.22 LR semi auto

Started by massmanute, December-23-15 21:12

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I wonder if there is any chance that NAA will offer a .22 LR caliber semi-auto.


Quote from: massmanute on December-23-15 21:12
I wonder if there is any chance that NAA will offer a .22 LR caliber semi-auto.

The possibility of a Guardian .22 has been discussed at length here over the years. Yes, we all want one! We haven't heard if NAA is pursuing such, though.


I'd really like to see NAA revive the Walther TPH in .22 or the Budischowsky TP-70.  Either one would be a humdinger of a .22 from NAA.  The small .22 auto market is crying for a new entry since Beretta quit producing the Bobcat two years ago.

Best Regards,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt,"
-Mark Twain