New check in for sidewinder # 21 though # 40

Started by gofishr, September-22-12 14:09

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I am having a version of Collector's nightmare. Everyone else gets theirs and I am the only one left on the forum who is still waiting week after week after week while Heyjoe and OV-id are contentedly blasting away with theirs. Oh well, it will not be too long before they are generally available. I hope!


With my luck if and when I get mine .22 ammo with be discontinued by then . Go figure .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


My 2 are lost in limbo too,I don't care at this point.

If they are not in by the 1st , I am canceling as its
Not worth tieing up card for months over 2 guns.


I'm still waiting too but have pretty much given up.

cedarview kid

Understand your pain, guys. I was there just last week. The end is in sight. Was fiddling with #94 last night. It's definitely a keeper!


naa collector did you get the duel cylinder ??
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Waiting as well, if they are in the 90s.  We have to be getting closer.  Still holding out for the last one.  Or join the nightmare.

cedarview kid

Somebody reported a serial over 100 in another thread.

Yes, I got 2x dual cylinders. :) That's FOUR cylinders.

And I can't remember what I paid for them, since I ordered in June--and I ain't looking at my card, either. Not until Christmas. :) Don't need MORE pain. Hehe.


Yes the pain , the pain . Glad yours is over .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .

cedarview kid

Both pain and gain is right.

in fact, with Christmas coming up, I've questioned my decision to go through with buying 2 of them. I didn't know it was going to be in December when I took delivery. It's kind of hitting my budget a bit hard with 2 of them just weeks before Christmas. My wife is also wondering why I need two. I never mentioned I had two Rangers to her until I decided to sell them. Hehe. I'm still wondering if maybe I don't need two--which is in stark contrast to WANTING two.


Well, guys, I too was crazy waiting for mine Nos EB025 and Eb026.  When I finally got them I was a little disappointed in them.  They don't fit together very well and are stiff to operate.  I am wearing my thumbs and index fingers out trying to smooth them out.  Still love them but just wish they would have been a little smoother.  All in all, I would not part with them.  Hope y'all get them by Christmas.  Help them out Sandy.


Dang it naa collect you better keep them after all this , you crazy just tell the wife they're for investment purposes . Sure your going to get the sigh ut it's a fact , ISN'T IT ? You have to convince yourself first , hahaha . Oh heres an idea " Merry Christmas honey " how can she deny that .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Anyone wishing to cancel their order, please send me a PM or email prior to doing so.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"

cedarview kid

After she saw what I got for my Rangers, she probably wouldn't even bat an eye at the suggestion that the Sidewinders are an investment. :)


Well crap got my number 94!!! When mine comes in with dual cylinders ya wanna do a trade???? lol


Well limapapa40 got 103 and I got 102. Since we ordered together I guess this is why we got consecutive  serial numbers although I was under the impression it was by blind draw.  Anyway mine was with the 22lr cylinder.  Don't know if and when I will shoot it as I have a PUG I  purchased the first of the year and still have not fired it either.  I plan on carrying one of of them just don't know which one.  Me and lima are friends and usually talk about every day or at least every other day.  He says he is definately going to shoot his and I have shot his PUG so I might get a chance to shoot his SW and then make up my mind.  1943   :D


Since it is late in the numbers I am hoping for #122, my badge number. Either that or the last

cedarview kid

Zippo, 94 was the number you were looking for? Does it match other minis you own?

EDIT --> Saw this post from earlier in the thread:

Zippo: "No CC charge here. Actually that's a good thing right now while I scrimp and scratch together the $$ to get Moms headstone and the mortuary paid off. Now I'm hoping for #94......that will make #4 with that number. We'll see!! Congratulations to the latest recipients of the EB-SW!!! Cheers!!"

I'm not particularly tied to my #94 yet, but trading seems like a hassle, and I also have its sister #93.


I would be too tempted to tuck it away in the safe if you did trade and I planned to use it, so no worries Dar!! Glad it went to a good man! The other 94s are safe queens and content with their status but that sidewinder screams USE ME!! (insert clever euphemism


It would be cool to match my Break Top, but may already be too late.    Steve

cedarview kid

OK, Zippo, how about this: what if I shoot a whole box of ammo thru #94 and THEN offer to trade it to you? :)


Now now evil Evil man! lol.....I fully expected to be on the tail end of the "random" drawing after all the crap I raised about the Break Top, so I REALLY Don't deserve to have the SW I want, so I'll take what I get along with my humble pie and be happy with it. I'm hoping it'll slide right into my Simply Rugged Silver Dollar Pancake holster and blend in with the daily carry like it's been there all along. is tempting to pay FFL and shipping on both sides to get the 94, but I would want to be the one to break it in. Not a deal breaker to me. could go get mine from NAA and have them send me #94!! Then I would only pay for my FFL transfer fee! NAh...yer not THAT nice...lmao.

Ho I drum my fingers on my desk....will it be before or after Christmas for my Sidewinder to be "released form captivity"...only God and NAA knows! lol (as I close my eyes) Dear God...I don't want to win the lottery anymore, I just want the Sidewinder I ordered over 6 months ago PLEASE PLEASE!! (bcc to Santa!!!!)  ;D ;D

cedarview kid

Hmm. I'm actually interested in helping you obtain #94, but the blasted U.S. Government has too dang many rules to make that convenient. I suppose there's another alternative--figure out some way to get YOUR #94's to ME, so where ever they are, they can be united! :) Hehe. (Evil evil man, yah, yah, I know.)

If it were only easy to take it down to NAA and have them trade me. Even I, who lives not 10 or 12 miles from the factory (by crow, but more line 30 miles by road) had to have my SW'ers shipped and accepted at a local FFL dealer, too. (Did I mentioned the blasted U.S. Government? I think I did....)

Maybe you'll get #194, which I think will be the last EBxxx issued. (Isn't it cool that we have a run that as only 3 numbers in it? LOL.)


Careful there zippo buddy your going to be lumped into the overly excited group which I seem to be the only member and being crucified for my comments . You never know who's listening , the forum has ears (big&old) . HaHaHa . My main problem is I just don't suck up and play nicey nice .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


I didn't play nicey nice with the Break-Top at all, being within the first 20 to secure an order and receiving a number well over what would have been 89 or 90 after NAAs control lot that included the first 60 serial numbers. I REALLY threw down over that one and it was a lesson learned both for NAA and my self. I have been on a roller coaster of a ride with the passing of my Mother, selling off much of my NAA collection and even securing a buyer for the Sidewinder, but my excitement has been renewed somewhat since I know it's being gifted back to me. I am anticipating a new daily carry to replace the 1 5/8" that I polished up. The Sidewinder will also get a full polish, but not after I've run it through its paces.

Dar...I'm pretty much resolved to getting what I get, and I know, if you could, you would help a feller out by holding onto my other  ;)

cedarview kid


A call from Jessica and charges to my credit card! I was so excited I forgot to ask what numbers I am getting. Oh well, I will find out soon enough.

cedarview kid

Wahoo, Blazin! I forgot to ask, too, but that was OK--it just makes picking them up a little more exciting!


Picked mine up today.  The serial number matched my user name which I thought was pretty neat.
I must not have been paying attention because I was very pleasantly surprised by some features I was not expecting:
-The grip scales are much thicker than the standard 22 mag ones.  Won't have to replace these.
-Barrel length of 1.4".  I don't know why I assumed it was going to be 1.1".  Hopefully this will be reflected in the velocity.
-The pair of notches (wide & narrow) on the left side of cylinder and frame that make it idiot-proof to see if the hammer is in the safe position.
-I really like the solid feel and quick reloading time, and the machining is flawless.
Thanks NAA!

cedarview kid

I agree--I really like the grips. I haven't seen an NAA mini with these types of grips before. However, I'm still replacing them with Spressers. :)


I'm just glad to see the charge on my credit card........FINALLY!  Now, how long before my FFL dealer receives the Sidewinder?  Maybe next week?  Hope so.


Quote from: blazinwv on December-14-12 10:12
A call from Jessica and charges to my credit card! I was so excited I forgot to ask what numbers I am getting. Oh well, I will find out soon enough.

another one bites the dust in the quest for the final early bird!
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


I'm hanging with you New Years Eve or bust!!


Well CRAP!!!!!!!!!! I will NOT be getting the last Sidewinder! No email or phone call, but the card has been charged!! Ok, now that it's set in stone (er...uh...plastic!) I am officially excited! Another $30.00 to my FFL and she's all mine!! I'll just wait to see how far over #100 I will receive when I get the call that it's in and ready to pick up.

Joe, Steve & 0V-1D....I sincerely hope you are notified very soon that your EBs are on the way!!

cedarview kid

Wahoo, Zippo! Congrats! You didn't win the last-gun lottery, but I'm sure you'll still be pleased!