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Messages - rooftopkorean

Quote from: redhawk4 on March-06-18 09:03
I still recall those gruesome pictures :)

I'd send it for repair, then you have the option to either sell it on GB, or still return for a refund if not satisfied. If you really don't want it then try it on Gunbroker, you may be lucky and make a profit, if that doesn't work out you know you still have a full price refund from NAA as a backup - really a no lose situation.

I do really appreciate their customer service, I honestly did not think they would offer a FULL refund. I was frustrated with the issues that my Ranger II gun had but I also understand how difficult it is to create a break top and all the problems it comes with. I think I will refund it, I just do not feel confident in test firing it after it is repaired. The incident hurt!

I will probably pick up a PUG, BW, or Sidewinder to replace the Ranger.

On a brighter note, I just picked up my Guardian 380 and that thing is perfect. Probably going to be my main carry.
Quote from: ds10speed on March-06-18 09:03
Are you sure it was the gun?

Two weeks ago at our local bowling pin match and I was running the timer for my friend and he had a round blow out from the back. It startled me with powder in my face. It was in his S&W 617 that has no problems, it was determined to be a defective round, the rim split.

Not 100% sure it was just the gun. The reason why I believe it was is because after the round exploded the latch on the top was open which might have caused pressure to leave through the back? I tried different ammo and there were multiple Failure to Fire etc.
Quote from: Rigemortis on March-06-18 09:03
Repair it before you sell it. So your not selling a dangerous gun. Or refund it. If it were me I'd go for a repair. It also make them aware of your injury and send them a copy of your doctor bill if you have one so they know how serious it was. I would bet good money your gun will run perfect. With a phone call they probly won't even charge you shipping. Maybe even a shipping  label to cover all the cost.

I would never ever sell a gun that was dangerous to shoot or had injured me in some way. I just want to know if there are lots of people buying a NAA Ranger II EB for more than $1000 so that I can turn a profit. It was not serious enough for a doctors visit but it did bleed.
Hi all,

Long time no see.

I received a shipping label to return to NAA for repairs on my Ranger II. I don't know if any of you recall but I had a very unpleasant experience while shooting my EB Ranger II. It caused some minor injuries from a round exploding from the back where the hammer hits the cartridge.

I am about to send in the Ranger to get repaired but I was wondering if I should just get a refund or sell it on gunbroker where some guns have been sold for $1000+

Any thoughts?
Houston, TX born n' raised

Quote from: Chacha77 on January-11-18 18:01
Hey rooftop, where are you at in Texas? It's good to see I won't be the only one in this state with a ranger 2, this will also be my first mini, oh yeah I'm up in Lubbock by the way
The round I was shooting was the one that blew up

Quote from: Fharing on January-11-18 19:01
      Was that the shot aligned with the barrel the one that blew, or the next one in rotation?  Remember anything that strikes a rim can set the round off. That's strange. :-\
I generally always check everything before I shoot a gun, I made sure the locking mechanism was down and secure

Quote from: MR_22 on January-11-18 17:01
Wow. Is there a chance that the locking mechanism wasn't all the way locked down? Is that what caused the problem? (The breach opening, I mean.)
The action doesn't feel stiff at all, I am not sure about the spring action

Quote from: redhawk4 on January-11-18 16:01
I know we say we like pictures here, but we don't like to see blood :)

The other models you mention are all tried and tested so should be more than fine.

I'm wondering how the barrel catch would come undone, is it stiff and sticking or is the spring action holding it forward missing?
NAA Products / Ranger II Range Report
January-11-18 16:01
Bad news...

So I was down in Laredo hunting this past weekend and I took my brand new Ranger II to test it out.

Ammo Used: Aguila, CCI

Here's a breakdown of the issues I encountered:

-First 5 shots, I put in some Aguila and the 2nd shot malfunctioned. The 22 mag round blew out from the back and caused some burns on my index finger. I believe the latch opens once I fire a round which allowed the hammer to strike a round and the pressure to be directed to the back of the cylinder.
-Second 5 shots, CCI were put in and 3 round failed to fire (we did not run it again because we were being extra cautious at that point).

I did not fire it again after that, it really bummed me out to be honest. I was hoping the 2nd round of shipments would not have these issues. I have already emailed NAA but I was wondering if this has happened to any other NAA mini's before. I was hoping to get the Pug & Black Widow but I am apprehensive now.

I don't mean to be so negative, it just took a lot of excitement out of getting the Ranger when I had these issues.
So, in my state (Texas) I believe that most courts have stated that if a person is trying to enter your vehicle then you have a justified shooting. Otherwise, I have heard you will pay dearly if you exit your vehicle and use deadly force.

Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-11-18 15:01
You know its true that we all here believe we have a right to protect our property,but I think in reality if you were to use deadly force to protect that property you'd be in serious trouble.There are a couple of states that allow the use of deadly force to protect property but there very specific instances were its allowed, car jacking is one that comes to mind. I think in most instances if there stealing property from outside my home let them have it, its replaceable.  I think cars in most states are considered home if your in it and there for you can protect it, but if you come out of a store and see someone stealing your car you don't have a right to shoot them.
Ah! Back during the LA Riots, Korean store owners would sit atop the roofs of their stores in order to protect them from looters!

Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-11-18 10:01
Yea I think we got the Korean part but why the Rooftop? ;D ;D ;D
I am a Korean and I believe in my God given rights to own firearms and protect whats mine!  ;D

Quote from: Bigbird48 on January-11-18 09:01
Rooftop we have a thread called whats behind your username. Whats your story? :D
I forgot to mention that the latch would partially open whenever a round fired. I believe this might be the reason why the round blew up at the back

Quote from: redhawk4 on January-11-18 09:01
I'll add this comment I already made in a previous thread:

With regards to my face getting splattered, it got me a couple of times with each cylinder of 22 mag, only one leaving a mark with blood. I noticed a build up of soot about a 1/4" long about midway along the top strap in the area just before the pivot point of the cylinder release latch. I found that strange, but looking down on the Ranger from above there is an area of the top strap, near the front of the cylinder which extends for about 1/4" of an inch, flaring out into the full width of the top strap. It's very narrow there over the cylinder gap and then with the flare, I wonder if it's directing some blast back at the shooter. Looking at pictures of the original Ranger, the barrel has what appears to be an identical profile in that area, but I only ever fired a few shots with that one and so wouldn't know if that could be the cause or not.

Rooftopkorean's report sound's more extreme, but I would certainly urge everyone to make sure they wear their eye protection when testing their Rangers, of course non of us would ever think of not doing so ;)
Yes, 22mag

Quote from: ikoiko on January-11-18 08:01
Quote from: rooftopkorean on January-11-18 08:01

My Ranger II had some of the same issues. I also had a round explode from the rear of the cylinder! I have some burns and primer stuck in my finger. I also had round not fire at all (CCI).

Overall, I was really disappointed and I kind of have some trust issues with these mini's now (Ranger II is my first NAA). I am contacting Customer Service now but I am not sure I want to shoot again unless I have a face mask and heavy duty gloves.

Was this on a mag cylinder?

My Ranger II had some of the same issues. I also had a round explode from the rear of the cylinder! I have some burns and primer stuck in my finger. I also had round not fire at all (CCI).

Overall, I was really disappointed and I kind of have some trust issues with these mini's now (Ranger II is my first NAA). I am contacting Customer Service now but I am not sure I want to shoot again unless I have a face mask and heavy duty gloves.

I'm going to either buy the the BW amd Pug or BW and Sidewinder

I'm going through a phase I think

Quote from: smokeless joe on January-05-18 16:01
Now that you're comfortable with the Ranger what's your next mini gonna be rooftop?

It was all my fault. I got everything working now and i have to say...this ranger II is exactly what i imagined it to be!
I'll keep practicing, I think I am the problem in this scenario

Quote from: MR_22 on January-05-18 13:01
Using the safety notch can require a little bit of practice, but once you get familiar with it, it'll be easy to do, I'm predicting.
I did not know that the hammer needed to be half cocked!

Thank you.

Quote from: Don73 on January-05-18 13:01
Rooftop, I have a Ranger II and don't have the problems you noted. Got to make sure you ride the hammer and keep trigger pulled until its all the way into the safety notch. Mine close's ok, the hammer must be in half cocked to close.
I received a shipping notice the week before New Years. I think they are going either randomly or in order of who emailed Jessica their name and username?

Since I don't have as many posts, I am assuming that might not be priority

Quote from: redhawk4 on January-05-18 13:01
The 3 reporting shipping notices and credit card charges today are all in the higher post numbers, but who knows, the good news is they obviously have some Rangers that have been built recently, so production is up and running again meaning no one is too far away, especially forum members who based on the last email from Jessica are receiving some priority. The wait had dulled my excitement level a little, but now I know it's on the way, it certainly feels like Christmas again :

Regarding FEDEX I'm sure that tracking info will change once they have the packages in their hands, they don't want to allocate an expected delivery date that will have the customer chewing them out, when as happens sometimes shipping labels get printed, but the package isn't handed to the shipper until the next day, or as happened to me recently on an eBay purchase 14 days later!!. If the packages leave the factory today, which being early in the day I'd expect, I'd be very surprised if they are not delivered on Monday for us UT residents and even for anyone further afield, the packages keep moving over the weekends even if the facilities are closed to the public and there are no Sunday deliveries for normal shipping.
So i did a little research and it seems like a lot of owners have this issue. It apparently takes some practice to get the hammer in the safety notch so I will keep trying and update soon!

This is my first NAA so please be patient!
Hi All,

I just picked up #33 of the EB Rangers. I was playing around with the mini revolver and I noticed that when I try to put the hammer on the safety notch it does not stay in place. Is this normal? I assume that the hammer would notch in there and stay in place so that it would not turn into a round while in the pocket. Does this occur in any other NAA Minis?

Also, sometimes the revolver does not close all the way. It seems like it is blocked by the extractor.

Has anyone else seen these issues?

My gun came into my FFL today, I am picking it up Friday.

Quote from: MR_22 on January-03-18 16:01
Quote from: Bj on December-30-17 08:12
Speculating because we have not heard of any shipments since this topic was started by Jessica.   I speculate that one day next week, maybe Tuesday, we will see a bunch of shipping emails going out at once.  Just my guess, worth what youu paid for it.

It's past Tuesday. Has anybody gotten a shipping notice or a card charge since Christmas? No and No for me.
Just got mine yesterday

Quote from: smokeless joe on December-29-17 18:12
Just curious if anyone on this thread got a shipping notice this week?
NAA Products / Re: Defensive shooting
December-08-17 09:12
I suppose I will just have to start practicing and see what I like and what is the most efficient. I have never had a mini and I never carried a single action either.

I'll most likely update with a report on what the best method is for me.

Thanks all
NAA Products / Defensive shooting
December-07-17 13:12
How do y'all shoot your mini revolvers? I have seen people cock with their left while pulling the trigger with their right. Or they use only their right hand to cock the hammer and pull the trigger.

Is the most efficient way to shoot during a defensive situation to use both hands?
NAA Products / Re: My Ranger II
December-06-17 10:12
Quote from: naa_collector on December-06-17 09:12
Quote from: Warty62 on December-05-17 18:12
Maybe Jim, maybe not.  Apparently being a member here wasn't required to buy the Early Bird Ranger IIs.

I'm pretty sure being a member here WAS required, but having posts was not. With 250 available, the list got into those with zero posts. Not everybody with zero posts got to order, but some did. So it's possible somebody got on the list without ever posting here.

I think you're right. I seem to remember you had to have an account to register? Not too sure now. But I received an EB even though I only had 7 posts, which I was completely surprised about.
Quote from: Jessica Jarvis on December-05-17 16:12
Hey all!!

I've been trying to follow a lot of the post's going around (hard to do!). I know there's a lot of questions as to who; when; where and why... I will do my best to answer most of the questions I've seen come up, so bare with me!

Last week we shipped up to serial number EBII036, with that shipment we also sent out about 36 regular production pieces to the distributors, s/n BTNXXXXX. The only reason anyone would be able to pick up an EB model from a dealer, would be because the gun shop ordered 2 of them and decided to sell them. We have another shipment of 12 EB's going out tomorrow, all magnums only (unfortunately). After this shipment there are only 3 more remaining as magnum only. Meaning 199 of the EB's were ordered with conversion cylinders, so those will be going out very soon. 

Unfortunately, there have been some minor hick-ups with production and we have not been able to produce them as quickly as we'd like. However, we are doing our best to put them together as quickly and efficiently as we can. This little guy requires A LOT of intricate detail and attention. While we understand and relate to the frustration and anticipation of the orders being filled, we want to deliver nothing but the best. 

We are still trying our best to get all of the orders filled by Christmas, so we ask that you bare with us and please continue to be patient and understanding.

I will do my best to try to keep you all updated, but please keep posting!! We enjoy seeing all the comments and speculation. :)

To those of you that have received yours, CONGRATS and Merry Christmas!! We hope you're enjoying them!!

Can't wait to see the excitement tomorrow... ;)
I hope this post helps and by all means, feel free to call, email or post any questions you might still have.

Have a great night!

Jessica Jarvis

All good! Thank you for the update.
Quote from: Bigbird48 on December-05-17 07:12
As soon as all the EB orders are filled they will start regular production. Word was we would all have our EB's by Christmas so I'm guessing sometime soon after you should be able to order one from your LGS :D

Actually, I think half go to EB and the other half go to their regular distributors
I ordered both cylinders, but I have not received any notification either. I was hoping it would be shipped out on Monday
Ruger SP101
Ruger Redhawk 44 Magnum
Chiappa Rhino just because I love new concepts on an old idea
I just wanted to have the gun early and the serial numbers are worth more in sentimental value than monetary imo.

I am picking up another Ranger as soon as they hit the market too, and different barrel lengths.

Quote from: grayelky on December-02-17 13:12
The way they do their write up is, I think, a little misleading. There is no way they can sell 1000 rounds for $13.00. The add says 50/20. I think they mean 50 rounds to the box, 20 boxes to the case. I am confident it is per box price, bot per case. IF it was per case, I'd spend $400.00 w/o batting an eye.

I did notice if you change the warehouse it ships from, I would have saved $.50 or $.60 per box. Look over all of their 22 mag ammo. They have several for less than $10.00 per box, including this actual case price for $91.20 (500 rounds/10 boxes for $91.20, or $9.12 per box). I think that is a good price.

That's what I thought as well but the description says that it is 1000 rounds. I think I should email them. I found the deal through ammoseek so I was hoping it would be legitimate.
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on December-01-17 13:12
Aquila is good ammo. Have not shot the mags. Some say they smell funny because of the primer they use. (what the heck old men stink any way!)

Just got this Email from Graf about .22 mag.

I just figured that $12 for 1000 rounds means it's gotta be terrible or very old ammo. Not sure why they would sell it so cheap and that kind of raised some questions.
NAA Products / Re: I GOT MINE!!!!!
December-01-17 12:12
Congrats, I am so jelly right now. I want number 7 or 77

Just my lucky number