Everyday Carry

Started by rkclark, May-16-16 02:05

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Kentucky Kevin

Quote from: top dog on June-18-16 10:06
I tend to agree with you,best to have less than lethal alternative with you.
Best thing though is not to be in that situation and if you see it start to develop  GTFO!!!
                   Top Dog
Good idea wife did NOT like what the asp did to the kitchen chair & she has the spray, time to get another can
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


I have my BW with me all the time.  Around the farm is has uses not related to self defense, sorta like the Swiss army knife I also carry.  If I go to town I carry something extra but the BW is always with me. My daughter use to carry only pepper spray when running but one day the wind was wrong and she was severely bitten by a large dog.  She now carries a Pug and pepper spray.


If she sees that large dog again tell her to forget the pepper spray and let her Pug take care of business.  Hope she's OK now.


Somebody's  Blue Bloods Fan :D

Quote from: Kentucky Kevin on June-18-16 10:06
Quote from: rkclark on June-04-16 03:06
Quote from: Kentucky Kevin on May-27-16 10:05
RK welcome
Glock 26 on ankle 99% spare clip in pocket
NAA each front pocket w/holster grips
shown items in pockets

You seriously keep a Glock 26 on your ankle? That gun is far superior to a mini in a SD situation. Not to mention it's in one of the least accessible locations on your body. Wow!
Standing, sitting, driving, kneeling(please don't hurt my family[code phrase, drop, I'm shooting}) It is VERY ACCESABLE. ISIS incident in TX convinced me to go back to always having a 25yd + gun on me. I've timed myself, at worst it adds one second to my draw stroke


Quote from: swolf on June-07-16 10:06
From a defensible legal standpoint, I've been told that if you have pepper spray as a non-lethal alternative when Trayvon turns and walks toward you, it looks much better in court.  You had the intention of stopping the threat without deadly force, and escalated to deadly force when it became necessary.  Carrying only a firearm suggests you had no intention but to kill a threat to resolve a situation.  I don't agree, but I carry the "less lethal" pocket knife when I carry concealed.  I have a cheap pepper spray keychain I drop in my pocket for the inner-city visits and the occasional "got any change mister" situations.  I have learned to use and am starting to carry a "glass breaker" pen, so I can get away from the potential leaky pepper spray canister.  The demand and market for "less lethal" stuff is growing, and cool alternative devices are cheap and easy to find.  This could be an interesting thread on its own!  "Show us your slungshot/kubaton keychain/slap-jack ballcap/defense pen, etc..."

Everything is location and what kind of jury you pull that day but in my neck of the woods in no way is a knife of any sort considered less lethal in a court of law or buy law enforcement.

Never in the few years I worked as a PO did I hear of an officer involved shooting of a knife weilding suspect that ever went to trial for the officer. Well criminal trial, civil is a whole different game.