Started by slygunner, May-20-12 06:05

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Starting now until the end of the month ALL of the NEW DESIGN NECK HOLSTERS (around the neck or on the belt) will be on sale HERE ONLY for forum members!! Prices will be, 25.00 for just the holster with a paracord necklace and for the holster with the mini tek-lok will be 34.50!!! I will be checking this posting 4 times a day so I don't miss any orders. You can pay with MO or through paypal, which ever is easier for you. This  sale ends on May 31st so get your order in now!! See the holsters at http://www.lostriverholsters.com">www.lostriverholsters.com (have you seen the design for the IWB holsters yet??)


Slygunner; question concerning the neck holster. Will the holster fit a mini revolver if it wears the oversized (secret service) grips that come very close to the trigger? Looks like they may interfere with the seating of the gun into the holster.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


@Roguets1, by looking at it I don't think so, however it may interfere with the draw. I would need a pair to be able to compare the fit. Thanks.


Thank you; please let me know when/if you find out. I may be interested in a few if they do not interfere.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.



   Which revolver in particular do you have? I am going to be at the factory in about a week so I can check. Thanks.


I have the Pug, Mag 1 1/8 and Mag 1 5/8. I would be interested in all due to the fact that all my NAA's wear the Secret Service style grips.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.