Question for the old salts

Started by wyn, October-09-10 11:10

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Right now in my collection I have 2 LR Buntlines, LR 15/8, Mag 1 5/8, and a Pug. I am collecting these for my boys and will give them to them when they are older. What is the proper way to store them? Right now they are in their protective case in a drawer away from any kind of debris. Should I oil them periodically? What oil should I use if they need to be oiled and how should I do it? I don't have much experience cleaning guns. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.


You should probably store the Buntlines in the two Mad Hat Leather holsters that Sirbarkalot has for sale.  (See below...)


   Just kidding...  (trying to drum up a little play money for Barky so he'll come have steamed shrimp and bring me his Break Top to drool over....)
NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


I am not sure how old my salt is but I will give you my two cents.....

   Get an old metal mitlitary ammo box, the kind with the rubber seal, a 50BMG box is what I use. Clean the gun thoroughly with a proper gun cleaning kit and wrap it in a piece of grease paper if you can find some and put it in the box. Your local gun dealer will likely have gun type grease paper from guns that were shipped to him. Every time you buy something that comes shipped with those little silica gel packs throw them in the box. You can store holsters in there too but do not store the gun IN the holster. Every couple or few years take the silica gel packs out and bake them at 250 or 275 for about a half hour. This will restore them.  I am not aware of any other method that will keep guns as clean and dry for a looooong time!


Barky had better oil his BT before you drool on over it, saliva can be corrosive.


   Wyn, where do you live? plans for storage may need to be different in humid or coastal climates. In the desert here in UT, it's so dry I've not found any need to do anything but clean and oil, heck things barely rust when left outside here compared to "Old Blighty" where I'm from, where everything wanted to rust. But I have heard of horror stories in storage, where condensation has been able to form on the cold metal in other locals.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Redhawk4, I live in Florida where it is VERY humid. It is temperature controlled in my house and stays between 80 and 65 degrees. I am also wondering if I should oiul them periodically and how should I do it? Do I apply oil to All moving metal parts? Any info is appreciated. Thank you.


I had a customer bring in an almost perfect Colt Detective Special. He had kept it stored for the last 12 years in a "lambs wool" zip up type gun rug. Whatever the material, it grew to the metal and rusted to in in 3 places. He and I both almost cried when I tried to take it out.


   I like Chopprs suggestion. I would locate some Rigg, and apply it to the outside of the guns prior to wrapping them in the grease paper. Rigg is a gun preservative, much like cosmoline, only easier to get off. When looking for the Rigg, go to the area that sells gun safes, and get a small size of the moisture absorbent packs used in the gun safes. (Okay, my mind suddenly went blank, again, and I just don't recall the name of what I am trying to describe. I am sure someone will jump in here and help me. By the way, thanks in advance.)


   Whatever method you chose, keep an eye on them for more than 6 months or so. It may be a good idea to remove the grips, as wood to metal is a place for moisture to gather.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


In my experience guns mainly start rusting when you keep them sealed up. I have one stainless steel 38 that is exposed to bathroom moisture everyday but doesn't rust. A few months ago I left a blued .22 rifle zipped up in a cloth case behind my truck seat over the weekend(not an old beater but a well sealed newer truck). On Monday it already had surface rust.  


   A light wipe down with an oily rag and placed in a gun safe works well enough. I like hoppes #9, and they have a new elite product which I haven't tried yet:">


   If you live in a damp area of the country a safe heater or rechargeable silica unit is a good investment(the review by GFord of Charlestown,SC was spot on in my experience):">


..uhm, stainless steel.....???!?!?!?


I have had some stainless steel handguns rapidly develop rust while carrying on my person during humid sweaty summers at work. Stainless is rust resistant not rust proof and requires some maintenance during humid conditions such as when CCW. The difference in the .38 house gun and the .22 in my leather pocket holster is the .22 was closed up in the holster and didn't have as much of a chance to dry out during long durations of O.T.