Anyone seen this holster before?

Started by websniper, June-09-12 16:06

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And have any experience with this maker and particular holster model?">


   I really like the design, especially how it seems it's molded with the outside pretty flat and most of the shape of the revolver is hidden against your leg.  


   However, it seems a bit spendy compared to Concealment Holster Solutions offerings or RKBA.  Both of those are only around $35.




I have owned a couple of Bullard holsters, but not for NAA guns, and they are very well made.   Prices run a few dollars up or down from maker to maker.  If the maker is real busy the price tends to be high.  They ARE a quality product though.
"Deeds; Not Words"


K&D makes something similar for the BW.  Removable print panel.  Same price range...




NAA Mini Revolver holster links:



Interesting that Jason's website is still up.It still has his old email too....


The last one is more for the curmudgeons out there that need help holding their pants up due to too much easy living (well I do not drink so it can not be a beer belly)


I don't know if I have been cussed at or not.

   I wear suspenders along with my gunbelt.


   Nope, looked it up.

   Fits me pretty good.




   An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


it is easier to just write Chopprs


   easier to spell
"Deeds; Not Words"


Thanks for the feedback and the other links. I've seen a lot of those makes before, but others were new to me.  Thanks!  I'm still waiting for my Pug to get back from NAA warranty work, so I've been agonizing over holster selection for a week (with 2 more to go!).
