Old Belt Buckle Question

Started by far, August-30-12 18:08

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I have a buckle that I got years ago and put away. Mow I purchased the NAA22LR 1 1/8 inch barrel and its to small to lock in. The buckle I have is a skeleton style. Do I need the 22mag? Maybe the 1 5/8 barrel? Help.Please. Thank you


Depends. The skeleton buckle was offered in lr and mag sizes. Both will accept both barrel lengths. So if your lr is too small my guess would be that the buckle is for the mag frame.

   Good news though, as those buckles were discontinued, they are being reissued any day now so you can either buy a mag mini to fit your buckle or wait and buy a lr buckle to fit the mini that you have.


   P.S Welcome to the board


Thank you for the info. Bought a mag with LR cylinder and when the LR buckle comes out....... well bet you can guess whats next.