The Hunt for EB Number 1

Started by ur2slo, September-17-12 10:09

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Got the call from my FFL... landed #4, which is good.  If my Sidewinder were any lower I'd probably have to buy another and keep this  one in unfired condition.

   Picking it up tonight, not making it to the range for a few weeks, just too much going on right now...

cedarview kid

Wahoo, congrats on number 4!


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.

wild bill

I think i got a good one.  It says EB002.   I have a picture of it but I don't know how to upload it, never had to do dat before.


If I were Sandy EB001 would be in my safe


wild bill

I didn't think a number that low would get out of the factory. Wonder if Sandy wants to trade?   :-)


Hey nothing wrong with having #2 or #4!  Very cool.

cedarview kid

Nothing wrong with having anything from 1 - 20. That's more than what I got!


congrats to Wild Bill for # 2 and  UR2slo for #4.

   2 is a favorite number of mine having been born on

   2/2 at 2:22. wear it in good health. im sure #1 is

   out there.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today

cedarview kid

I'll take #22. That'd be cool, for a .22. I think I also have another line with serial #21, so I'll take both of those.


Congrats on #2 & #4. That means mine will be between 5 and 20.  

cedarview kid

And mine will be between 21 and 194.


I got # 6  wen't to fill out 4473 tonight,  now I gotta wait 3 days to pick it up :0(   Thank God my FFL knows me well,  they got my last name wrong  They  sent it to Harley Davidson  LMAO!


OK, make that 7-20 for me.


   Congrats on #6 Uncle harley!


Congrats to the ealy winners. It has been a long wait - guess I have to  

   wait a little longer!


Sandy did let #1 out of the factory
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Probably went to someone not on the forum, that usually the way life works



   EB001 is now safely in my safe.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Couldn't have gone to a nicer guy.



When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson


Congrats on the low numbers, guys. I'm kinda glad I didn't get first round as I plan to shoot mine when it does get here.


congrats millsriver. you have been a good boardmember. use it in good health.


    im with scbuxton im gonna be doin some shootin with mine also thus the lr cylinder i ordered.
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today




   Congrats on getting #1, I'm happy for you.


   Any chance you could get it out of your safe and show us some photos!


Do all of you guys plan on putting these low numbers in safes and not shooting them? I bought mine to shoot but not so sure now? ??


Do any of you have one with a conversion cylinder?  If so is there a C on the end?  I have not received mine yet and was just wondering as it should have the extra cylinder.  Food for thought ......


Sorry I don't whish I did now lol


Congratulations on number one Mills.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Very cool. You win the lotto!


Congrats goes to Millsriver on getting #1.


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Now the quest for the last one made?  190?


When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson




   WOW, have you gotten any offer for the "EB001" yet ? It is too rich for my blood.


   Do the other MAG grips fit it? I am hopeing those Sidewinder rounded grips will fit the other MAGs and are available as an accessory.


Millsriver,  Congrats.  It's beautiful!  Have fun.


Congrats !!!!**** Millsriver for #### EB001*****Your THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Also Congrats on the rest that got in the first 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cedarview kid

Wahoo for you! Boo for us!