three listed on GB right now ranging between $800-1175. I'd let mine go for $650 (you pay whatever it cost to ship it to you) since I don't have the box & manual. The manual is downloadable as a PDF if you need one, though. Of course, I am always open to trades too.

cedarview kid

What sort of trades? NAA's perhaps? Why don't you shoot me off a private message. Your account isn't accepting private messages at the moment.

cedarview kid


You get what you pay for.

   Therefore yours is a lot better than the cheap one.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   If you and collector do not come to a mutual understanding on the COP, send me a PM (I am in NO WAY trying to horn in on his offer!). I have a gun store full of trade material.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"




   You sir, are living MY dream. I managed to pick up some pretty neat guns years ago when I used to work part-time in a gun store, but I had to sell off the majority of them to pay expenses after my first divorce. I hated letting them go but sometimes life throws you a curve ball or two.

   I will PM you if Collector opts to pass. I also have a S&W model 66-2 3 inch that I've managed to hold onto. I'm not really looking to part with it, but I might be willing to if the right trade came along.

cedarview kid

LOL, Uncle. Good point. Glad I paid more! Back in Utah from my trip to Arizona. Hopefully I wil be able to pick up the dual-caliber revolver today or tomorrow.

cedarview kid

Picked up my Leinad Pocket Pal 380/22 revolver. I'm actually rather impressed. The engineering and manufacturing of this piece is much better than my two other Leinad revolvers.


   The rotating cylinder is actually a pretty ingenious design. It doesn't have a traditional cylinder stop, but rather a trigger cylinder stop/actuator. There's a little knob on the trigger that protrudes slightly into the internal cylinder chamber. This little knob locks the cylinder into place for shots, as well as rotates the cylinder while pulling the trigger, utilizing grooves in the cylinder that rotate it to the next round.


   Then once the final round is shot, the trigger cylinder stop locks the cylinder and the trigger, such that the trigger cannot be pulled. You reset the cylinder while reloading.


   It's a very unique and clever design. I'm glad I got one. My dealer was really excited to see it, too. He was impressed, where he wasn't as much with my other manually-rotated Leinad revolvers.  


   (Although, to be honest, he was greatly concerned that he couldn't get the trigger to pull when he was playing with the gun before I picked it up. I think he thought it may have had a problem or something, since the action was locked up tight, because it was on the last round.)


   I would LOVE to see something like this from NAA. Perhaps this can be the Guardian .22 design--a .22 auto that uses and internal cylinder. LOL.


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Few things are truly "new"




   The whole upper frame moves under recoil, and a fixed pin in the lower frame riding in the groove in the cylinder rotates the cylinder while the recoiling upper frame re-cocks the hammer.
"Deeds; Not Words"

cedarview kid

That's a sweet action! My new Leinad revolver isn't that complex, but it's the same idea.


One was used by Sean Connery in Zardoz.


   An interesting kinda sci fi movie from long ago if you have not seen it.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Meh. The Webley is ugly. I prefer the Mateba.


   Here's a slow mo vid of the recoil:





   That is sacrilage!!!


   That is one of the kewlest guns ever made my man!

cedarview kid

I'm not sure how heavy it is. I have a jewelry scale, but it maxed it out. I'm guessing it's comparable to a Guardian 32. It's mostly steel with plastic side grips.

cedarview kid

By the way, Uncle, these are new old stock. They aren't being produced again. Occasionally somebody finds a stash of old Leinads and we get a bunch of new auctions. When I started buying Leiands, they weren't common at all. Now there's lots available--all new old stock.


Still, yours is better that "older" ones.

   Paid more=better.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Louie sold the second best ranger ever
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today