I Know, I Know, Stupid Question On Mag Slip-On Grips But...

Started by gebe, April-07-12 16:04

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...you never know unless you ask!


   My 22MS is in jail for the next 10 days here in Kalif. I bought a set of slip-on grips for it along with a set of boot grips, (THANKS Quickdraw!).


   My stupid question is, do you remove the stock wood grips and then install the slip-on grips or do you put the slip-on grips OVER the stock wood grips?


   I can see all you NAA veterans smiling now but yuzz gotz to ask!


Take out the screw on the wood grips and they fall off. There are two little locator pins that come off with them.

   The rubber grip slides on. Many peeps use different lubricants, I just use some spit. be careful as they tear easily....




Windex or rubbing alcohol are the non biological lubricants most often used.
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