Thinking of a Pug...

Started by driften, August-28-12 10:08

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Thanks for everyone's help, I'm a little spooked about buying over the internet but I went ahead and ordered my Pug Conversion from Buds today :-)

   We'll see how quickly I get it; I did the cash discount and sent cashiers check since my bank does it for free and sent it via priority mail which should get it there tomorrow

   Thanks again


You'll be happy with the transaction, I always have been! They are a good gun store to do business with.



Buds ships quickly, and surprising to me, is eager to work with their customers when a problem arises. It does the local dealer no good, but it does save you a dollar or 2....
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Thanks for the good words on Buds, clicking those accept buttons gives you butterflies in your stomach "LOL"


So far my Pug w/ night sights and Spresser elephant ivory grips with nice figuring is my BABY!

   Muzzle flip is almost negligible compared to the norm.

   Used it as 1 of several pistols for my CHC.

   Accuracy is beyond superb!

   Go Pug EDC'rs!!

   More Mini's!!!


I still can't see the advantage of having a Pug when you can get the regular 22 mini mag.  The mini mag with a 1 5/8 inch barrel has more power because of the extra half inch barrel, and they are about the same size to conceal.  Is it because of the different cylinder release?  If someone can convince me of the advantages I'll go out and buy one.


The sights are the main advantage. It has the front and rear Big Dot set up from XS. They are very easy and fast to use. The other advantage for some folks is cosmetic appeal.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I definitely noticed much less muzzle flip. Sights are a plus, I guess..

   I also think its a bit louder, than the 1 5/8" barrel, but with some power loss, which is probably not even that much. Don't know for sure about that, though.


For my $.20 worth, the advantage with the Pug is the tritium sight.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Yeah, it is pretty nice. Kinda nice to see in the dark...  

   That and maybe the different cylinder release.


I don't care for tritium sights. I have them on a number of guns and by the time its easy to see them glow its so dark it would be hard to see the target. The big white dot has been good for dim lighting....


This is definitely true.. Guess Its all preference, though. I'm actually able to get the sights on target with the night sights, during day, better!? Don't know.. I had the white dot, I just didn't like it. Even the owner of the gun store was trying to steer me away from the tritium, I did what he said, got the white dots, then later on sold it and got the night sights. I guess its all preference.


Totally preference.....


Cody22- can you post a picture of yours with the Spresser elephant ivory grips?

   Thanks in advance


My payment was received at Buds on the 19th and it's still in the processing mode. They have a policy of shipping 3-7 days from payment being received and if you go on contact us for an update you get a automated reply that says I can only do that after 7 days...

   Oh well just sit and wait


I need a little help now; I received my gun this afternoon. Now the problem / questions

   1st How hard should it be for your trigger hammer to find the safety notch in the cylinder? I just can't get it to do that?">


   2nd I bought the conversion listed above for buds gun shop. Taking out the cylinder from the gun and the one they supply in the case loose look the same, I put them side by side on the table and everything looks the same I saw one with the LR on it but nothing on the other. Are they both the same length and diameter if so what makes it a LR and Magnum?

   Last question for those who purchased any gun from Buds, the cylinder in the gun has some black residue on it, do they test fire it before shipping and not clean the gun?

   Thanks in advance for your time


Herbcoop - most mag cylinders that I have seen are not marked. I have one that  

   has an M stamped on it. A mag round will not fit in a LR chamber, so if a mag  

   goes in then it is a mag cylinder. Also, if you drop a LR round in each cylinder and  

   closely compare them, you will see that the LR round sits deeper in the mag  

   cylinder than it does in the LR cylinder.


Dinadan, Thank you! So both would look simlar then, I'll just have to get some ammo to double check. I tried the other cylinder in the gun as well and can't seem to get to lock in the safety notch either. The pawn shop I used to send this to the owner has Mini so I can go back and see if he can show me how to do this if I can't get it to lock. I've been looking on you tube as well to see if I'm doing something wrong...


Hi Herbcoop and welcome. Good advice from Dinadan on the rounds fitting in the cylinder.  


   Back in the old days, when a mini came with only one cylinder, it would not be marked. When it came as a conversion, the magnum was marked with an 'M' and the Long Rifle was marked with an 'LR' on the muzzle end of the cylinder. More recently, when supplied as a conversion, the magnum is not marked and the LR is marked only with an 'L'.


   The black residue is normal as NAA test fires them before shipping.


Randy, Great news on the residue. I'm new to these guns and buying a gun over the internet