PUG vs regular mini mag?

Started by taseal, August-05-12 12:08

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Hey everyone! I just bought a mini mag yesterday and I love this little thing. it will be a deep concealment pistol for when I go places that I just can't have anything small like my PF9 for pocket carry (like gym, running etc)


   After I bought this thing, I reazlied there is a more 'modern' version called the PUG.  


   actually I'm not even sure if it's a 'modern' version.  


   which leads me to ask this question...


   what is the difference between a 1" PUG vs my 1 1/8" mini mag?




Cosmetics and much better sights.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


"Deeds; Not Words"


Better grip and a much improved cylinder pin locking design.


I went with the MSC with 1 5/8 inch barrel mainly because I liked the looks and price better.  As for actual concealment, and pin retention I would have to say look real hard at the Pug and if possible, borrow one and compare it to the standard


the pug is a quarter inch shorter and 1/2 ounce heavier than the 1 1/8 magnum.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I have had a Mini-mag with 1 5/8" barrel for several years, and was wanting to add a Pug to my collection. Last weekend I got to shoot my friend's Pug, and I didn't find it all that different from my Mini-mag. His sights were different from mine. I have Pug style rubber grips on mine so they both felt the same in the hand. I didn't find much difference in the two gun's handling and accuracy. Both are great guns.



I think the regular one is better suited for me then. I have no problems with the cylinder pin on mine, and sights will work out to 10 feet or so. it's also ligther which is very important for me. (might be a neck gun, boot gun etc. I need every oz I can get)


I have a Pug and a 1 5/8" Magnum Mini. The Pug has real sights, but I am  

   still about as accurate with the Mini as with the Pug. The Pug cylinder pin  

   is supposed to be better, but if you have no problems with the Mini's pin  

   then that is a moot point. There is a nice crown on the Pug's barrel which may  

   help prevent keyholing. They are both very fine guns; I do think that the  

   traditional look of the Magnumn Mini is slightly more attractive.




I love my pug!  Had it several months now.  Took a while to get used to, but now it's like an extension of my hand.


Nice comparison pic!!
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


The 1 5/8 barrel looks better with the new Chong grips. I wll try pictures of mine later.