Question on NAA belt buckle holster

Started by NDAR15MAN, October-17-15 14:10

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Question. The NAA belt buckle that holds the pistol. I really don't see any practical use for it? Can not be worn with pistol in Buckle  because then it does not comply with  conceal weapon laws ( pistol ) has to be concealed. So what good is the buckle ? Has any one ever seen a person wearing the buckle with the naa pistol in it? I have never seen it ever? What am I missing here with popular buckle holster.....I would like to buy one but don't know how I would use it?   Marty


It depends on where you live.  Virginia is an open carry state so it is not unusual to see someone wearing one.  It may be the best choice if you don't have a carry permit and live in a civilized open carry state.


It could be used in Tennessee, as well, unless I'm mistaken.


Sorry NDAR15MAN,
You don't need one...
If there is something that is as neat as a belt buckle and a NAA mini riding in it and you don't want it enough to get it............
You don't need it....

Some folks here buy NAA products just to collect and fondle and look at.
To add something to the collection is a big deal.
It doesn't matter if it makes sense or is useable. We want it, we get it. Or..........Maybe, just maybe, two of them................

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God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


What Uncle and ZD said, or wear an untucked shirt etc., over it.