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Messages - sergeant206

Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-17-12 14:08
Louie, that description is right on the money!! Thats what it is like on duty on an average day let alone a seriously bad day. As far as use of phones while driving, no texting, answering the phone for an LEO, I can't see that changing until technology gives us something safer, perhaps built into the vehicles etc... I get a kick out of these rookies when they come to you and say "I can't make an arrest or write a report, ticket or whatever because the computer is down". Believe it or not there were cops before computers and we did it all hand written.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-15-12 14:08
Those are the examples of the discretion I was speaking of and great stories too. Often times with young people an arrest can close doors to future jobs that they cannot reopen. Sometimes you have no choice depending on the severity of the crime. As far as citations, the driver can "earn" one by running that gator after the stop is made. I have an open mind when I make my vehicle approach and sometimes they can talk their way into a ticket. Top Dog, If you get down this way let me know I can hook you up with some great hunters in our area. We just had Deadliest Catch stars here gator hunting. Those guys are great fun to be around.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-14-12 14:08
I agree with all of the above, sometimes juridictions use traffic to fund other budget items and that take away Officer discretion, which is very important to me. Sometimes an arrest or a ticket is not the best way to resolve a situation. LEO's, just like everyone else, sometime make very bad decisions and the results can be tragic. As far as the season on invasive species, I was told by the Florida Wildlife Commission that there was no season on invasives. Their policy is to shoot the large snakes on sight if in a safe location.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-13-12 05:08
Keith44 that is a fantastic story and I could see that happening so easily. I agree Bud, we see that alot as well.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-12-12 15:08
Top Dog, it is true those invasive species are over running the Glades and moving into populated areas. It could get interesting here in a few years. I would think the abundance of gators will feed well. Keith44 is so right, we hear all the excuses and blame. I am fortunate in that I got to work with the last of the "Old Timers" before liability totally changed this business. I have done and seen things (as I am sure alot of you have and know what I am referring to) the latest generation of LEO's will only hear and read about.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-12-12 06:08
You are close Louie. near Lake "O". I do belong to the Florida Agricultural Crimes Intelligence Unit (FACIU)which has a task force that includes Polk Co. Bud, that is a great story on the Colt, thats a keeper for sure. Thanks again for the welcome guys, Sergeant206
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
August-11-12 18:08
I am currently an active Fl Deputy Sheriff assigned to investigate agricultural crimes and I am the Range Master/ Armorer for the agency. I have served for 20 years and like it was said above I have seen the worst and best of the human race. The words Top Dog stated about how he treats people is how I have governed my career. This job is not for everyone but just as anyone who chooses to follow their calling it can be a rewarding experience. We have an element within our ranks across this Country that don't deserve their badges but that is the exception not the rule. Thanks for welcoming me here and allowing me to share my love of firearms with like minded people who do not judge me for my career choice.
It was used. I think we have a winner!!! Thanks to TheGunsmith. Thanks to all as well, Sergeant206
This is a Provo gun and has Utah spelled out. I think it has a pat # on frame on right side as well.
It was ATF and I have bought from this dealer before. They did speak to him first and he thought he could have entered it wrong. The box is the same SN and it starts with a 5XXXX. there are no numbers that look like letters, no mistake on my 48 yoa eyes either. The gun was made with five numbers and no letters, why I don't know. Either way I love the short and now its even more special.
I bought my short and magnum the same day at a shop in Ocala. A muliple purchase forum has to be completed I understand that. The weird part is ATF called and said the serial number could not be correct on my short. When I asked why they replied please confirm the number, which I did. I was then told the number should have at least one letter in it. I explained I was looking at the gun and it has five numbers and no letters. they thanked me and hung up. Does anyone else have a NAA with just numbers or what do you make of this? Thanks, Sergeant206
NAA Products / .22 Mag boot grips
August-14-12 14:08
Thats fine with me. I will PM you my address.
NAA Products / .22 Mag boot grips
August-13-12 17:08
Sajackson, if you have a pair of factory grips I will trade you a like new pair of Boots for a magnum frame. They were on the one I just bought and I have no use for them as I just got the stags for all mine from Mr. Spresser. I would like the factory grips for the fact that they were on the gun when new. Let me know if this will help you. Thanks, sergeant206
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-08-12 16:08
I got three pair of the stags ordered from Mr. Spresser. What a nice guy to do business with. The buckle came in today, in the original box and looks unused. Feeding the addiction is always good!!
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-07-12 05:08
I will be ordering a set of three of those grips if he still makes them, thats perfection!!! I am glad that others feel the same about the shorts, seems like you see alot of magnums and some LR's but not to many shorts. I wonder what the sales ratio is between the models?
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-06-12 19:08
Thanks guys, I am hooked on these guns! I would buy both a LR and a short skeleton holster when available!! Something about the little short that scratches my itch. I want to get stags, elk or something for all three.
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-05-12 19:08
Thanks for the welcome and offer, reckon I'll hang on to it. My wife bought me the LR with the western buckle and the one with the aluminum grips for christmas last year. I found a short and a mag at a shop this weekend and got both for 300.00. They were like new but no boxes. the mag has a boot grip on it. I have been bit by the bug now. Anybody doing stag or elk grips for these? Thanks again, Sergeant206
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-05-12 18:08
Well thats my luck, since I have the S, LR and Mag I guess I can get the other buckles, anything planned for the short? Thanks
NAA Products / Skeleton Holster
August-05-12 17:08
I just bought a skeleton holster on Ebay for $109.00. Is this price fair? It was listed a for a magnum, were they made for the mags or just LR frames? It was new in the box. Opinions are welcome, Thanks