NAA vs. Charter Arms Dixie Derringer

Started by xdshooter, May-09-12 05:05

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What is the differance between these two guns beyond just the manuf.


it looks like charter arms has dropped the dixie derringer from their line.


   the NAA mini revolver has better fit and finish. the dixie derringer looks cheaply made next to the NAA.


   the NAA uses safety notches so there is no safety that you have to push to release in order to cock and fire. the dixie derringer uses a cross bolt safety like many derringers.  


   the NAA comes with wood grips, the dixie derringer doesnt.


   NAA has the edge in customer service also, though ive heard charter arms isnt that bad either.


   i have never fired a dixie derringer so i cant compare the two anymore than the above.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


No humor meant.

   It is like comparing a  Cadillac to a Chevy.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


A plus for the Charter Arms is their forum does not have White Horse on it.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I saw one at an NRA Convention in Reno. They claimed it had a smoother action than the NAA.

   They didn't have a price at that time but claimed it would be considerably less than the NAA. They also said it would be available in Kalifornia by the end of the year. I have never seen another one.


Looks like one other difference is that the Dixie Derringer has no other cylinder pin retention design that that stupid push-release thing that has proved so problematic for NAA.


Louie, you are banned for two days!




"Deeds; Not Words"


okay, as long as you don;t come at me with the gay marriage thing!


But doesn't the Charter Arms mini revolvers safety turn off when you fully cock it?  The Charter Arms is cheaper, and a hair lighter, as I recall.




   wouldn't even own a Charter Arms if they paid me.




   why are you telling me this?  We are not friends of confidants..........  I DO NOT CARE what you would or would not own.  Not real clear why you are telling me.  I own no Charter stock, and have no other interest in the company.


   No one is going to pay you to own a CA, so you have NO WORRIES.
"Deeds; Not Words"


Well maybe for  an engraved Ranger.


.....LOL, the hottest hot sauce I ever had was this stuff call, "Slap Me on the Azz and Call Me Sally"

   I laughed when I bought it, holy crap it was hot.  

   It was on the table at a party and some guy thought it was ketchup and poured it all over his burger. We tried to tell him and he told us to shut the F up.....they took him away in an ambulance!


   ....sorry for the drift Sally!




   I just realized the reason for the venom. My joke about no White Horse on the Charter forum.


    I am sure that you are equally happy that there is no louiethelump on the  

   "photoshop cartoonists discussion forum for Obama supporters posing as Romney fanatics"

    as I am about the Charter forum.  The difference is I don't even go to the Charter Forum, although I do perform repairs on Charter Arms guns.


     Most folks that fix guns don't know how to work on Charter Arms, and the ones that do know, don't like to.  (I don't like working on them either)  I do like to collect "stupid fees" from people who start taking them all apart and then can't put them back together.  There are 7 small parts in the cylinder latch alone, including a tiny spring and plunger that love to fly across the room.


   If they take the trigger out to do an "action job" on the poor little gun, they can't usually figure out how to put it back in, and when they do, they discover it takes a solid vise, some slave pins, and three monkey hands to do it.


   It is certainly NOT a gun for you.  YOU are more of a Taurus guy.  Buy several so you can be using one while the others are off at the service center being fixed.  It is what OBAMA would want you to do: Buy products made in Brazil.  He does!


   Did not mean to offend about you not being on the Charter forum.  Was a weak attempt at a joke.


   I will stay clear of all your forums other than than this one so you can keep your blood pressure down.


"Deeds; Not Words"


burgener you have to push the cross bolt safety to the fire position before it will fire. since it is a manual safety, just cocking it will not allow the dixie derringer to fire.


   its not a surprise that whitehorse wouldnt own a charter arms even if they paid him. its already been established a while ago that he doesnt own any firearms. he is another poster who is just here to sew discontent.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today




   your lack of honor and honesty is showing.


Why does everyone assume WH is a him?


Cause any woman that cute would have better things to do than waste time with us "Bubbas"?




   I don't have a digit camera to prove I'm a him or to show Heyjoe the collection of J frames and NAAs.  


   The horse in the avatar is also a stud. (humor)


   Several of the past Romnots are still upset because their GOP candidate failed and with my political support of Mitt Romney. Plus they enjoy being "Hall Monitors".  


   NAAs are better made than Rolexes and Charter Arms are worse than Fiats. IMO


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


NAAs are nice but better made than a Rolex....Uhm.....NO!

    Actually not really even close!

   More like a Timex...


If the dixie derringer of today is as well built as a NAA mini, then they have really improved in the last 3 years.

   I compaired them side by side at a local shop and the dixie was rough inside and out. The safety didn't work smooth either. It felt like it grinding. Like pushing it through sandpaper.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )

top dog

As much as I like the Charter Arms line,the Dixie Derringer is no where near the quality of the North American mini revolvers.


   There is no comparison,NAA is by far the best and Charter is not even a close fourth.


                                         Top Dog


Louie, every time I take a bag of firearm parts to my gunsmith to re-assemble, he tells me it's a Gun Utilization Mechanical Parts charge. I've heard him tell the other gun shop employees "Here comes Mr. Job Security."  


   I guess he must know someone at my job who's told him what a dependable worker I am.




   we used to call them "brother in law" guns.  No one wants to admit they did it.  It usually went something like this:  "I loaned this gun to my brother in law, and he was going to clean it and took it all apart.  Can you put it back together for me?  I think all the parts are there."
"Deeds; Not Words"


Having first owned a Dixie Derringer, then discovering NAA, I had an opportunity to do a side by side comparison. MY findings are as Uncle Lee put comparing a Cadillac to a Chevy, but I wouldn't even say Chevy. More like a Yugo and a Rolls Royce!


   The fitment, over all appearance, level of quality, so on and so on are so superior with the NAA Minis, that I was astonished that the DD even fired!! The cylinder lock up was loose, so there was always lead getting shaved off between the cylinder and barrel. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say......The DD is a real piece of crap in comparison to the NAAS.