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Messages - Magwell

Looking to chat about some of the finer points of reloading this round.
Wow! Shipped my MAG Monday for service and extra cylinder. Call came in today that it was shipping and I'd have it the coming Monday. Great Service!
The muzzle flash should help light then up!
White dot. Didn't​see the need for tritium. Maybe in the next one. ;)
Thanks everyone. I'm down one as it departed for spa treatment in Provo.  8)
I think I'll need another safe soon!
Too many shiny things.... :o
NAA Products / Re: New wasp
May-07-17 11:05
Fharing, what are the grips on your​ wasp? Looks sharp!
The toy box.
FAQs / Re: Probation Period
May-06-17 11:05
Same here. Trying to get through the 'pink' period waiting for approval.... Kinda like waiting at the shop waiting for the state to call back with a 'Yes'
When you can't have just one...
I have 5 freshly washed (Tide Breeze) 22 WMR rounds up for grabs! :)
Just had a great conversation with Rick! Ordered up a couple of holsters! Very nice guy to deal with!!

Shout out to Bigbird48 for pointing me in the right direction!!
Except I added this to the collection today along with another 200 rounds..  :o ;)
That's good to know, I wasn't aware of that!
Thank You!

I'd like to get on the band wagon for placing an order!

Main Spring Pic
Just ordered CVangs for the 22Mag. So that should help. I have 2 22lr with 2 different barrel lengths. Having such a small weapon to control seems to be a good trainer as to the impact of grip and pressure's effect on point of aim.
NAA Products / Thoughts on Aiming?
May-03-17 18:05
So, I can hit the broad side of a barn. I'm guessing it will be normal for most to be able to shoot larger weapons with greater accuracy. That being said, what's your favorite or best method for mini accuracy? (Under 100 yards) :o
These don't have grooves, but they are close.
Question, is the pouch for the cylinder designed to fit a matched 22 LR cylinder only? Or will it work should someone have a second cylinder in the 22 MAG?

Thanks To Old and Uncle Lee, just trying to find out if this is more of a fluke or SOP.

Thanks again
Good Evening,

I have a 22 WMR Mini with less than 100 rounds through. I pulled it out of my pocket holster, emptied the ammo, put the cylinder back in, and cycled the gun as a function check. The hammer was under tension, but the trigger wouldn't release the hammer.

I plan on sending it back in for repair, but was curious, so I popped the grips and sure enough, the mainspring was bent to around 160 degrees. I picked it up and with a gentle touch, the crease gave way.

Is there a tendency for main spring to fail, particularly with such a low round count? Or am i experiencing a rarity?

Thanks in Advance