.32NAA guardian

Started by dwstiles, August-02-12 14:08

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I have owned a .32NAA Guardian for nearly half a dozen years now. Mine is a Kahr frame version with an A003xx number.  Does anyone know what that represents in terms of production and year?

     It is my constant companion, either as primary in the few months of shorts&t-shirt weather and as deep cover backup the rest of the year.    I am interested in leads to any information on real-world usage, specifically how well it as functioned in terms of stopping power.  

     I am seeking leads toward any 'smiths that specialize in smoothing and lightening the DA pull and improved sights.  

    Quality carry leather  is another topic I'd like to know more about. I have found a couple, but since it is such an uncommon carry piece I imagine there are small custom holster guys who have some good products.  I imagine as I wade through the threads on the various mini-s I'll find a few past discussions on these topics but I'd like to get some current info as well



   It is the same frame and size as the 380 Guardian, and nearly every major holster maker makes holsters for it.  In addition, numerous custom makers make holsters of all sorts for it.  I sold my 380 and I think I still have a like new Don Hume inside the waist band holster for it if you are interested.  You may want to wait until you get your sight work done, as if you put high sights on it, the standard holsters will not fit anymore.


   As far as smithing work, on the trigger, I would suggest you send it back to NAA for that, as when they get finished smoothing it out, it will still work reliably.  If you reduce that trigger pull more than just a little you will get misfires, so smooth is better than light.  They would also be the BEST place to do the improved sights.  If you go to the NAA website, you will see what custom work is available.  NAA will also put new springs in it and go all through it and make it like new and do any updates to it that have happened since you bought it while they have it there.  There is no better company to send that gun to for work than the people that built it.


   Good luck and take some time and look at all the accessories and options that are available.  If it fits the 380, it will fit the 32NAA as well.


   glad to have you as a new board member.


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