NAA Convention 2010/2011

Started by redhawk4, October-05-10 11:10

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I didn't want to be the one to step forward and look like I was volunteering in any way, but what support is there for another NAA convention.


   I know myself, Madhat, NAA Collector and Grayelky have expressed interest on another thread. I thought it would be useful to get the interest in one place and then hopefully Sandy will jump on board.


   Last years was great fun, even if it did end up costing me the money for a Break Top - if I hadn't gone and seen the prototype, I think I could have resisted temptation.


   So let's get some names and suggestions on dates and go from there.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I'd go if Sandy provided all the models to shoot and Chopprs brought some bikes to ride!!


Sometime in late March of 2011 is a possibility for me.


"I'd go if Sandy provided all the models to shoot and Chopprs brought some bikes to ride!!"


   Sandy provided all the models to shoot last Convention, so I guess the ball's in Chopprs court.


   Thinking of the Convention, has any one heard from Tom lately?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card




   I think I just threw up in my mouth a little!


How about meeting in Vegas?

cedarview kid

That'd be fun, Hazz. I know of a few good ranges there.


I am good when ever you guys are, all I need is a few weeks notice.. las vegas? lol defeats the purpose of going to the factory though, I dont think sandy can bring that there lol..but i would get to visit my sister, havent seen her in a while...

    now dont get to hard on tom, at the convention he seemed like a nice enough guy, but there was that silly fella with the accent



   Just confirming my continued interest. March would be good for me. I could call the trip a birthday present to me.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


today would have been a good day for me lol last year I called it my late Bday present to myself


"now dont get to hard on tom, at the convention he seemed like a nice enough guy, but there was that silly fella with the accent"


   As I recall everyone at the Convention had a foreign accent, other than me
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


I guess Darv did have a hint of swahili going on


OK, we have two suggestions as to March 2011, how about we see if we can set it for a date then?. That way everyone has plenty of time to make arrangements accordingly. I'd have preferred sooner, but at the same time would like it arranged at a time when as many as possible can get there.


   Everyone get off the fence, let's have some proposals
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


last time it was on a thursday, I dont believe NAA does a full workday on friday, not sure, just sounds like something i have heard lol.... so I am ok with the second thursday in march..


   sooner would have been nicer but I would like to see as many faces as possible as well


I will be there if at all possible.  Just say when.


Wasn't one of Tom's last posts saying he was going to assasinate someone????


Rush Limbaugh......i was wondering what happened to Tom, more interesting guy than the recent few dweebs on here .....maybe Rush caught him and is making him smuggle Lorcet for him.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


"How about meeting in Vegas?"


   Hey, if that happens, count me IN BABY!


ok, for the convention lets lay some ground rules...

   no talk of politics or religion;                        

   guns, war, history, family, travels, all ok too P.C.? and definitely no calling anyone "baby" except in reference to our NAA babies(mini,pug,bw,bt) j/k


Silvershooter, you'll prevent 99% of people from coming to the convention with rules like that.


   As a factory tour is a big part of the Convention, and I'm sure we'd all like to see BT's being made, I think Vegas is off the table, it's only about a 6 hour drive from Provo, if you want to go there after the Convention. Tell your wives it was the only place you could get a flight from, I'm sure they'll understand.


   I'm sorry I mentioned Tom, he seemed like a decent chap at the Convention, I remember some less than charitable posts by him but must have missed the final showdown (with Chopprs & Barky?)


   Assuming Provo, March 10th (second Thursday)2011 was to be proposed to NAA as a date, would this be totally hopeless for anyone.


   Assuming it's OK, who thinks they can attend? In fairness to NAA we should at least be able to give them an idea of numbers and be able to get more people than me, Madhat and Darvell there.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Hey wait a second. Why am I getting thrown under the bus here. The guy was a serious nut case. He made some OBTRUSIVELY BAZAAR statements. I asked him to explain himself and so did Barky as well as several others. He never answered, he just disapeared.........I find that hard to be described as a "showdown"!

   Prior to that he told us many, many other bazaar things like he had been carrying a gun in his pocket for years and never had a permit.Didn't care. Thought he was above the law.


Steady Chopprs or people will start to think "you done him in" that's why he's not posting ;)


   I only put a Chopprs, Barky question mark over who he might have knocked heads with and you did provoke it somewhat with the "sick in your mouth" comment


   If he still monitors the posts he won't want to kiss and make up after your comments above either.


   Can we put your name down as a possible for the Convention, subject to Tom not attending?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


To be honest I really could care less if he likes me or not. He was a demented individual. He ALWAYS had some off the wall comment and that is why my stomache flipped when I was reminded of him. You may not remember but I once actually had to give him my attorneys telephone number to make him shut up!


   Enough about Tom!



   As much as I would love to come I just can not travel 4500 miles for a one day stay, sorry.....


March 10 might work for me. Can't say for sure this far out, but I like that timeframe. When was the last convention, oct 2009 ?


Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


oct 8 09... it was my bday present to get to go lol....  

   Tom was an odd fella but a pretty friendly guy in the flesh.. most of the people there were a little sketchy to approach ME at first though lol take for instance red who was a little suprised I really did have a purple mohawk, even after I said i did... guess he thought I was joking.


"As much as I would love to come I just can not travel 4500 miles for a one day stay, sorry..... "


   How about if we let you stay the night?
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


stick around for the weekend, there is plenty to do in SLC


lol you could teach me how to be cool


you guys could lower floats together
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


dont know that I am up for the float adjusments,I am happy with the crappy milage and strong high end power of my dirtbike as is, I did change the jets out not to long ago. it was really expensive, like $1.50 or something lol glad I got the spendy OEM part for that one. maybe you could help me with the crank case and head gaskets or perhaps the impeller on my dirtbike though.. having some issues with coolant getting in the crank case, not good I figure but Im no expert could help with my milage lol


or if you know electrical systems I would love to get this thing running again


   I know thread drift lol sorry


Jason, of course if I was there I would love to lend a hand with your fun stuff!

   Unfortunately I am all vacationed out this year. I am in Cape Cod for a week next week and February in Key West for two weeks. Also, March, April and May is my busiest time of the year. There is just no way I could leave then. I have three builds going on right now so I will be busy with them past at least Christmas.......

   If only I had another pair of hands!


Who is Tom?  Why is Redhawk4 dragging me into another thread that I ignored until now?  I would think Red (who obviously does not take what he dishes all that well) would QUIT dishing...


   I don't know anything about Tom's threats to kill anyone, and never heard of the Limbaugh thing till now...........


   If he said that sort of stuff, he is probably in custody somewhere in one of the secret prisons run by the CIA.


   Redhawk:  take your pill!!!!


   Good boy!




"who obviously does not take what he dishes all that well"


   Yes, I always get upset at everything that's said and cry all night - but all I hear on this one is the pot calling the kettle black


   Apologies if I wrongly "accused" you, my memory must be at fault, but I thought I remembered you getting pretty wound up by Tom's unusual comments, at least I was 50% correct as Chopprs readily admits he could not tolerate Tom's strange ways and I did put a question mark after your name to show I wasn't sure.  


   Any way about the Convention, are we any closer to a decision?.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card