Boot grips

Started by wazzanm, August-13-12 19:08

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Hi all,

   Am looking for NAA magnum boot grips, custom boot grips will be better than the factory ones. Any suggestions on who would make them and how to contact them? I need to sets  



Sorry typo error I meant to say I want to buy two sets of custom boot grips grips


These are very hard to beat.  Fit perfectly and feel great.  Steve




Welcome Wazz,

   Never mind the typo, I understood what you meant.

   There have been some excellent boot grips sold here. I have a set. BEAUTIFUL.

   Good Luck on finding you some.







   For comfort and shooting, I like Cvang's grips.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Thanks Uncle Lee,


   Yeah I've been looking for quite sometime now but no luck finding grips as BEAUTIFUL as your sir.


   Do you know of anyone that I can contact? or if they have a website?



   First, Welcome to the forum!


   I have not tried any of these yet, but they get rave reviews from those who have:">
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


I am thinking of getting the boots for my lr. Those that have em on a lr, how much more grip do you get on the gun (with your middle finger, lol)?


Blitzkrieger - I recently got boot grips for my LR. I would say that they give  

   the LR a grip comparable to a Magnum Mini with birdshead grips. It is definitely  

   an improvement over the LR birdshead - gives that middle finger some leverage.


Cool, thanks DD ;)

   Now I'm having thoughts of modifying the boots for inserting my checkered rubber birdshead grips into them. Will take some time and effort to shave them down and get the fitting right but should turn out cool.

   I'll have the coolest lr mini on the block.......even though I already do. lol


Finally got home to my boot grips. Definetly an improvment over the birds head lack of size. They kinda look funny with the 1 1/8 barrel but am sure it will grow on me. Thinking I need to sand off the clear coat as it makes them slick as heck and do not desire to accidently lose grip of the mini and drop it again while cocked........


In the old days, a large caliber revolver was referred to as a "Hog Leg."  


   Put a pair of Boot Grips on my NAA 22LR last night.  


   I call it my "Frog Leg!"


I'm not sure if Charles Spresser does boot grips?


Check for custom stag grips.  

   I've been conversing with him and he says that he can make boot grips in stag for $70+$5 shipping, and they're real nice!

   You can even specify how much bark or dark color you want to have on the grips, etc.