Sidewinder Early Bird One or Two?

Started by 45flint, May-30-12 06:05

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To me this is the only question.  With the Ranger I ordered one then luckily picked up another one #501 retail.   I know this will be a production gun.  Hard for me to rationalize two?   Come on you rationalizers help me!   Steve


If at all possible, I always buy two handguns. One gets lonely by its self.

   That is my rational. And I am sticking with it.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



   2 hands

   2 guns  

   When needing a rationalization for a starting point


One brain

   One wallet


I was planning on two... one configured for 22 Mag, and the other for 22 LR so I wouldn't have to fiddle with swapping cylinders.


   However, I'm one of those that goes for a longer barrel... preferring shootability over concealability.


   The 1 5/8" barrel shown on the prototype was fine for me. It's the same as my BT and LR, as well as previous mini's I've owned.


   I guess I'll wait for the 2.5" model to filter through the distributor channels to get my second SideWinder... hopefully before Christmas. I would just feel left out sitting on two 1" EB's when the 2.5's come out. FFL transfer fees would negate any idea of selling an EB 1" to trade up.


   Of course the whole concept depends on NAA continuing production on the SW.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


Brain has 2 sides

   One for each side of the body


   Trying to help with the rationalization man

   Besides, doesn't a brace of pistols have a certain ring to it?


I agree, I don't think there is any way this will not go into production so why not pair the 1" with a longer barrel later.   Only problem I have with this is I think the 1" fits this frame.   Need a photo shop to help me out.


The cch is coming up.



   And I don't have an Earl



   Or a pug


I have 2 sons, and I'm pretty sure they would both be wanting one when the time comes.  

   I'm assuming you have the funds and won't be badly strapped by the purchase.

   You are right, there seems to be no risk in waiting and pairing with a longer barrel version. Just always hard to get past the "want" factor.

   Are you in Ohio?


"Only problem I have with this is I think the 1" fits this frame. Need a photo shop to help me out."


   The photos of the prototype should suffice for a 1 5/8" barrel. Squint when looking at a Sheriff to get a feel for 2.5".


   The big issue for me will be if the ejector rod grows with the barrel length? There would not be an extraction advantage otherwise. I don't see an apparent difference in extractor rod length between the prototype and the production 3D model.


   Smith & Wesson .38/.357 extractor rods are proportionate for 2" 2.5", 3" and 4" barrels.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler



S&W 3" barrels have the same ejector rod as the 4" and above.  That is the charm of the 3" over the 2.5".  Full extractor length.


   I am guessing the extractor rods will all be the same, positioning the lug a set distance from the forcing cone end.  I would hope to be wrong on this and a longer extractor rod would exist.  Of course, the longer it is, the more prone it is to getting bent.  Full extraction WOULD be a plus.


"Deeds; Not Words"


I was going from memory on the e-rod/barrel lengths... risky doin's at my age ;o)


   I do remember the improvement going from my 2.5" Mod. 19 to my 3" Mod. 66. The Mod. 19 had a nasty habit with the ejector star going past the case rims (cases tip out from center), then pushing the case back into the chamber, trapping the case under the ejector star. I've heard of the same problem with the Schofield replicas using 45 Colt rounds rather than 45 Schofield rounds.


   The short travel shown on the prototype should not be a problem, since the cases don't come out far enough to tip. There may be a point in making longer ejector rods for the SW that case rim bypass may become an issue?


   Case rim bypass is usually not an issue if the case heads are pointed towards the ground.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


For me, it is a no brainer. Two.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


You can always shoot .22 shorts, full extraction.


Buck got it.

   Shorts for full extraction.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I just put the order in the mail for two with conversion cylinders.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )




   Which unit of the 82nd.? I was with E Trp. 1st. Sqdn. OARG in the mid 80's.
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain


Will order one can't rationalize two.   Steve


Then just buy one.


   Isn't this the greatest Country on the face of the Earth?


   We can still have a hard time making up our minds on whether to buy one revolver or two of them.



   Might not last forever but it is still here for now.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Then again two would give me two chances for EB001.


See, you now have what you were looking for.

   The reason to get two.

   Go for it.... You won't be sorry.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


New to board and you all are already a bad influence! I just put my order in for one with conversion. But am seriously considering ordering a second without.


Go for it Blaz, you will just be sorry if you let it slip away.

   Once the time is over, it won't ever be back.

   You can always sell one later if you decide one is enough. But you can't go back and get another if you decide you want two early birds.



   By the way, WELCOME.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks Uncle Lee, my first NAA purchase was a BW about a year and a half ago. I just LOVE that gun and have been trying to decide which other model to purchase ever since. Being a lefty I am excited about the sidewinder and am considering a few other models as well.  


   I enjoy this board!


Uncle Lee will not stear you wrong.   I think he has convinced me!!!


Just bought two with conversions.




   HHC, Bend, OR... SFC 19D, S2 & S3 in TOC. Retired in '96.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler




   Glad you made it. I retired in '98. SFC 54B NBC NCO (Chem puke) from 82nd. R.T.O.C. Lake Oswego OR. (Corps level REMF paper shufflers)
"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way".....Mark Twain

cedarview kid

Actually, I'm hoping for sequential serials, not two chances to get a low number. I want the lowest number possible, but I also want them adjacent. What a quandary.


I had better get sequential numbers.

   That is what I ordered.

   I don't care if they are #1&2 or #10014&10015.

   Just so they are together.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


It would make sense that as an order is drawn, the quantity ordered would be allocated in sequence. An inquiring email addressed to [email protected] should return an official answer.
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


Just to stir the pot, is it fair that the person getting #1 would then get both #1 and #2?   If he ordered two guns?   I think it would be fairer if those trying for #1 got two chances.   And if you only want sequenced # then you would got to back of the line till the single orders are filled.  Personally I agree that sequence are probably more desirable but I would probably opt for two tries at #1.   I think any two EBs will be worth the same.   Say there are 100 EB which is better.   #77 & #78 or #1& #55.      #2 & #55.     I would opt for those two early numbers.


I just read the June SoapBox again... What I get is all orders placed by midnight tonight MT? will be drawn for sequence within the quantity of orders placed (ex. SWEB0001 to SWEB1000+). It also states no special requests for serial number will be available during the run of the EB program.


   I doubt they will take the extra time and effort to put drawn orders for two units back in the bin for a second bite of the apple. I'm sure KISS principle applies. ;o)
"It is a lesson of history that it is ethically, morally, and philosophically impossible to have too many personal weapons, whether they be edged, impact or projectile."
- David W. Loeffler


If I had ordered two, which I didn't. I would expect sequential, regardless of draw order. If I had to take the back seat to #s 1 and 2 in order to secure sequential EBs, I would be fine with that. But I'm sure others would see things differently. It's what makes us individuals...our opinions and desires don't have to match! But I think the serial numbers should in honor of previous Early Bird programs, be sequential. IMHO of course!!