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Messages - Rigemortis

I know everyone has a great idea but....
I would sure like to see a laser grip in the shape of a
Black widow
I find stock grips too hard to hold. Maybe just a plastic casting that fits on top of the laser grip.
That being said, i know its a lot of work to r&d somethiing like that. But it would be nice.
If you try it, please let us know. You can probly try one and just check to make sure it's not stuck in the barrel before you trying a second one.
I like the idea. Braces are more accepted now a days. I would like it on a hogleg. I think this could be a good idea if it was easy to attach and detach, or folded. I hope someone runs with this.
Possible or recommend. I doubt anyone on the forum will recommend using smokeless powder in the black powder device. People are concerned about liability in regards to going against the manufacturers recommendation for usage.
I saw a pug for sale in California...used if course, that is how it's grandfathered in. It was listed for $1000. That is a hefty price for one so I skipped it. If you want a mag just go for a reg mag. I don't think the sights give much advantage.

NAA said they can't put sights on the mag though. I think it's because the rib is narrower. I mean you could if you had a friend with a mill. You'd just have to narrow the blade. Of course in my experience shooting a regular mini, you'd be lucky to hit much at a distance, and I don't think a sight would help much.

Also people file down the sight some because I think it sets pretty high and is mostly intended for a relative point of aim. I have considered this since I'm in California. Also one other thing I thought of is, there is a glue on shotgun sight which mounts to the bead of the shot gun. I considered modifying one of those to put on my mini but I don't believe it will offer much advantage and will just obscure my target.
 It's a good sickness. They keep their value pretty good. I am hooked. I want a mini master or something with a longer barrel for a kit gun. Also, as much as I like mine it would be nice to connect with my target better during range time. I suppose it's a matter of weather or not I need it, and when does it feel like I have the extra money and it doesn't feel too much like a hit to my wallet.

Buying a holster is a good idea. You can feed your sickness for less money and make what you have more usable. Rick does nice work.
 One more vote for "that's a good idea".
NAA Products / Re: deburr
March-26-20 02:03
Perhaps a discription of...

What parts and sections of the gun you preformed these actions on.

How you went about doing it.

Any cautionary advise before someone proceeds to apply this to their own gun.
Some pictures would be great. Good thinking by the way. Probly water tight too.
NAA Products / Re: Pugs
March-18-20 10:03
Quote from: smokeless joe on February-15-20 04:02
I only have one pug, but of all my minis it is by far my favorite. I have put a few sets of different grips on it but always seem to migrate back to the original rubber grips. I'll post a pic so uncle_lee has a variety of pics to look at this morning.

Smokeless Joe... Is that a dessert leather holster on your belt?
I don't have an old mini but I put cvang grips on mine and I trimmed a little of the wood with a razor and glued a small shim of paper with crazy glue. All very simple.
 Good information. Thanks for the photo.
NAA Products / Re: Double Action 😉
February-17-20 22:02
I saw a used casull in the store today ...1500
I fondled it.
NAA Products / Re: Double Action 😉
January-23-20 06:01
So that folding trigger addresses my concerns for saftey with the da. That's why I said a trigger guard should be present. I guess there are other ways to guard the trigger. I really like the Casull CA2000.
NAA Products / Re: Double Action 😉
January-21-20 22:01
A da mini would need a different trigger design/size/length of sweep, not to mention a trigger guard. It would be nessicery to have a trigger guard, that would make the gun very different and large.
I like my lock box. It's more functional than nost pistol's plastic cases, since the lock is built in. I use mine for over night trips so I can lock up my gun while I'm sleeping so my nephew won't get into it. To each their own.
Quote from: Wumbey Goomba on January-19-20 00:01
6 3/8 x 5 1/4, Got this Saturday at local gun show.$5 ea. or 3for $10.
Like a dummy I only bought two. Not that bad of quality, no zippered
pocket though. It's on Rugers website $6.95
Also on Amazon $6.77 free ship with prime.(Search Ruger 19006)

Can you take a picture with it open and your revolver on top?
NAA Products / Re: Cylinder covers
January-11-20 11:01
What kind of container was that
I'm still thinking about where to go. I originally went for feel over look. But now I'm stuck on the looks part. The grips appear out of Ballance as far as to large for the frame. I'm an artist so it kinda gets to me. I have been sick so it's good to just reflect. I feel like the saw dust from the ebony might have helped give me my sinus trouble. Of course everyone around me was sick, so was it the saw dust or just my imagination. Ether way. I'll still order the hardware for them and after a little time I'll finish em a bit more. I'll be sure to post an update.
NAA Products / 4" ranger
December-29-19 19:12

11:30 minute mark discusses the ranger being released in 2020 in a 4" model.

So did I miss something because I just found this out.

Here in California the mini master is available through a single action revolver exemption. I got to get one still before I can't. I hope the ranger has a similar overall length the meet the same requirment.
I'll at least reply with a "no".
NAA Products / Re: New wood to me...
December-19-19 20:12
A display box for the mini.
NAA Products / Kydex
December-19-19 20:12
Anyone here do kydex for their minis?

I got supplies and have to build my press.

I carved this to help avoid trapping the pistol. It slips over the front sight.
Uncle Lee,
So the grip cannot move as it is inletted to the frame.
However do you mean carve the wood back and away from the trigger?

Like removing material drawn in red....

I don't like that the grip angle is as slanted as it is, but it is a little late to change that.
Now to figure out what to do with the top third and around the trigger. I need to think about this.
I did ask...

So I had to thin out the walnut on each side of the panels so the ebony would set flush against the frame.

I put in alignment pins.

I still need to order the (have to reference the spelling) screw thing. I might go with two.

It doesn't look like a lot of progress in the picture but the gun doesn't rattle in the grip. And now with the alignment pins I can start working the contours of the finger grooves.

[attachment deleted by admin]
NAA Products / Earl vs mini master
December-15-19 23:12
Which do you prefer, Earl or mini master?
Pros and cons...
Does the cylinder pin on the Earl have a detent and ball?
Sight picture.

You can weight in on the hogleg too.

I finally got motivated to start mine. Your pictures inspired me.

So I am shooting for comfort and point ability first, Astetic second. Normally looks would dive me, being an artist it's hard to put function over form but for this project I will.

This is a rough glue up, now I'll have to get an escussion (is that what you call the screw and nut?)
Then final shape.

Ebony and walnut.
Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to black powder.

I noticed while operating the super companion, with cci 11's the cylinder did not rotate well. I was dissapointed. So I heard Remington's work better. I was hoping, while reading the thread, this would be your situation too. Now we have some remintons, I hope to see the problem fixed. But as someone mentioned, it could be a cap fragment. I guess when this problem  came up we just forced it and should have rather, looked closely. I haven't tried the remintons, and the desert is a drive so it could be a bit. I'll have to really look close and see if any sense can be made of it next time at the range. Let me know what you find out too. It cycles good when unloaded? We might just try firing with caps only and see how it behaves.
NAA Products / Re: My "collection"
October-09-19 20:10
 I am thinking about a mini master also. Tough, I too am trying to be happy with what I have. it is hard to resist scratching that itch. I try to do things with my guns, like cleaning them or casting lead to pass that feeling over. Especially because I have reciently spent some money on equipment for my shop.

Welcome to the forum (gun funny farm)
NAA Products / Re: 3d printed mini model
September-04-19 18:09
That's fun. I'm could have fun making grips with your printer. Please keep us posted with your multi part.
NAA Products / Re: Cleaning and Lube
September-02-19 20:09
I would not use brake cleaner. Because there are working parts inside that probly need to stay a little wet and brake cleaner would remove any oil from them. You don't want to have to open the side plate to re oil springs.

I would also recommend a bore brush instead of just a qtip so the rifling gets a good cleaning. I know it's tempting because a qtip gets through the barrel, and maybe that's ok some times but every now and again get it right with a brush.
What distance?
NAA Products / Re: Your first Mini
August-27-19 05:08
Quote from: Warthog on August-26-19 20:08
Quote from: Sandy on August-26-19 05:08
We don't intend to qualify any more models for the CA market.
Don't blame you at all Sandy, I wouldn't bother with Ca either.

Honestly, I don't blame you either.