NAA pink grips, did they make them in black too?

Started by appliancejunk, September-11-12 08:09

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Love my over sized rubber grips, but what would make them just a little better is flat checked sides, like these pink ones I found on ebay. Anyone know if these grips were ever made in black too?




   I like how they call them "handles" on the auction page.  ">


They did.  The black ones were what was standard on the earlier Black Widows and Mini Maters.  I just bought an older Black Widow that had a set of black ones on it.  I took them off and put Chong grips on it.  If you want the used black ones, you can have them for $10 shipped to your door.


   If you are interested, send me a PM.


"Deeds; Not Words"


Searching images on google I found it in black. Anyone have a set of these grips? If so how do you like them? I wonder how they compare to the over size grips NAA sells now?





"Deeds; Not Words"


Won't know if I like them or not until I try them, but for $10 I'm going to find out.


   They sure are not the most attractive grips, but I'm more concerned about function then looks being they are going on my EDC CCW.


   Wonder why you don't see any of the wood grips with checkering on them. I think the oversize rosewood grips would look good with some checkering on the sides.  


   Thanks again for the deal.



   Glad Louie helped you out! As an aside, where did you get your, (long discontinued), HJS derringer? I didn't know they made them highly engraved like yours or did you have it done?


   I bought one in 1980's and still have it. Is yours .38 S&W? It's a very anemic caliber but the gun is so tiny!



   The images of the guns above are not my guns, but images I found online using google. Just posted it as a example of what I was looking for.





   I received the grips today, thanks!


Great!  I hope they work out for you.


"Deeds; Not Words"