Substitute for Mad Hat Pocket II

Started by websniper, June-27-12 17:06

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Hi guys.  Does anyone know of a maker who does a holster that is akin to the MadHat Micro Pocket?  I'm probably going to be getting a Special Edition from Concealment Holster Solutions as well, but I'm looking for something even slimmer for certain pants pockets....


Upon looking at Mad Hat's site, looks like I was referring to the Micro Pocket model...


Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


I second Jjccamis' statement. RKBA can and will build just about anything you can come up with and at a super reasonable price. Well made, look great and shipped quickly.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Roger that, I am considering a custom Kydex rig from them as well.