June Soapbox Posted...... You will want to read it!!

Started by admin, May-28-12 23:05

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A fire fight is any time they get to fire back and/or anything under 1500 yards (if James Bond was able to shoot a man off a horse at 100 yards with a Berreta 25ACP  we should be able to reach out there and touch someone with a NAA 22 Mag).  Considering the number of rounds vs hits in almost any military theater I was/am familiar with indicates that one will probably need to reload at least once if the shooting starts – even if it is with a back-up mouse gun at close quarters (we should always be thankful that most shooters that measure their body parts by the weapon they are brandishing are unable to hit the broad side of the barn from inside the barn – just don't stand in the door or window) -  all nothing more than points to ponder.....


i think that a gun this small with a swing out cylinder where you can eject the cases like you can in most larger double action revolvers is going to do very well. I think it will be a cool little gun.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Actually most shoot outs DO NOT involve reloading, and are over in about 3 seconds, with what USED to be an average of 2.6 shots fired.  It is probably higher now that many carry 15 or more shot guns, that allow them to MISS much more.



   The rest is a rarity.
"Deeds; Not Words"


I think I will spring for one. I cannot say that I find the Sidewinder especially  

   beautiful, but I felt much the same way about my Pug when I bought it, and now I  

   love the way it looks. If and when a two and one half inch barrel shows up, I  

   might go for one of those also.  


   I do not think that the swing out cylinder will make any difference in a self defense  

   situation, but when plinking I have dropped my cylinder pin among dead leaves more  

   than once. Be nice not to have to worry about finding it! I do wish I could get a  

   Sidewinder with only a LR cylinder, since I do not expect it to replace my Pug for  

   carry - mainly I will buy it because I have loved other NAAs and want to try it out.


......hhmmmm...that is a familiar poster.......


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I am with Buck on this.....a "new" to the board lefty that appreciates the right swing out!


Wow....the one thing that makes me very nervous is having to supply your credit card number and the verification code for it.  Did anyone notice this info is being sent via unsecured, unencrypted, open to any server along the path....E-MAIL?


   Talk about the opportunity for credit card fraud...this is the perfect recipe for it!  I'm not worried about NAA being the source of the fraud....just all of the unprotected servers my e-mail would pass through that can easily filter out the credit card information and route it to to an unknown, unwanted recipient.  Call me paranoid if you wish, but do your own checking and you will find it is true.  That is why e-commerce web sites you HTTPS 128 bit encrypted data transactions....to secure YOUR information from theft.  


   I would STRONGLY suggest using the FAX # provided.

cedarview kid

Or perhaps zip up the information with a password and supply the password in a separate email?



Also why this will sell is the swing out cylider is just cool machining and gives a lot of moving parts like the Ranger.   it is the smallest swing out out correct?  just that makes it a must have!!


I want 2 of them.

   Cause I want 2 of them.


   As far as making money on one of them.

   Nope, I don't think so.

   You will never be able to sell it for what you pay for it.



   If they aren't right for you or they don't look good in this area or that area or the "flow" of this part is not what it should be.


   Don't buy one.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Having held the prototype in St. Louis, I'm in for one with the conversion available.


Photos of the new baby would be nice so we can say - " Ain't the little viper cute - gotta have one!"  


It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I'm with Louie.  They look cool but do not do anything that what I have already does not and are just not "cool enough" to get me to jump.  Now get me a couple with 6" or so barrels and CCH and I would think about it.


   Of course I did not think the break top was "worth it" either so I am probably a bad monitor.
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun" - Tenzin Gyatso - the 14th dalai lama


I plan to do the EB in Magnum only and then when the 2.5" comes out I'll purchase it in Magnum with the 22LR conversion cylinder.




If I buy one I will go down to the factory to pay like I did with the BT - I too wasn't too comfortable with how they were asking for the information to be sent.


   I don't dislike the look or the idea of the Sidewinder, but I was a lot more exited about the BT launch. The dampener for me, is the cost including the conversion cylinder. I feel like I would have to buy the conversion cylinder, if I were getting one, but this makes it rather pricey overall with UT sales tax and FFL fees - too many guns out there and not enough time and money


   gtgoldsmith - I have a Beretta like Bond's if someone can provide a horse and someone else volunteer to ride it, we could do a "Mythbuster" style thread on it
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I keep a credit card with only a 500 limit for such situations, only one I use online if someone steals it ill only have about 40 bucks left on it and I wont die with 40 tied up untill  the fraud dept catches and returns it


I do USPS Money Order only.

   If the seller won't take that then I don't buy.

   I like money, green backs, dollar bills.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Since this is the "official" thread for purchase of the Sidewinder, I will make my offer here:


   Any board member in the Atlanta area who wants to use my store, Acworth Guns, as their transferring agent, I will do so at no charge for the transfer. Simply notify NAA to ship your gun to Acworth Guns. My FFL is on file with NAA, so you need to do nothing additional. Once the gun arrives at the store, I will call you to come pick it up.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


that is a very generous offer for you Georgia residents.


   i guess i will fax over the order.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today



   You make me wish I lived in the Atlanta area!


It's all about being Lefty Friendly with me. First order of business when it arrives, since it will become my daily carry, will be a nice dose of Zippo applied shine. Unless I'm the lucky dawg to receive #1, Then I'll wait for the general production models to hit the stores for a second.


Everything I buy online or by telephone is done with a virtual credit card number. Depending on the credit card issuer that usually limits use to one company & for only a brief period of time, usually about two months. Some cards even allow you to set a maximum amount that can be charged on that number.

   Check with your credit card issuer if you don't know how to set up a virtual number for your account.


I agree that you will be able to buy one in approx. 6 months a lot cheaper. I will not use mine for a collection but as soon as they become available I will purchase one. I really like the looks and swing out cylinder.


My card company has a widget that is on my destop that creates a new number for each purchase. A one time only use. The card number is not stored in my puter just a link with an encrypted password that changes every time I use it.


I just mailed my order for two with conversion cylinders.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


"I keep a credit card with only a 500 limit for such situations"


   Uncle Harley, same here, once in a while it's good to know that the worst case scenario is $500. The hard part is to stop your card provider from increasing the limit on you.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I just updated the form of sending your information. I've created a SECURE form that you can send your information.  no need to email.


   the link is also now updated on the soapbox page


Will confirmation e-mails be sent out to all of those per souls (myself included) that threw caution to the wind and e-mailed the required information in ahead of time - having been overcome with desire and all


If you go to Sandy's. Page it looks like they now have a online ordering system.   No emails?   That is new isn't it ?


Uh, 45flint.............  read the post exactly two above yours...............
"Deeds; Not Words"


a secure form..very good


   Chopprs can i borrow your widget?
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today