Hornady Critical Defense .22wmr 45gr FTX

Started by leatherneck70, September-09-12 04:09

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Anybody else have problems with this ammo besides me? My cylinder would jam after a couple of shots. Wont use them again.


I have not, and most on here do not seem to have problems. There are a couple of post where problems arose.


   If you know your gun works fine with other ammo, send Hornady an email. A couple of guys sent their FTX back and got vouchers. May be a batch of ammo was having issues.


   If you do not think you could trust the FTX, try the Speer Gold Dot. It is a very close second in my testing.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"



Can you tell why the cylinder is jamming?


It seems like the spent casings are dragging on the back of the frame. Also super hard to punch out spent shells.


It's not the first time I have heard of problems with that round.

   If you contact Hornady about it let us know what they say.


Everything being equal, it may be problem with your particular revolver. They are small to begin with and the tolerances have to be fairly tight.  


   If the cases are backing out, that might explain why they appear to be dragging against the back of the frame.  


   You could try polishing the back of the frame where the cases rub.  


   I use a brass rod set in a piece of deer antler to push the cases out to save on my revolver's base pin; just a little personalized range tool to go with my PUG.


   You might find a roll pin punch pushes the cases out easier for you.


On a side note, I recommend using Winchester Super X 40 gr JHP.  


   I have put a lot of these rounds through my mag and have not had any problems.  No FTF and no problems removing spent casings.  Most of the time the casings will drop right out, without needing the pin to push them out.


   Extremely reliable round with many people claiming that it has the best ballistics, although I have never verified this.


   Just my 2 cents.


I did switch to the winchesters. No problems with them.


Local gun shop was out of Winchesters. Bought CCI's. Having the same problem I had with the Honady. Cyl jamming. I am begging to think my gun is screwed up. Going to call NAA later to get thier opinion.


Hornady FTX has been no problem in my Pug. It's my carry load.  


   I don't EDC my Pug, but I do carry it occasionally over the past several months (my primary carry this summer has been my Kimber UC II). So, earlier this week during a range session, I fired the five carry rounds in the Pug and an additional five from the holster. All fired on the first strike despite X hours of exposure to heat, humidity, and vibration.  




Have fired a few full cylinder loads from 3 different minis, no problems


Called customer service yesterday. Going to give it one more shot today at the range with different ammo before i sent it back for possible repair. I did notice that the side plate wasnt flush with the back of the frame. filed it flush. hopefully that was the problem.


I shot 20 rounds of Critical Defense at the range today in my Pug and had no issues...


I've come to the conclusion that my gun is just finicky with ammo. the 2 brands i shot with brass casings no problems. the 2 with steel or  whatever the silver is are no good. i will just stick with what works.


SEND IT IN you know you want to.  Naa will take care of you you should be able to shot any ammo


That would be nickle plated brass casings....
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.



Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


L70,  Talk to tech support.  If it appears to be a weak hammer spring they may send you a new one. They are easy to replace.  That would save you from having to send the gun back.

   God bless,

   Fr. Richard
God bless,
Fr. Richard


I dont think its the hammer spring. Even at half cock and pin removed the cylinder was stuck in the frame a few times with certain ammo. I know i can send it back. dont really want to be without it for a week or two. it is fine with winchester and federal so i will just stick with that for now. thanks to all for the advice.


I got an early lot # of the Hornady CD rounds and had a 20% failure to fire rate.  Not good.  I know others have had problems as well, so I will wait a while before trying another batch.  I really like the CD rounds in .38+P, .40 S&W and .45 acp., which perform as advertised.
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