Holster shipping times

Started by r1150r, June-30-12 14:06

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I rarely have time to participate on the board, but I wanted to take a moment to address an issue that I don't want to get out of hand.  Many of you have ordered holsters from me and I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to help meet that need.  As most of you know, I'm not a stickler for demanding payment up front.  I try to be as realistic as possible on shipping times, both on my website and in my communications with customers.  


   Today, I had a customer wrongfully insist he had ordered on June 11th, waited three weeks for his holster and that I had somehow indicated he would have it by the 4th of July.  In reality, he ordered the 17th.  He further attempted to 'go public' with the issue. Why he felt so obligated in this age of digital records with timestamps is beyond me. I guess I'm not as patient as I used to be, but I just sent the man his money back.


   As clearly stated on my site, shipping usually takes three to four weeks.  Volume of orders, supply chain issues, etc. can alter that, as can the random act of loss or mutilation by our postal service.  I am one man; I do all the work.  I can't foist it off on anyone else.


   In short; if you've ordered recently, I told you three to four weeks.  That's still a very good estimate.  If you order from me tomorrow, it still will be.  


   Thanks to all,




And well worth the wait..................
"Deeds; Not Words"


sounds fair and upfront

   I've never bought from you john, but I've heard you do quality work,,,,,

   and I won't hesitate to order from you in the future when I need a new holster.


I have one of your holsters. Quality work!



I also have one and another on order.  Great quality work and great to deal with. Thanks John.


I noticed when I ordered my second one in early June that the website had changed from "3 weeks" to "3 to 4 weeks".  That was over a week before "Mr. Impatient" would have ordered his.  Good call sending his money back.


   I'm glad you are busy! Hopefully all the business will keep you in business!!!




   Happily looking forward to my holster (in 3-4 weeks, as clearly posted on your site).


   I get the same kind of customer in our store. Especially for returns.  


   "I want cash back." (No receipt and he just plucked the item off the shelf when he walked in the store.)


   "I'm sure I bought it here last week." (Product dirty, moldy, ripped package and purchased eighteen months ago).  


   "I know you carry this. I've bought them here before" (Competitors label clearly attached to item.)


   "I want cash back." (Item presented for return was purchased on a different account with a third party's credit card. Customer threw a tirade, then threw the product on the floor and stormed out. He later called the CEO of our company and complained. Some people carry their insanity? or drug-hazed fantasies? to the max.)  


   "I just bought this, it doesn't work, I want my money back under warranty!" (Customer belligerent, "aromatically" inebriated, item purchased months ago, no receipt, warranty expired, return item, boxed in original box now marked "Xmas decorations", now July. Showed him the door when he became "boisterous", to applause of other customers.)


   But the best was, "This hammer doesn't work!" (Inebriated customer threatened counter manager with hammer. Very large, retired State Police officer and large contractor calmly picked customer up and relocated him out doors into custody of arriving local police. Later, customer's wife apologized, hammer was purchased at Walmart. BTW, it worked fine.)


   We get all kinds.


Jestus, and then there is the other side of the coin when something you buy breaks and you have some kind of warranty on it and the store or company says its not a defect in workmanship, you must have done this to it or that to it. you went too slow, too fast, too hard, too easy, you must have dropped the box, you must not have rolled it correctly, you must have ripped it with your nails, you must have shorted it out,  ad infinitum. i wont even purchase any kind of warranty anymore, they arent worth the paper they are printed on.  

   then there are the times you  are charged the wrong price, the item is stocked over the wrong price, the sale is only for 10 ounces not 9.7, the tiny print, the misleading signs, the tricky language, the bait and switch.

    its not easy on this end either.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Not everyone can be as good as Wal-Mart.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


"Not everyone can be as good as Wal-Mart."  


   They sell non-working hammers, don't they? )


   In answer to Heyjoe,


   You are right, there are tons of terrible misleading/fine print clauses out there. We aren't the ones who do that sort of thing. Ours is an employee owned business and we appreciate our customers and bend over backwards for them, most always giving them the benefit of doubt. We've been in business for 105 years, and we didn't do that by cheating anyone.  


   If customer's are drunk, or threaten us with hammers or try to get money back from something they just stole off the shelf or a refund for something somebody else bought...

   well, we draw the line.


   Otherwise I am understanding of your frustrations. Try to understand ours as well.  


   Those examples were offered up as humor, BTW. True and frustrating at the time, but humorous in retrospect.


i didnt mean your business jestus, just businesses that i have had dealings with. not all of course but enough not to bother with a warranty.

   my post was suppossed to be on the humorous side itself. its hard to tell in print sometimes.

   i wouldnt put up with any of the things you mentioned either for the record.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


Heyjoe, we are fine, bud. No problemo. And yes, humor is sometime hard to express in print. Many of my tongue in cheek remarks have been mis-interpreted.  


   I think, I too, have shopped at some of the stores you've described. But only once!


Some time ago, I purchased a pistol rack from a local big box store.  It is the kind that looks somewhat like the gizmo you drain/dry your dishes on next to the sink.  It is made from cut/bent welded rod, dipped in some type of plastic coating.  It holds 6 handguns and stays where you put it.  It has no moving parts.


   As I am reaching for my wallet at the store's checkout, I am asked "Do you want the extended warranty for this?"  I probably looked a bit perplexed/confused as she stared at me, waiting for an answer.  


   After perhaps 10 seconds, I finally responded...."What would this warranty cover?"  She looked at the box (again)....then at me....then at the box....and finally asked if it was cash or credit.  Her look...that "please don't assume I'm an idiot because I asked you that question", was priceless.


   .....I skipped the warranty.  To date, the rack continues to sit quietly on the safe's top shelf....and I am happy to report that it has yet to suffer any kind of catastrophic failure.