RKBA holster

Started by jjccamis, August-04-12 22:08

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RKBA holster and holster with pouch open for 5 spare rounds.
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Now that IS NICE


I tried to get him to make a couple for my BW's, actually four holsters... I haven't heard back from him.


   Not sure what that is about.


Peeshootah, I think you may have to pay for them up front.  That's what I did.  He sent me a receipt for funds received and I got my holster about three weeks later.
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


Yes, of course you do.  First he has to come to grips with the request, then he has to agree to make the product, and then he needs to spell out the specifics like what the end product will look like, price, and delivery date.  


   He seemed to get stuck on coming to grips with the request.  I was simply looking for right and left pouch holsters similar to yours but fitted to Black Widows.  It didn't seem that complicated...