Sidewinder early bird serials

Started by admin, June-06-12 15:06

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I got a little more information on serial numbers for the early bird Sidewinders.  The serials are just drawn random, but if you order 2 they will most likely be sequential.  hope this helps.


Will email confirms go out on online orders that never got them?  Called Monday took name but nothing?  Kind of frustrating really.   Steve

cedarview kid

That was what I was expecting. Thanks Admin! Can't wait (but I bet you guys will make me!)

wild bill

I'll volunteer to draw the names.    :-)


ADMIN - so how many EB's were there?


I believe the offer is open until the end of June, so they would not know yet, would they?
"Deeds; Not Words"


Just called and they have the list and will confirm you over the phone.   I am in, but they will not say how many there are!!!  They say since I am in they may have to kick Dar to the end of the list.  Steve

cedarview kid

No, they said they are putting me at the FRONT of the list. Other end. You got that bassackwards.


I don't know anything at all but I did call Jessica the other day to confirm that my FFL was already on their list and she said, "Yep, and you're in the "COMPLETED" file.  


   Am I losing sleep over the announcement of who is getting what EB serial number?.....Nope...It's a lottery and I'm just happy to be included and able to take part. As with the BT, I'm only opting for one, but I am getting the 22lr cylinder conversion. Will I be using this one.....HAIL YES! Am I working on a speed loader? Again, yes. Am I contemplating a Moon Clip cylinder conversion? Again, if I can find a willing Gunsmith to take on the job at a reasonable price, absolutely. This pistol is opening up SOO many possibilities for the after market guys to "accessorize" a Mini, that I can't imagine them passing up the opportunity to jump at the chance. I guess time will tell.

wild bill

Wonder when they have the drawing?  And when we find out?   A  speed loader would be good.


Good luck with that moon clip conversion on a rimfire folks...................


   Keep us all posted on your results.   I am sure you will still be able to type with one finger or with a pencil in your teeth after the experimentation phase, while your hands heal.    



   A speed loader should be no problem.  I have a 9 shot 22lr speedloader in my parts box made for the H&R 9 shot revolver.  I am sure a 5 shot will be every bit as useful.  You can be shooting speed matches with it in no time.


   I am working on a high speed cylinder changing tool based on a battery powered screw gun that will come with it's own belt holster for rapid cylinder changes for those that get into a lot of "tactical fire fights" with their mini guns.  This way, they can do a "speed swap" to the L.R. cylinder in case they are attacked by 8 year old gang bangers in hoodies so as not to appear to have been overarmed by using the 22 magnum cylinder with the moon clips.................
"Deeds; Not Words"


i bet that one sails over a few heads
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


the early bird program is set to "conclude at midnight on 06/30/12"


I think what he meant was how many made it in time for the drawing.


Oh hail........My brain gas strikes again....Didn't even stop to think about rimfire/moon clip incompatibility. Ok, NIX that idea! Thanks Louie! I knew you were around for


.......what heads?

   .................what sail?!?!?!