Product of the week Laser Siight

Started by 45flint, April-11-12 10:04

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i see this is now product of the month.   how many here have this laser and are satisfied with it.   not just as a toy but as working laser for concealed carry?  Thanks  Steve


I was thinkin' of getting one for my Ruger MK3. I know they make a crimson trace for it.


For the distances I anticipate using my mini(s) for SD, a Laser is just more bulk in my pocket.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I've got the little laser on my NAA 1-1/8" mag.  I've got the folding pocket holster/grip on it & big pockets ... so size is not a big deal to me.  I mounted the laser with the little toggle switch in the "Down" position when "OFF" ... so's it wouldn't get bumped "ON" in my pocket.  Don't really expect to use the laser in a "Haftoo" situation ... but it's kinda fun to have on there for fartin around plinkin.

Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Sorry ... I double posted somehow.
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


Deja Vu?




   Louie the fish


"Deeds; Not Words"


Me didn't know what me was doin .. I guess ???
Proud Untermenschen of the NWO


It's OK.  Happens to us Old Men too..........






   Louie the fish



"Deeds; Not Words"


How about those little Edmund scientific lasers. Anyone ever use one of those?


I've had a laser since they first came out & I think it's great. I've got it on a LR Mini with a 1-1/8" barrel & oversize grips that I carry & shoot a lot and although I usually remove it so I can see the sights when target shooting (countersunk dot in the front sight & painted hammer blade edge for the rear sight) I always have it installed for carry. Placement is critical in using a .22 for self defense & the laser will definitely increase your chances of hitting the intended spot.